Transcript File


 Close Reading Analysis   Observations and conclusions Inferences  Corroboration   How do the documents interact with one another?

Do they corroborate or contradict?

 What are the sources of their agreement or disagreement?

Observations and conclusions; Inferences

Lithograph by Edward Williams Clay, 1834 Observations and conclusions; Inferences


 Corroboration    How do the documents interact with one another?

Do they corroborate or contradict?

What are the sources of their agreement or disagreement?

The Age of Jackson

The Jacksonian Period (1824-1848) has been celebrated as the era of the “common man.” Thinking about economic development, politics, and social reform movements, to what extent did this period live up to its characterization?


 Tonight (11/18) Watch Age of Jackson:

Crash Course in American History #14

 Tonight (11/18) Review Chapter 13 Cornell Notes, Age of Jackson Lecture Notes (and

corresponding Adam Norris video

)  Tomorrow: Complete the APUSH Review: Chapters 11-13 (first without notes; then look back)  Looking ahead:  Read Chapter 14 (due Thursday 11/21) and 15 (due Monday 11/25)   Not requiring Cornell Notes B for these chapters, but you will be accountable for them through online quizzes and your period 4 test.

Period 4 test Tuesday - Wednesday the 26-27 th  FRQ and Multiple Choice

The “Corrupt Bargain” Election of 1824

 4 candidates for President: Andrew Jackson (TN), John Q. Adams (MA), Henry Clay (KY), George Crawford (GA)  None win majority of electoral vote  Per 12 th amendment (1804), House votes on top 3  Clay out  Clay (Speaker of the House) throws support behind Adams  Adams wins (#6); Clay becomes Secretary of State  Jackson, who won majority of popular vote, is furious

Democratic participation

“Old Hickory”

 Was seen as a “common man”  Strong unionist & nationalist, believed in federal supremacy over the states  “Spoils” System: giving government jobs in exchange for political support  Believed the more people in office, the more government is truly by the people

Tariff of Abominations (black tariff) (1828)

 Tariffs, especially this one, promote sectional differences  South Carolina proposed that the state should nullify the tariff  Fear over federal interference with slavery; Denmark Vesey’s rebellion (1822)  VP John C. Calhoun secretly penned the

South Carolina Exposition

Connection: Where does the logic of nullification come from?

“Nullies” in South Carolina

 Tariff of 1832  Reduced the tariff amount, but still high enough to anger the South  South Carolina legislature nullifies tariff   Threatened to

secede from the union

by force (Nullification Crises) if federal government tries to collect duties Jackson dispatched naval, mulitary reinforcements; quietly mobilized army 

Henry Clay

resolved the issue:  Compromise Tariff of 1833   Tariff would be reduced by 10% per year for 8 years Prevents a Civil War  Force Bill, “Bloody” Bill (1833)  President can use the military to collect federal tariffs

“Civilizing” the Native Americans

 Washington acknowledges Indians as independent nation  Treaties are constantly violated; territorial lines redrawn to the loss of Native Americans  Assimilation     1787 Society for Propagating the Gospel Among Indians 1793 Congress appropriated $20,000 for promotion of literacy, agriculture, vocational instruction Southern tribes, “Civilized Tribes,” accommodated Cherokee  Alphabet, written legal code, written constitution, cotton plantation and slaveholding (1,300), newspaper, dress

The Trail of Tears

 Indian Removal Act (1830)  Removal of Native Americans beyond the Mississippi to Oklahoma  “Trail of Tears” 1831-38   1831 Choctaw – 1832 Seminole – 1833 Creek – 1837 Chicasaw – 1838 Cherokee 1838 18,000 Cherokees forcibly removed from their homes and marched 1,000 miles to Indian Territory (Oklahoma)  Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831)  Court ruled that the Cherokee nation was not a foreign nation with the right to sue Federal Court  Worcester v. Georgia (1832)  Rules that the law of Georgia had no force within the boundaries of the Cherokee land and the Cherokee could not be required to move west 

Jackson ignores, (allegedly says) “John Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it.”

The Trail of Tears (1831 – 1838)

The Bank War

 Jackson hated BUS, distrusted monopolies and big businesses  Clay (KY) and Webster (MA) pushed for new charter in 1832, four years before 2 nd charter expired  Jackson used veto  Connection: Supreme Court declared BUS2 constitutional in which case?

Clay dubs Jackson King Andrew the First, forms Whigs

 1833, Jackson decides to “bury” the bank by removing federal funds  Nicholas Biddle, president of the BUS, is forced to recall loans  creates economic “panic”  BUS is dead due to lack of funds (with four years left)  1836, w/economy spiraling out of control, Jackson calls Specie Circular:   No more speculation on credit: All public lands must by purchased with “hard” currency (gold) Helps contribute to panic and crash in 1837

Panic of 1837

 What caused Panic of 1837?

   Speculation of western land (buy low, sell for profit) Bank War Specie Circular, shortage of gold  “Pet” Banks:  State banks in which the federal gov. deposited funds after the death of BUS  A way of showing patronage (spoils)

 NOT yet part of the United States


 1823, a newly independent Mexico granted to Stephen Austin what is today Texas:  Mexico encourages immigration of Catholics  1830, Mexico emancipated slaves, tensions between Mexico and the US increased  Texas declares independence from Mexico in 1836    Sam Houston named commander-in-chief Santa Anna (leader of Mexico) sends 6,000 troops into Texas (Remember) The Alamo: 13-day siege, all Americans are killed  Battle of San Jacinto:  Sam Houston captures Santa Anna, signs 2 treaties:   Withdraws Mexican troops, recognizes boundary of Texas (will come into play in Mexican-American War!) Later Santa Anna will claim he signed under duress, treaties null and void  Texas wants to join Union  Fear from North over slavery  Jackson recognizes Republic of Texas on Jackson’s last day in office  Still, NOT part of the United States

“Age of Jackson” Legacy

 Jackson elected via a more democratic process and yet he concentrated more power in the executive, in a thoroughly undemocratic way.

 Disastrous fiscal policies; initiated large-scale Indian Removal  Argued that the president is most important democratically elected official in the country  Expansion of democracy  Important caveat: Women, blacks, Native Americans denied the vote  The beginnings of the modern American political system  Whigs (Northern, business) vs. Democrats (Southern, agrarian slavery)