Scientific Method and Spontaneous Generation

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Scientific Method

and Spontaneous Generation


1) To identify the steps of the scientific method 2) To describe the parts of a controlled experiment

Scientific Method  A systematic way to solve a problem  Usually begins with a question about something observed  Important Note: There is NOT one “scientific method”

Scientific Method…  Hypothesis  Must be testable to be valid  If…then statement  Testing  Experiments  Models  Studies

Scientific Method, Experiments…  Control Group  Comparison  No experimental treatment  Experimental Group  Only


factor changed from control group  Factors that change in response  Constants

Scientific Method…  Tests yield data  Organized  Analyzed  Tests must be repeated  Conclusion  Answer to the problem

The Scientific Method in Action…

Disproving Spontaneous Generation

Where does life come from??

 Can something non-living come to life?

 If so , rotten meat could turn into flies

Is spontaneous generation true??

 1668, Francesco Redi was 1 st challenge theory to  Performed a controlled experiment using rotting meat  Hypothesized that maggots found on rotting meat came from flies not from meat itself 


maggots come from flies eggs,


only meat that has flies around it should have maggots

Redi’s Experiment:  3 jars with rotting meat  1 no cover  1 covered with cheesecloth  1 sealed

Evaluate Redi’s Experiment…  What was Redi’s control group?

 What was the Independent Variable?

 What were his constants?

Results:  Only the jar where the flies could reach the meat grew maggots  What should he conclude??

After Redi, there was still debate…  Did these conclusions apply to microorganisms?

 Over next 2 centuries, Needham, Spallanzani and Pasteur all performed experiments to answer this  Today, we accept the theory of biogenesis, living things come from other living things