Design a flipped class - University of Waterloo

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Transcript Design a flipped class - University of Waterloo

Flipping the Classroom
Dr. Mark Morton
Jane Holbrook
Centre for Teaching Excellence
Our plan for this morning:
• Engage you in a flipped class experience
• Identify what makes a class a “flipped” class
• Discuss the advantages and challenges of teaching a
flipped class
• Design a flipped class experience and identify
technologies, in class learning activities and
assessments that could be used
• Identify which concepts might be taught more
effectively in a flipped class in one of your courses
Mark’s video
What is a “Flipped Classroom”?
Why might we want to do this?
Discuss the advantages and
challenges of teaching a flipped
class with three other people.
Model Flipped Class
Stages and Considerations
• Set the stage for learning by
introducing the out of class task
• Communicate clear expectations
such as why you want them to do
it, how long it will take and
importance of preparation for inclass activity
• Consider appropriate time
commitment and degree of
challenge for the students
Out of Class
• Consider choice of media carefully
• Create your own materials or pull
in outside resources
• Create guiding questions or
prompts for students as they
engage in the task
• Include a way for students to
submit questions about difficult
concepts to facilitate JITT
• Check for evidence of preparation
for in-class activity
• Self assessment quizzes online
can include questions that provide
information about students’
conceptual understanding and
provide formative feedback
• Low stakes assessment at the
beginning of class can motivate
• Activities are linked to course
objectives and assessments
• Peer-to-peer and student-instructor
dialogue is encouraged
• Include opportunities for
collaboration, peer learning in a
low risk environment
• Scalable application activities
(discussion, problem solving,
Screencasting Tools
• Refer to the list Mark compiled on this
CTE Teaching Tip Sheet.
Design a flipped class
Use the handout that Mark and Jane will
distribute during the workshop as a template.
Final words
• Start small – flip a couple classes to start
• Make the learning meaningful
Other Resources
“The Flipped Class Revealed”.
“7 Things You Need to Know about Flipping the Classroom.” A white paper from Information Technology Services at Penn
State University.
“How Flipping the Classroom Can Improve the Traditional Lecture.” Dan Berret. Chronicle of Higher Education. (this link only works if you are on a uWaterloo network).
“Exploding the Lecture.” Steve Kolowich. Inside Higher Ed.
Many amazing resources on flipped classroom strategies from the “Turn to Your Neighbour - Peer Instruction Blog.” , especially see the “7 Myths”
“Let's Use Video to Reinvent Education.” Salman Khan (the founder of the Khan Academy). A 20-minute video of a Ted Talk.
“Five Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom.” Andrew Miller. Edutopia.
“Flipping for Beginners.” Dave Saltman. Harvard Education Letter.
“Confessions of a Converted Lecturer.” Eric Mazur. A 5-minute YouTube video.
“Flipped Training Introduction” by Katie Gimbar. A three-minute YouTube video :
“How do you do make your videos?” by Katie Gimbar.
Derek Bruff's blog on "Flipping Out".
“Flipping a Class” University of Texas -
Active Learning
• Students involved in more than listening
• Less emphasis placed on transmitting information , more on developing
students’ skills
• Students are involved in higher-order thinking (analysis, synthesis,
• Students are engaged in activities (e.g reading, discussion, writing,
• Greater emphasis placed on students’ exploration of their own attitudes
and values
Bomwell and Eisen (1991) Active Learning : Creating excitement in the classroom p2.
One must learn by doing the thing, for though you think you know it-- you have no
certainty until you try.
(Sophocles, 5th c. B.C.)
Considerations/potential challenges
when decided to Flip
• Strategies need to be devised to ensure students actual ingest content outside
- online pre-class assessment to assess concept understanding
- in class low stakes quiz to ensure preparation
- in class activity that requires preparation
• Don’t re-lecture: if students come to class unprepared move forward anyway
• May need to decrease content
• Challenge of large class (not all active learning strategies feasible)
• Students resist change from lecture approach (lecture easy for them)
• It is hard not to lecture! Time/effort required to rethink and prepare both
pre-class and in-class activities
• Thoughtful consideration of technology (tool, content, format)
• What else?
Evidence that active learning works
Hake, (1998) Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: a six-thousand-student
survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. Am J Phys. 66, 64–74.
Prince, (2004) Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research. J of Eng Edu, 93, 223-231.
Recent Science:
Deslauriers et al., (2011) Improved learning in a large-enrollment Physics Class. Science 332,
Tsaushu et al., (2012) Peer learning and support of technology in an undergraduate biology
course to enhance deep learning. CBE – Life Sciences Education 11, 402-412
Haak et al., (2011) Increased structure and active learning reduce the achievement gap in
introductory biology. Science 332, 1213-1216
Crouch and Mazur (2001) Peer instruction: ten years of experience and results. Am. J. Physics 69,
*Andrews et al., (2011) Active learning not associated with student learning in a random
sample of college biology courses. CBE – Life Sciences Education 10, 394-405