Research Grants (Key Details)

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Transcript Research Grants (Key Details)

Winning Research Grant Part 2
Presentation by :
Mustafar Kamal Hamzah, Senior Member IEEE
Vice Chair IEEE Malaysia Section
Chair, IEEE Malaysia PEL/IE/IA Joint Chapter
Head of Research (S & T), RMI UiTM
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Research Funding Proposal
No proposal is perfect, but every proposal is perfectible
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Kriteria FRGS (1/2009 Forms)
• Kriteria Asas
– Penyelidikan asas yang di pohon merupakan projek yang menghasilkan
sesuatu idea/konsep/teori/dasar baru
– Hasil penyelidikan yang berpotensi ke arah penyelidikan lanjutan, teknologi or
proses terkini
– Penyelidikan yang akan menambah baik sesuatu metodologi, teori dan konsep
– Penyelidikan yang dapat menghasilkan fakta, maklumat dan pengetahuan
• Teknologi & Kejuruteraan (Di tolak kerana tidak memenuhi salah satu
kriteria berikut)
Tidak mempunyai pelajar M.Sc/PhD dibawah sekim ransangan ekonomi
Penyelidik muda kurang dari lima tahun pengalaman
Tidak menepati kriteria fundamental atau penyelidikan asas
Tidak lengkap mengikut garispanduan/format
Kos melampaui bajet yang di tetapkan
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Competitive Groups FRGS
• Professors
– A/B/C
• Associate Professors/Senior Lecturers
– DM51/DM52/DM53/DM54
• Lecturers
– DM45/DM46
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Least Competitive
Research Management Institute UiTM
Fundamental Research Grant
Pure Science
Technology &
Clinical & Health
Social Science
Arts & Applied Arts
Natural Science &
National Heritage
Our Weakness : A Very Applied University
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Fundamental Research
• Fundamental research is basic research performed for a
specific period and it will not produce benefit in the short
• Intended to encourage new ideas/concept /theory which are
innovative and latest.
Not a Product
• Leading to the advancement of knowledge in the various
research areas.
• Generally the research will focus on:
All about Theory
– accumulation of theories;
– fundamental structures; and
– fundamental processes with the goal of understanding them
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Each Fundamental Research Grant Scheme application must satisfy the following
The research applied can produce new ideas and develop other research.
Research which encompasses humanities and social science issues intended to
improve the values of mankind. (Social Science)
Research which can improve a particular policy and an existing problem solving
methodology. (Social Science)
Research projects which are niche to national strategic projects which can develop
a particular industry of national interest.
– If you are involved at the National Level
Projects which have institutional collaboration will be given some weightage.
All about Theory
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Collaboration Advantage
Research Management Institute UiTM
Research Proposal
Project Title
Research background
Benefits of the project
Submission of Authoritative
Definite Title
– Impact
– Outcomes expected
Project structure
Organisations involved
Project Team
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Definite Problems
Definite Outcomes
Research Proposal
• Experimental design & methodology
• Project activities (Plan of action)
– Key milestone
– Duration of project
– Project schedule
Committed to Produce New
Committed to Train PG
• Project costs
Committed to Publish
– Manpower
– Travelling, Materials, Expenses & Equipments
• Ethical considerations (If relevant)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Conclusive Research
Research Management Institute UiTM
Project Title
Test 1: Google
• Must reflect the work that you would like to do
– Specific Focus and Unique (Not too general)
Test 2 : Google Scholar
• Gives the impression as to the level of work/ intensiveness of
work worthy of the type of grant proposed.
• Signify the status of research that will be performed
– original or value added
– lab based, fundamental
Test 3 : ISI Search
• Signify the area of expertise that you would like to develop
for the country
– If you are involved at the National Level
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Peer Review
To Refrain in Title
• Avoid applied wording such as;
– “Development of…,
– Application of….,
– Design of….., etc
• Restricted scope such as “Malaysian Context”, UiTM
context etc
– A software for Malaysian Rubber Industry…
• Product directions; i.e mapping system, computer
based softwares
– A new computer-based measurement system …
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
To also refrain in title
• Anything implying commercial entities
– A low-cost automated machine ….
• Avoid words that add nothing to a reader's
– Studies on...,
– Investigations...,
– Research …..
– Some Problems in....
– The effects of …
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Acceptable Titles but Weak
• Must have fundamental sense such as;
– “Basic study of…,
– Theoretical investigation of …,
– Mechanism …., etc
• The word “New”
– New techniques in Measurements …
• The word “Algorithms”
– Search algorithms for ….
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
New Acceptable but Weak
Fundamental Study ….
New Model ….
Novel Theory ….
Theoretical Investigation …
Potential of …
Modelling of ..
Assessing …
A Performance Analysis …
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Reduce Multi-Parameter
Increase in Depth
Pilot Study not Width
Research Management Institute UiTM
Outcome : Applied
Research as Future
Details of Researchers &
• ( B) Details of Researcher
– To be provided as requested)
• Research Area – Select appropriate areas as per list
• Location of Research
– If possible, get other institutions to be involved.
– Ex: Theoretical study in UiTM but some fabrication and
measurement are made in other institutions
• Duration of Research appropriately
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Other Researchers
• For new researchers, include experienced
researchers and vice versa.
– Minimum two researcher
– Suggest three (3) researchers in team, maximum of five
– A balanced team would be desirable as it would reflect the
team’s track record. Don’t forget to include CV.
• Senior Head/Junior Collaborator
• Junior Head/Senior Collaborator
• No PhD (Find One)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Overall Research Approach
• Introduction
– What is the current situation
– What is wrong with the current situation.
– State your rationale for conducting the current project
(what is the solution that you are offering).
• Hence there is a need to ……..
• Objectives
– Must be within the priority areas of granting agencies.
– When writing, use result-oriented wordings eg:
• To define.......................
• To determine...............
• To assess .......................
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Executive Summary
• Executive Summary
– Abstract of Work Proposed
– Do not write a thesis on this. This is an abstract of 300 words (FRGS)
– Include the background of research, objectives, research methodology
and expected outcomes from the research project
• Concise and compact
• No citation
– Very important as evaluators tend to only read this when time is
limited. May not even read further if summary is poorly written
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Research Background
• Literature Review summary
impact-oriented/value added
guide towards producing original research / value added research
Short but thorough enough
• Has a similar study been done before. If yes, where, how, what were the
findings. Frequency of occurrence/prevalence in the previous study.
• What is wrong with the current situation. State your rationale for
conducting the current project (what is the solution that you are
offering/proposed work).
• Uniqueness
– Quote the relevant references
• (not more than 15 (12 to 15); preferably 60% from last 18 months)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Research Background (Major
• Introduction
– Literature Review Summary including work of others
– Some relevant background to solutions
• Problem Statement/Research Questions
– Problems to solve
– Questions to answer
• Hypothesis to Solutions
– Solutions to problems
– Answers to Research Questions
• Significance and Uniqueness in work
– Advantage, Simplifications, Impact
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Research Methodology
• Describe how you plan to carry it out
– Include a flow chart
– Must have a Gantt Chart
– Milestone for every 6 months
• Include all relevant details such as
– What do you plan to do
– How ?
– Study area
• where you plan to study/collect samples from
– Equipment used
– Where you plan to do
– Sample size / No of tests to be done
• Is it statistically significant ?
• Sample size is important since it has a bearing on project costs.
• Do you need approval from government ministries to do the work. If yes, attach
the approval letter.
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Equipment in Research
3. Implementation of Experimental Verifications
To verify validity of the proposed technique, basic test
equipments including; volt-meter, ammeter, wattmeter
together with basic DC supply for controller will be used.
A frequency generator will be used to generate test
waveforms. A special DC supply (600V, 10A) will be used to
provide the DC rail voltage for inverter operation.
A new high sampling oscilloscope will be used to record
waveforms presenting the performance and behaviour of
the proposed work that includes;
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Ethical Considerations
• Protocols for projects involving human subjects need ethical
• Should state risks or inconveniences VS benefits for human
• Procedure to inform subjects. Consent form need to be
attached for perusal
• Confidentiality should be emphasized.
• Incentives / honorarium provided should be stated
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Expected Results
• Novel theories/New findings/Knowledge – Specific to
the research carried out
• Research Publications – Journals with impact factor
as well as in international conferences proceedings
• Specific or Potential Applications • Number of PhD and Masters (by research) Students
– as per guidelines which is dependent on duration
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Outcome (Human Capital &
Human Capital
• Three (3)- year project
– Is required to train at least one (1) Ph.D student or three (2) Masters
students or a combination of both.
• OR
• Two (2)-year project:– Is required to train one (1) Ph.D student or one (1) Masters students
or a combination of both.
• Publication
– Minimum two indexed publication
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
• Follow Guidelines
Only Principal Researcher to go
overseas (paper presentation)
• Vote 11000 - Salary and wages
– Ph.D : RM2000.00
– M.Sc : RM1500.00
• Vote 21000 - Travelling Expenses and Subsistence
• (Not to Exceed 40% of Project Cost)
– Overseas conference : 20% (<RM15,000)
– Overseas field trip/data collection : 40% of total cost
• Rentals (V 24000)
– Equipments etc /Software licenses
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Budget (2)
• Vote 27000 - Research Materials & Supplies (Including
Animals, Disposables, etc)
– Includes special documents
• Minor modifications and repairs (V 28000)
– Repairs of equipments/renovations
• Vote 29000 – (max 10%)
– Professional Services, Training for subjects for 3 Weeks to 3 Months &
other services including printing & hospitality, Honorarium for
• Special equipment, accessories (V 35000)
– Indicate in Research Methodology where equipment is used.
– (Not more than 40%)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Budget (Guidelines)
• Minimise purchase of Equipment
• Research Assistants (Salary and Wages)
– Young Lecturer without Ph.D
• (2 M.Sc x RM1.5K x 24 months = RM72,000)
– PhD Holder
• (1 PhD x RM2K x 24 months = RM48,000)
• (1 M.Sc x RM1.5K x 24 months = RM36,000)
• Commit to present paper overseas
– Allocate RM15,000.00 for travelling
– Allocate fees RM5000 for fees
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Not about solving World Problems
Structure of Proposal
About Solving Basic Theory
About Flaws/Gaps in Basic Theory
Remove Association with Applications
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Critical Proposal Component
Project title
– One line summary of research
Include Objectives & Method
To solve problems
Key outline of activities in research
Recommended to limit to 3/4 items (>RM200,000)
Limit to 2/3 (<RM100,000)
Basic Dana Kecemerlangan (Only One)
Problem Statement/Research Questions
– No of items to match objectives
Problems to overcome
Research Methodology
4-5 Activities (12 months) : Dana Kecemerlangan
5-6 Activities (18 months) : ScienceFund
Maximum 7 Activities (2 years)
Maximum 9 activities (3 years)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Approach to Solutions
Research Management Institute UiTM
Roof Leak (Simple Example)
• Problem Statement/Research Questions
– You have a leak in the roof of you house
Problems to overcome
• Objectives
– To solve the roof leak using a ROOF SEALANT
To solve problems
• Project title
– Implementation of solution to roof leak in your house using roof
• Research Methodology
Include Objectives & Method
– Go to a hardware shop; buy a sealant
– Find a ladder to climb the roof
Approach to Solutions
– Seal the leak
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Titles (Life-Science Applications)
1. Cytotoxic dollabellanes from Seaweed Dictyota sp– does not reflect what work to be done
2. Malaria and Helminth co-infection: new insights for
malaria control –
– reflects the work to be done
3. Identification and characterization of cytotoxic proteins
in acute typhoid
– E Science (exploratory)
4. Role of cytotoxic proteins in the pathogenenesis of
acute typhoid
– Fundamental
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Source : Prof Asma USM
Research Management Institute UiTM
Comparison (Engineering)
• Reduce Single-Phase Matrix Converter Topology
– Original Title
• AC-DC Single-Phase Matrix Converter with Reduced Switch Count
and Unity Power Factor Wave-shaping Current Control
– Final Title
• Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UiTM
• Power Electronics Research Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, UiTM
– Research Biased
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Problem Statement and Objectives
Two Objectives with Two Solutions
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Main Background
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Main Background
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Latest Reference
Submission in December/Reference in Nov 2009 (Impact Factor Pub)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Expected Results
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Expected Results
Very generic applications and leading to applied research
Tentative Postgraduate Titles
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Executive Summary
Scope of Work & Outcome
Not associated with Products
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Ex : Natural Science & Natural Heritage
• Potential of earthworms for sludge-based
vermicompost production and human healthcare
Components of Executive Summary
• Background
• Problem Statement
• Objectives
• Method
• Outcome
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Executive Summary
Background &
Nowadays, increasing number of populations, industries and agricultural activities in Malaysia
produced large amounts of organic wastes such as sewage sludge, livestock manure,
industrial sludges and others thus creating economical and environmental problems.
Thereby, this research is an attempt to promote proper waste management via organic
fertilizer production applying earthworms assisted bioremediation technique. Specifically, this
research objectives are i) to study the potential of various types of sludges, animal and
agricultural wastes as organic fertilizer using vermiculture technology and ii) to determine
earthworms basic chemical properties that suitable for medicinal purposes and iii) to
investigate the antioxidant, anti-aging and skin-whitening properties of earthworms extract for
cosmeceutical application.
Pot trial experiment will be conducted under greenhouse conditions involving 5 types of
sludge, 5 types of worm species and 4 types of organic wastes with 4 replicates and 6
mixtures ratios for each treatment levels using factorial arrangement of treatment design.
Physico-chemical analysis including heavy metals accumulation in the vermicompost, sludge
and earthworms bioactive ingredients will be analysed using atomic absorption
spectrophotometer and high performance liquid chromatograpy.
At the end of the experiment, it is expected that we will discover the potential ability of different
types of sludge produced in Malaysia as an organic fertilizer using vermiculture approach. In
addition, the ultimate aim is to produce high quality of sludge-based vermicompost and get
basic knowledge of earthworm potential use for human healthcare.
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Pharmacy (UiTM)
Brain Impairment
• Alzheimer’s disease: Genetic Polymorphisms of CR1, CLU and
relates to Brain
• Makmal Neurosains, Fakulti Farmasi, Bangunan FF3, Aras 6, UiTM
Kampus Puncak Alam, 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor
• Klinik Psikitrik, Menara Utama, Universiti Malaya Medical Centre,
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Psychiatric relates
to brain
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Problem Statement/Hypothesis/Significance
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Objective VS Problems
Observe the link of Problem Statement & Hypothesis VS Objectives
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Activity 3 to 9
Completion of evaluation of multiplex primers for MB and DNA-dipstick
Completion of evaluation of detection formats for MB and DNA-dipstick
Selection of final MB and DNA-dipstick formats: Field Trials using clinical
Designed and purchased of primers and probes for MB and DNA-dipstick
Evaluation and parameter determination of detection formats for MB and DNAdipstick (Activity)
Commissioning of Real-time PCR machine
Evaluation and parameter determination of multiplex primers for MB and DNAdipstick (Activity)
Milestone : Once
every 6 months
Design and purchase of primers and probes for MB and DNA-dipstick (Activity)
(Life-Science Applications)
Purchase of reagents and equipments (Activity)
Key Activity & Milestone
Review and selection of final MB and DNA-dipstick formats
Field Trials using clinical specimens(Activity)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Completion of field trials
Source : Prof Asma USM
Research Management Institute UiTM
Things NOT to DO (FRGS)
Some make changes because they are Senior Lecturer
Some changed to 500 words !!
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Things NOT to DO (FRGS)
Some took cover &
maintain the back
part !!
Some make changes to research area trying to redefine !!
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Advisable NOT to DO (FRGS)
Too many objectives
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
• The proposed topology and its synthesis will be
verified through a series of design simulations,
prototypes fabrication and measurements.
– Implying product
• The proposed topology and its synthesis will be
investigated through a series of computer
simulations, fabricated and verified
– Only experimental verifications
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Failed VS Success
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Failed FRGS Project (1)
• Instruction and assessment framework for advanced calculus with
• A Multiple Regression Analysis of Student Academic Achievement
in East Coast Malaysia
• New approach to evaluate Rubber-Filler Interaction of filled-Rubber
• Formulation of a New Hybrid Algorithm For Digital Mammography
Image Enhancement Based On Wavelet
• Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Macaranga
pruinosa and Macaranga heynei
• Synthesis, Antioxidant & Anticancer Activities of Stilbene Analogues
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Failed FRGS Titles Lecturer (2)
• Quality and Nutritional properties of Instant
Masak Lemak Cili Api
• Chemical Fingerprinting and infrared spectrum
of unevaporated and evaporated commercial
gasoline samples distributed in Malaysia
• Evaluation of Hotel's Indoor Air In Urban Areas
• Improved Algorithm and Uncertainly Analysis for
Intense . .
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Failed FRGS Titles (3)
• Comparative assessment on the unified rail shear test methods with
full field strain measurement for composite materials and polymers
• From Waste To Wealth - A New Formulation of Waste Rubber
binder in Metal Injection Moulding of M2 High Speed Steel
• Urban Growth Model and Prediction Using The Combination of
Intelligent Techniques and Cellular Automata
• Protection of Mobile Location Privacy Using Trusted Platforms
Module With Emphasis on Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Failed FRGS Titles (Tech & Eng)
Investigation into Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signal Characteristics For
Human-System Interaction
Establlishment of the Principal of Haptic Sensations using Piezoelectric
materials for Medical Applications (PRGS)
Flow-Mapping For Low-Cost, Biodegradable Palm Oil-Based Drilling Fluid
The Adaption of Human Computer Interaction(HCI) in ICT Industry in
Development Of Novel Fliters From Oil Fiber Treatment Of Palm Oil Mill
The Impact Of A Web-Based Project Management System (WPMS)
Application For Malaysian Construction Industry
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Failed FRGS Titles (Professors/Social Science)
• Web-Based corporate Reporting Index and XBRC
Implementation in signing the level of corporate
• Developing Criteria Guidelines for Social Impact
Assessment (SIA) in Development Plan and
Development Proposal Report under the town and
country Planning System in Malaysia
• Budgets: To Abandon or to Improve? - A Survey
Budgeting practices of Malaysian Companies
• Brand Image, Revitalization and Implementation of
Strategies for Taman Negara
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Failed FRGS Titles 2 (Professors/Social Science)
• An Investigation of special Instruction needs for
learning material amongst dyslexic children
numeracy problem
• Achieving world class status: Webometrics
analysis of Malaysian Universities-Research
productivity, international collaboration and
international impact
• Characterization of Supervisory Leadership in
Post Graduate Supervision In Public Universities
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Failed FRGS Titles (AP/Social Science)
• Pengurusan Dana Hospital Islam : Kajian Kes di
Hospital PUSRAWI dan Hospital Waqaf an-Nur
• Instruction and Assessment Module for
Advanced Calculus with Computer Algebra
• Measuring Universities' Corporate Real Estate
Management using Balanced Scorecard
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Exploratory Area
Basic Research
Additional Focus (ERGS)
PFC Rectifier
Power Electronics
Reduced AC-DC SPMC PFC Rectifier for Battery Charger
Applied Research
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
• Reduced AC-DC SPMC (FRGS)
• Power Factor Corrected Rectifier Using Reduced AC-DC
– Power Factor Corrected Rectifier based on Reduced AC-DC
– Reduced AC-DC SPMC for Power Factor Corrected Rectifier
• Reduced AC-DC SPMC PFC Rectifier for Battery
Charger (PRGS)
– Battery Charger Using Reduced AC-DC SPMC PFC Rectifier
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Approved Project (SSP)
Physiological and Hematological Stress Response to Video-game Playing
Among Adolescents in Malaysia (ERGS)
– Adolescents Video-game Playing Physiological and Hematological Stress
Response (FRGS)
Optimal Aggregate Decision Model of Healthy Malay Food Concepts at
Food Outlets
– Healthy Malay Food Concepts Optimal Aggregate Decision Model of Food
Outlets (ERGS)
– Healthy Malay Food Concepts Optimal Aggregate Decision Model (FRGS)
Financial Fraud Risks and Internal Control System of Malaysian Companies
: Extending the Fraud Triangle Theory to Fraud Diamond Theory
– Fraud Diamond Theory (FRGS)
– Fraud Diamond Theory for Financial Fraud Risks and Internal Control System of
Malaysian Companies (ERGS)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Business Title
• Business Relationship Commitment Model (FRGS)
• A New Corporate Efficiency Performance Measurement
Model Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Technique
– Corporate Efficiency Performance Measurement Model Based
on Data Envelopment Analysis Technique (ERGS)
– Data Envelopment Corporate Efficiency Performance
Measurement Model (FRGS)
• Modelling Sukuk Structures by using Embedded Options
as a Risk Mitigation Technique
– Embedded Options Risk Mitigation Sukuk Structures Model
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Approved Project (Tech & Eng)
Lamda-max Criteria Weight Determination in an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy
Inference System (ERGS)
– Lamda-max Criteria Weight Determination Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference
System (FRGS)
A New Classifier Based on the Integration of Jaccard and Mahalanobis
Equations in Shape Recognition (ERGS)
– Jaccard and Mahalanobis Equations Shape Recognition Classifier (FRGS)
On Combining an Orthogonal Space Time Turbo Trellis Codes and
Continuous Phase Modulation Using New Channel State Information
Algorithm (ERGS)
– Channel State Information Continuous Phase Modulation Orthogonal Space
Time Turbo Trellis Codes (FRGS)
The Feasibility of PrEmo as a new Emotion Measurement Tool in Kansei
Engineering Methodology (ERGS)
– PrEmo Emotion Kansei Engineering Measurement Tool (FRGS)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Titles (Teknologi & Engineering)
• Characterization of Honeycomb Sandwich
Composite Panel Delamination based on Strain
Mapping (ERGS)
– Strain Mapping Honeycomb Sandwich Composite
Panel Delamination Characterization/Model/Theory
• Dynamic user management model in interactive
networked collaborative environment (ERGS)
– Dynamic user interactive networked collaborative
environment management model (FRGS)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Titles 2 (Teknologi & Engineering)
• Optimisation of EEG acquisition from movement
– Optimised Movement Imagination EEG Acquisition
• Integrated Bacteria Detection and Assessment
Technique using AC Electrokinetics
– AC Electrokinetics Integrated Bacteria Detection
Technique (Project 1)
– AC Electrokinetics Integrated Bacteria Assessment
Technique (Project 2)
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Titles 3 (Teknologi & Engineering)
• A Hybrid Fuzzy-SVM Image Steganographic Model in
Securing Information
– Fuzzy-SVM Image Steganographic Securing Information
• Modelling of an X-Ray Fluorescene Analyzer and Its
Correlation on the Elemental Composition Defects of
Ceramics Electrolyte
– X-Ray Fluorescene Analyzer and Its Correlation on the
Elemental Composition Defects of Ceramics Electrolyte Model
• Residual Stress Characteristic in Plastic Encapsulation
Semiconductor Packaging Process
– Plastic Encapsulation Semiconductor Packaging Residual Stress
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Titles 4 (Mathematics & Computer)
• Data sharing management model in
networked collaborative environment
– Networked Collaborative Environment Data
sharing Management Model (FRGS)
• A Fixed Effects Estimator in Panel Count
Model (ERGS)
– Panel Count Fixed Effects Estimator Model
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
The Future
The road to future is uncertain
In research slowly but surely
• In the Kingdom of the blind the One Eyed Man is
the KING (Research Leader)
• BUT even the blind can be the King if one dares to
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM
Thank You for Your Attention
Do not submit Guarantee Unsuccessful
Submit pun belum tentu dapat
Questions & Discussion
Mar 2011 (Mustafar)
Research Management Institute UiTM