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Transcript MSDM III -

Dony Eko Prasetyo, S.IP.

Edukasi:  S1 : Departemen Hubungan Internasional, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga  S2 : Sedang menyelesaikan Program Magister Management, majoring HRM, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Airlangga Peminatan Study: Politik Luar Negeri, Bisnis Internasional, Ekonomi Politik Internasional, Organization Behaviour, Manajemen Lintas Budaya Work experience:   Lecturer assistance in Indonesia Foreign Affairs subject and Geopolitics and geostrategic subject (2006 – 2007) Senior Merchandiser, PT. Eratex Djaja, Tbk. (2007 – 2009)  Outsourcing Staff in Cooperation Division Surabaya City Government, sub division foreign affairs (2009 – 2010) Contact details: Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

YM: donyekoprasetyo; dony_eko_prasetyo Skype: dony_eko_prasetyo

   

Mata kuliah wajib (MKB) Total kredit: 6 SKS Dosen-dosen pengampu

  Evi Silvana Muchsinati, SE., Msi Dony Eko Prasetyo, S.IP.

Silabus bisa di download di eri-kuliah/msdm-iii/

     Daft, Richard L., 2007, Understanding The Theory and Design of Organization, 9th ed, Thomson Learning.

Dessler, Gary, 2008, Human Resources Management, 10th ed, Prentice Hall.

Mondy & Noe (2008), Human Resource Management, Tenth Edition, Pearson International Edition.

Dreher, George and Thomas Dougherty, (2001), Human Resource Strategy: A Behavioral Perspective for the General Manager, 1st Ed, Mc Graw Hill Kotler,P, (2006) Marketing, Prentice Hall

  

Pra UTS diampu oleh Dony Eko Prasetyo, S.IP.

Pasca UTS diampu oleh Evi Silvana Muchsinati, SE., Msi Waktu toleransi telat : 15 menit

   Individual Task  Setiap mahasiswa diharuskan membuat ‘review’ chapter yang akan dibahas di kelas Group Task  Akan ada presentasi kelompok, diharapkan setiap kelompok mencari medium scale business dan melakukan analisa berdasar topik sesuai silabus Big Task  Setiap mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk mencari satu perusahaan kelas menengah dan kemudian menganalisisnya secara mendalam dengan memilih salah satu topik yang ada dalam pertemuan, laporan akan dipresentasikan pada pertemuan 23-28. format laporan  Latar belakang      Masalah Tinjauan pustaka Pembahasan Solusi Kesimpulan

Ini ceritera tentang empat orang yang bernama: Everybody, Somebody , Anybody dan Nobody.

Ada satu tugas penting yang harus dikerjakan dan Everybody diminta untuk mengerjakannya. Everybody yakin bahwa Somebody akan mengerjakannya. Sebetulnya Anybody dapat mengerjakannya, tetapi Nobody yang mengerjakannya. pikir bahwa Anybody Somebody marah sebab itu tugas Everybody. Everybody dapat mengerjakannya, tetapi Nobody sadar bahwa Everybody tidak akan mengerjakannya. Akhirnya, Everybody menyalahkan Somebody yang sebetulnya Nobody diminta oleh Anybody.

Social Entities that are Goal Directed , with Deliberately Structured , Coordinated Activity Systems , and with a link to the External Environment

  

Large & Small Manufacturing & Service Profit & Non-Profit

     Create value for owners, customers and employees Bring together resources to achieve desired goals Use modern manufacturing and innovative technologies produce goods and services efficiently Adapt to and influence a changing Environment and Globalization Accommodate the challenges of Diversity, Ethics, and the motivation and coordination of employees

 

Open Systems vs close system Organizational Configuration

  Technical Core Technical Support    Administrative Support Top Management Middle Management 12

Technical Support Top Management Middle Management Administrative Support Technical Core

Source: Based on Henry Mintzberg, The Structuring of Organizations (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979) 215-297; and Henry Mintzberg, “Organization Design: Fashion or Fit?” Harvard Business Review 59 (Jan. – Feb. 1981): 103-116.



Raw Materials People Information resources Financial resources Input Transformation

Subsystems Boundary Spanning


Production, Maintenance, Adaptation, Management


Boundary Spanning

Products and Services


   Structural Dimensions      Formalization Specialization Hierarchy of Authority Centralization Professionalism Personnel Ratios  Contextual Dimensions     Size Organizational Technology Environment Goals and Strategy Culture  Performance and Effectiveness Outcomes  Efficiency vs effectiveness 15

Environment Goals and Strategy Size Culture








Formalization Specialization Hierarchy of Authority Centralization Professionalism Personnel Ratios



   Historical Perspectives  Efficiency is Everything   How to Get Organized  What About People  administration not the concern  bureaucratic  Environment also not the concern Contemporary Organization Design  The Environment for today’s companies is anything but stable.

 Many Organizations are shifting to Flexible, Decentralized Structures that emphasize Horizontal Collaboration and widespread Information Sharing.

Efficient Performance versus the Learning Organization      From Vertical to Horizontal Structure From Routine Tasks to Empowered Roles From Formal Control Systems to Shared Information From Competitive to Collaborative Strategy From Rigid to Adaptive Culture 17

Mechanical System Design

Vertical Structure

Natural System Design

Horizontal Structure Routine Tasks Rigid Culture Organizational Change in the Service of Performance Empowered Roles Adaptive Culture Formal Systems Competitive Strategy

Stable Environment Efficient Performance

Shared Information Collaborative Strategy

Turbulent Environment Learning Organization Source: Adapted from David K. Hurst, Crisis and Renewal: Meeting the Challenge of Organizational Change (Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School) 18