2. One size fits all isn`t as effective

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Transcript 2. One size fits all isn`t as effective

How Full Is Your Bucket?
Positive Strategies for Work and Life
by Tom Rath and Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D.
A “book report” by Allison Gale
A bucket, a dipper and the power of positive
Bucket? Dipper?
The metaphor of a bucket and a dipper
explains how our interactions with others
either fill their buckets because of positive
words or message or we drain their buckets
through negative words or messages.
What is the book about?
Most of psychology studies what is wrong
with people. This book is about studying what
is right with people and the power of positive
The Power of Negativity
A study of North Korean prisoners during the
Korean War showed that a majority of
prisoners died from a disease of extreme
hopelessness. The absence of motivation
caused their deaths.
North Korean Strategy
1. Deny emotional support from interpersonal
Example: reward prisoners for tattling on others to break
down camaraderie and cause distention among the ranks
2. Withhold all positive emotional support
while submerging them in negative emotions
Example: Soldiers were always give mail from home that included
overdue bills, the death of a family member or a break up.
If negative emotions can kill
you what can positive
emotions do?
How to Fill Your Bucket
Each time we have a positive interaction with
someone else their bucket is filled and so is
ours. Each negative interaction dips from
their bucket and ours.
We have often thought that people who put
others down do so to build themselves up.
With this theory putting others down dips from
both buckets and brings both people down.
Ways to Fill Your Bucket and the
Buckets of Those Around You
Recognition and Praise in the
1. Must be authentic, sincere and tailored to
Example: A busy parent may enjoy the afternoon off with
tickets to a kids movie, a new employee may enjoy
being able to attend a professional conference
2. One size fits all isn't as effective- it is seen
as generic and thoughtless
I Can Use This!
1. M&M Awards- A small note/certificate that lets
someone know how they have been Marvelous and
Magnificent stapled to a small bag of candy. This is
a little generic but the note makes it tailored to the
individual. These can be spontaneous and used with
students or teachers. If there is someone who is on
a diet or can't have sugar the note alone can help to
fill their bucket.
Another Way...
2.When I see a great lesson plan that uses
the library resources I can send out an email
(with permission of the teacher) with the
lesson plan and kudos. This is a great pat on
the back for the lesson plan writer and helps
other teachers also.
Do employees like their jobs?
1. Liking your boss decreases your chances
of heart disease and stroke.
2. Most employees have stayed in at least
one job because they had a friend in the
3. When employees are happy workplace
production is up and customer satisfaction is
I Can Use This Too!
2. This year I will have an assistant for the
first time. Our positive relationship will benefit
both of us health wise and prevent either one
of us from leaving the position.
3. Most importantly if we have a positive
working relationship our work productivity and
our library patron satisfaction will be up.
Focus on the Positive
Focus on the strengths, talents and jobs that
are the best fit. This doesn't mean ignore the
weakness and areas of improvement, just
don't dwell them.
To Little? Too Much?
1. A ratio of 5 positive interactions to 1
negative interaction is best. Relationships
that are a 1:1 are headed for disaster.
2. Interactions 13:1 are also bad. This
“Pollyanna” effect is seen as fake and
People As Individuals
Not all people are created equal. Nature vs Nurture
comes into play when considering someone's
bucket. We have all met someone who is a ball of
sunshine by nature, others of us have to work on it a
little. Be flexible.
Know who your homebase is and go there to
recharge. Focus on your mental wellness, not your
mental illnesses.
How Do You Want Your Bucket
This link takes you to an interview that can be
used to find out how you can authentically fill
individuals buckets. I think it would be
interesting to do/share at an opening faculty
Get Started on Filling Your
Stop the Negativity!
1. Like your mom said,if you have nothing
nice to say don't say anything.
2. Remove your self from situations that dip
into your bucket. For your school this might
be the teacher's lounge or a particular
teacher's classroom.
Domino Effect
Elevate yourself and others by focusing on
what is right not on what is wrong. Work with
strengths, not weaknesses.
Once a person begins feeling confident and
positive in one area it will spill over into
Best Friends
Socializing is important for your bucket.
Spend time with friends, especially best
friends. You will fill each others buckets
which you can then take back to work and
home and fill even more buckets.
Give what you can when you can.
Compliment, thank you note, copies of
pictures, donate to charities, give a friend a
call, lend an ear, lend a hand.
A simple act of kindness may touch someone
at a critical time in their life. Not only will you
fill their bucket, you will fill your own.
The Golden Rule
Do unto others as you would do unto yourself.
How about.......
Do to yourself as you would do unto others?
By sometimes putting yourself first and filling
your own bucket you can help to fill others.
How do you fill buckets?
Go to this link and tell us how you fill your
own bucket and the buckets of other. You
may some find some ideas on filling your own
Want to Share This Idea with
Read the kid's version with students or at a
faculty meeting.
Start a “drop in the bucket” program at your
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