Transcript Waltz

——竺琛 Crystal
——陈洁 Peggy
--杨姗姗 Stefaine
--陈笑帆 Claudia
Waltz, one kind of ball
dancing. It originates
from the German folk
dance. The beat divides
two kinds about slow and
quick. When performing,
the men and women or
two female pairs, with
music accompaniment to
the rotation.
The waltz first
became fashionable
in Vienna around
the 1780s, spreading
to many other
countries . The waltz,
and especially its
closed position,
became the example
for the creation of
many other
ballroom dances.
In the middle of
19th century, it was
popular in Western
Europe, the 20th
century got up, it is
popular each place
in the world. In the
vocal music and
the instrumental
music ,waltz is
evolves the
development by it .
In contemporary ballroom dance, the fast versions
of the waltz are called Viennese Waltz.
The Cross Step Waltz is a newer style of waltz where
the first step is a cross-step into the line of direction.
This was popularized in classes at Stanford
University .
Argentine Tango Waltz allows the dancers to dance
one, two, three, or no steps to any four beats of waltz
Palace Waltz