Other British Colonies

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Agenda 3-12
BW – Define
 CW – Other British Colonies
 HW – Study for Test Friday
 QOTD – “If war comes upon us, it will
come as a thief in the night.”
Eamon de Valera
How did Self Rule
come to other British
Notes - 4-7
British Colonies
Canada, New Zealand, & Australia all were
made dominions (given home rule)
because culturally they were very similar
to the British
 Ireland, South Africa, & India also had
movements for home rule but the British
refused to give them independence,
In 1867, Dominion of Canada formed
 Dominion—self-governing but part of
British Empire
Australia and New Zealand
Captain James Cook claims New Zealand
(1769), part of Australia (1770)
 1788, Britain colonizes Australia, makes it
Penal colony
 Upon release, prisoners could buy land
and settle
Free Settlers Arrive
Free people introduce sheep; wool
becomes major export
 Government offers cheap land to
encourage immigration
1900s Australia and New Zealand get
limited self-rule
 In 1893, New Zealand the first nation to
grant women suffrage
English domination of Ireland begins in the
 British imposed their culture & tried to
destroy the Irish culture, banned schools
& the Celtic language
The Great Famine
Irish peasants depend heavily on potatoes
for nourishment
 1845-1848 potato famine destroys entire
crop; one million out of eight million people
 Millions flee Ireland to U.S., Canada,
Australia, Britain
Demand for Home Rule
Many Irish want home rule
 Home rule granted in 1914, then revoked,
by WWI
Rebellion and Division
Frustrated Irish nationalists stage failed
Easter uprising in 1916
 Irish Republican Army—unofficial
military force seeking independence
 In 1921, Ireland splits; Northern Ireland
remains part of Britain
Eamon DeValera – Irish Independence
leader, Anti-treaty, Later President of
 Michael Collins - Irish Independence
leader, General, Helped bring treaty with
England, Assassinated in his hometown.
Independence to Today
Ireland Remains Divided
 Catholic vs. Protestant, Northern Ireland
had a large Protestant population
 South becomes Irish Free State, then
Republic of Ireland in 1949.
 Tensions in north are still high.
Extra Credit – Watch the Full movie
Michael Collins (on Youtube) and come up
with a summary of the movie and at least
25 movie questions to follow it.