Acoustic Theory of S..

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Transcript Acoustic Theory of S..

Robert A. Prosek, Ph.D.
CSD 301
Acoustical Theory
• There is nothing more practical than a good
• The linear source-filter theory is one of the
best in our field
• Based on Gunnar Fant’s “Acoustic Theory
of Speech Production”
• The theory expresses articulatory-acoustic
Acoustical Theory
• The source is vocal fold vibration
• for some consonants, the source is more
• can be in the vocal tract or a combination
of both
• The filter is the vocal tract
• extending from the vocal folds to the lips or
• like all filters, the vocal tract is frequency
Acoustic Theory
• The source and the filter are assumed to be
• this is an assumption made for
• it implies that you can change the output of
the vocal folds without changing the vocal
• vice-versa
• Modeled as a tube closed
at one end and open at the
• the closure is a membrane with a slit in it
• the tube has uniform cross sectional area
• membrane represents the source of energy (vocal
• the energy travels through the tube
• the tube generates no energy on its own
• the tube represents an important class of resonators
• odd quarter length relationship
Vowels (2)
• There are an infinite number of resonances for this tube
• we need only consider the first three or four
• the model is valid to only about 5 kHz
• The model was developed by Chiba and Kajiyama in
• based on pipe organs for which a great deal was
Vowels (3)
• If c=35000 cm/s, and
• l=17.5 cm
• What are the first three resonances?
• The simple tube closed at one end and open at the
other, with the above length, is a reasonable
approximation of /ᴧ/ produced by a male talker
• Some points to note:
Vowels (4)
• A curved tube (vocal tract) and a straight tube (model) behave identically
acoustically out to 5 kHz
• this is because the curve begins to affect acoustic signals with a short
• The resonances are equally spaced if the tube has uniform cross sectional
• Remember: all of the energy comes from the source (vocal fold vibration for
• Changing the length of the tube changes the resonance frequencies
• Influenced by age and sex
• l= 14.5 cm for females
• l= 8.75 cm for children
Vowels (5)
• A one-vowel model isn’t very useful
• Different vowels are modeled, acoustically, by different
vocal tract shapes
• Phonetically, how are vowels distinguished?
• If we place a constriction in the tube (vocal tract)
• the resonances changes
• if you change the articulation, you change the vocal
tract shape, and the resonance frequencies,
amplitudes and bandwidths
Vowels (6)
The output energy of a vowel is the product of
the source energy
the size and shape of the resonator
the radiation characteristic
Glottal source characteristics for vowels
vocal fold vibration is periodic
what does this imply for the spectrum?
f0 or F0 is used to indicate the vocal fundamental frequency
• the amplitude of the harmonics decreases by -12
Vowels (7)
Filter characteristics for vowels
the vocal tract is a dynamic filter
it is frequency dependent
it has, theoretically, an infinite number of resonances
each resonance has a center frequency, an amplitude and a bandwidth
for speech, these resonances are called formants
formants are numbered in succession from the lowest
F1, F2, F3, etc.
A1, A2, A3, etc.
B1, B2, B3, etc.
the formants together form the transfer function
input-output relationship
formants become physically evident only when energized
Vowels (8)
• Radiation characteristic
• acoustic effect when a sound leaves a small area
and enters a large one
• The effect is to raise the slope of the spectrum by +6
• Acoustic Phonetic Relationships for Vowels
• F1 is inversely related to tongue height
• F2 is directly related to tongue advancement
• Lip rounding lowers all formant frequencies
Vowels (9)
• Perturbation Theory
• Volume velocity variations reflect the way air particles
vibrate at a particular point in the vocal tract
• At some points, vibration is minimal (node); at others,
maximal (antinodes)
• For F1, the antinode is at the open end and the node
is at the closed end
• For F2, there are two antinodes and two nodes
• For F3, there are three antinodes and three nodes
• etc.
Vowels (10)
• Perturbation Theory (continued)
• if a change in cross sectional area is applied (a
• the acoustic effect depends on proximity to a node
or an antinode
• near an antinode the formant frequency lowers
• near a node the formant frequency rises
• lip constrictions lower all formant frequencies
• laryngeal constrictions raise all formant frequencies
Vowels (11)
• Amplitude relationships
• amplitudes depend on formant frequencies
• if F1 is lowered (raised), A1 lowers (rises)
• if two formant frequencies move closer together,
then both peaks increase in amplitude
• how do you raise or lower formant frequencies?
Vowels (12)
• Source-Filter Interactions
• Some vocal tract shapes may affect vocal fold
• Singers’ formant
• High impedance constrictions require greater
subglottal air pressure
• Vocal tract - vocal fold coupling during open phase
of vibratory cycle
Consonants (1)
• The linear source-filter theory can be used to describe
the acoustics of consonants as well as vowels
• For consonants, however, the source is not always at
the level of the vocal folds
• some sources are in the vocal tract
• these sources are aperiodic
• durations and amplitudes also are different from
• Nonetheless, source-filter theory gives us a series of
expectations for the acoustic characteristics for
Consonants (2)
Modeled as a tube with a very severe constriction
The air exiting the constriction is turbulent
The Reynold’s number gives the conditions for turbulence
Notice that turbulence can be generated in two ways
Zeros or antiformants can be found in the spectrum
Because of the turbulence, there is no periodicity unless
accompanied by voicing
What does an aperiodic spectrum look like?
Consonants (3)
• When a fricative constriction is tapered
• the back cavity is involved
• this resembles a tube closed at both ends
• Fn=nc/2l
• such a situation occurs primarily for articulation
Consonants (4)
• Nasal consonants
• Velopharyngeal port is open and the oral cavity is
completely blocked at some point
• The side-branch resonator produces antiformants
• The overall vocal tract is longer than for vowels
• What effect does this have on the spectrum?
• Oral formants, nasal formants, nasal antiformants
• Nasal murmur
Consonants (5)
• Stops
• The tube model is not altered very much for stops
• However, the time domain becomes critical
• There is a complete closure of the vocal tract
• Pressure builds up behind the closure
• Rapid release
• The articulation results in a burst and transitions
Consonants (6)
• Other consonants are variations of these
• Affricates
• Liquids
• Glides
• Diphthongs