Refresher - Atlantic Edge Dive Center | Staff Resources

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Atlantic Edge Dive Center
Refresher Course
Atlantic Edge Dive Center
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Let Atlantic Edge’s
super staff be your
dive consultants!
Let’s Get Started
Liability Release
Scuba concepts,
science and theory
Quiz 1A
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Effects of Increasing Pressure
Air spaces most affected by increased pressure –
ears, sinuses and mask
As water pressure increases with descent,
volume decreases
If you continue to descend you will feel
a squeeze on your air spaces
To avoid discomfort –
equalize early and often
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Equalization Techniques
Equalize every metre/few feet while descending
before you feel discomfort
Pinch your nose and blow gently - wiggle your jaw
If you have difficulty equalizing
Ascend a few feet
and attempt to equalize
Be patient and gentle,
or end the dive
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Effects of Decreasing Pressure
Expanding air can cause lung over expansion –
lung rupture
Lung over expansion can lead to
severe injuries including
paralysis and death
To avoid this, permit the pressure
to equalize - breathe normally
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Most Important Rule
The lungs can be injured by even minimal pressure
changes if you hold your breath
It’s important to always breathe continuously when
using scuba - even in shallow water
The most important rule in scuba diving is to
“Breathe continuously
and never, never
hold your breath”.
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Decompression Sickness
Bubbles blocking blood circulation after diving is
called decompression sickness (DCS)
Variables: Depth, dive time and diver condition
Use extra caution with: age, obesity, lack of physical
Stay well hydrated
Dive within the limits of dive tables
and computers
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Safety Stops
A safety stop provides extra time for your body to
eliminate nitrogen – a good idea on any dive
A safety stop is required if:
The dive is 30 metres/100 feet or deeper
Within three pressure groups
of a no decompression limit
You reach any limit on the
RDP or your computer
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Nitrogen Narcosis
Nitrogen narcosis:
Impairs a diver’s judgment and coordination
May cause a false sense of security
May cause a disregard for safety
May cause anxiousness and poor decisions
Immediately ascend to shallower depths to
relieve the narcosis
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Flying After Diving
Flying after diving recommendations:
Wait a minimum surface interval of 12 hours prior
to ascent to altitude
If you plan to make daily, multiple dives for
several days or make dives requiring
decompression stops, you should wait for an
extended surface interval beyond 12 hours
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
BUOYANCY: Positive, Negative & NEUTRAL!
Safe on surface
Streamlined UW
Protect the environment
Body weight, size &
Water: salt v. fresh
How do you determine your
optimal weight requirements?
Fine tune with your breathing!
New Open Water student,
perfecting her buoyancy in Turks
and Caicos.
Know your limits and pace yourself to avoid
If you experience overexertion symptoms underwater
- stop all activity, breathe deeply and rest
Hold onto an object for support, if possible, and relax
until your breathing returns to normal
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Heat Loss Underwater
Left unchecked, body heat loss can lead to hypothermia
To avoid hypothermia – wear exposure protection
for the environment
When you begin to shiver continuously –
get out of the water immediately,
dry off and seek warmth
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Surface Problem Management
Control or prevent surface problems by:
Diving within limitations
Relaxing while you dive
If you have a problem at the surface –
immediately establish positive buoyancy
by inflating the BCD or dropping weights
Call for help if needed
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Buddy System / Dive Plan
Avoid problems :
A dive plan:
Agree on entry, exit points and
Is simple and should be flexible
dive objective
Takes only minutes to discuss
Agree upon time & depth limits
Can offer plenty of options
Review communications
depending on what you find
Discuss emergency procedures
Discuss how to stay together &
what to do if separated…
… Search One Minute then Surface!
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
… Plan your dive and dive your plan!
Local Wisdom
To dive in an area for the first time - get an
orientation to the local area
The PADI Discover Local Diving experience is one
way to do this
Find out:
What’s interesting about the site
What to watch for
Unique dive skills or procedures
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Fragile Environment
Minimize accidental damage :
Swim next to reef rather than above it
Watch your buoyancy – don’t dive over weighted
Turn sideways to look under ledges
Keep your hoses secured
Respect all Marine Life!
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Aquatic Animals
Avoid potential problems with aquatic life:
Treat all animals with respect
Be cautious in extremely murky water
Avoid wearing shiny, dangly jewelry
Remove any speared fish from the water immediately
Wear gloves and an exposure suit
Maintain neutral buoyancy – move slowly and carefully
Avoid contact with unfamiliar animals
Atlantic Edge - Refresher
Test Your Knowledge
Test your
understanding of
Diving Theory with a
Quick Quiz
Quiz 1A
Now, Let’s Get Wet!
Review the basics
Check out your gear
Fine tune your
Review Sticker for
Nitrox or other
Atlantic Edge - Refresher