Transcript EFWG-02-05e

DG Enterprise and Industry
Enforcement Working Group meeting
27 June 2013
2013 update on enforcement policies
and developments
in the EU type-approval legislation
for automotive products
Philippe JEAN
Sustainable Mobility &
Automotive Industry Unit
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Mission of the Sustainable Mobility and
Automotive Industry Unit:
Internal Market & External Competitiveness
 Internal Market:
Ensuring free movement in the EU of
safe and clean automotive products
through type-approval legislation
Health & Safety:
“Passive” & “Active”
Emissions (CO2, pollutant emissions, noise)
Consumer Protection: Recalls, RAPEX, market surveillance
 External Competitiveness:
Ensuring long-term viability of
European Automotive Industry
on the global market
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Market surveillance developments in 2012/2013
Stakeholders recommendations:
CARS 21 final report: "Checking the products on the market"
 need to improve/strengthen the implementation & enforcement of EU type-approval
legislation by complementing it with market surveillance provisions
 products not conforming to requirements and/or dangerous for safety or environment,
as well as counterfeits, should be identified, and being prevented to enter the EU
market or withdrawn when found on the market
 current legal provisions on the recall of vehicles and automotive products should be
enhanced to ensure that they will be properly enforced
 exchange of data between type-approval authorities on the application of the
safeguard clauses set out in type-approval legislation should be streamlined
 necessary provisions should be adopted at EU level to ensure that products holding a
UNECE approval are actually in compliance with the relevant UNECE requirements.
 In addition, a parallel process should take place within UNECE to consider
improvement of the current provisions in the 1958 Agreement
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Market surveillance developments in 2012/2013
European Commission's response:
CARS 2020 Action Plan for the EU automotive industry: "Smart regulation"
 a revision of the procedures for the surveillance of the automotive products placed on
the EU market is needed, in order to make sure that vehicles are safe and citizens can
fully trust the regulatory framework put in place
 this will contribute to establishing a level playing field among all actors and to
increased trust of consumers in effective product regulation, while limiting
administrative burdens
 comprehensive and consistent application of principles of smart regulation will be
ensured, integrating an in-depth assessment of the impacts on industry, society and
other stakeholders, notably the associated costs and benefits
 these principles will ensure that the legislation will be well-targeted and cost-effective.
 Commission will propose to enhance the type-approval framework to include
provisions for market surveillance in areas where a need has been identified, to ensure
that vehicles and their components are safe and compliant with relevant legal
requirements, and that the relevant policy objectives are achieved
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Market surveillance developments in 2012/2013
European Commission's response (continued):
 Market surveillance provisions already introduced in the revised type-approval
legislation for vehicles of categories L (motorcycles) and T (tractors)
 Fitness check study on the type-approval legislation for vehicles of categories M,N & O:
(1) Market surveillance is an important missing element in the current type
approval legislation. It is identified as an important tool to address the presence
of non-compliant products and to complement the ex-ante type approval
(2) The recall system needs to be clarified, in particular to ensure that vehicles
recalled in one Member State be recalled elsewhere. At the same time, the
current safeguard procedures should be addressed.
 Proposal to amend EU type-approval legislation for vehicles of categories M,N & O to
include market surveillance provisions for early 2014
 No support in WP.29 informal group on IWVTA to include market surveillance
provisions in the revised 1958 Agreement
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Recalls of automotive products in 2012/2013
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
RAPEX notifications for motor vehicles: rising trend!
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Recalls of automotive products in 2012/2013
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Recalls of automotive products in 1st half of 2013
62 notifications:
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Recalls of automotive products in 1st half of 2013
62 notifications:
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Recalls of automotive products in 1st half of 2013
62 notifications:
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
Observations/ Recommendations:
 Recall data to be shared between Contracting Parties
 Analysis of recall data to be used as feed-back for development
of UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations
 Introduction of market surveillance provisions in WP.29
 Focus on highest risks / vulnerable systems
Automotive Industry Unit
DG Enterprise and Industry
More information?
Market surveillance:
EU Commission Sustainable Mobility & Automotive Industry Unit:
Thank you for your attention!