ACR-517-Handout-11 - Acupuncture Massage College

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Transcript ACR-517-Handout-11 - Acupuncture Massage College

Treatment of Disease
(Selected Diseases)
ACR class 11
Tense Syndrome
Treatment principle
Reduce wind fire, resolve phlegm and promote resuscitation
DU20, DU26, to regulate qi of the governor vessel, effecting resuscitation
KID1, to conduct the heat downward
LV3, to subdue the upsurging qi in the liver meridan and pacify the liver yang
twelve jing well points on the hand, where three yin and three yang meet, may
dispel heat and regain consciousness
ST40, the luo point of the stomach meridian, can invigorate the functions of the
spleen and stomach and help to resolve the turbid phlegm .
Clenched jaws: ST7, ST6, LI4 to promote the circulation of qi and blood for
relieving the clenched jaws
Aphasia and stiffness of tongue: DU15 and Ren23 are local and adjacent points
of the tongue, HT5 is the luo point of the heart meridian, may relieves stiffness of
Flaccid Syndrome
Treatment principle
Restore yang from collapse
Ren 8, Ren6, Ren4 with moxa, the points are located on
the lower abdomen along ren vessels and are the main
points effective for collapse, they can strengthen the
primary qi and restore yang from collapse
Attack on the meridians and
Treatment principle
Remove obstruction from meridians and collaterals and reduce wind
DU20, DU16, BL-7 eliminate wind and remove obstruction from the meridians
and collaterals
Upper limbs: LI15, LI11, SJ5, LI4,
Lower limbs: GB30, GB34, ST36, ST41
Liver yang rising: GB20, LV3, reduce the wind and pacify the liver, KD3,
promotes the production of the kidney yin to nourish the liver, SP6, nourishes yin
and pacifies yang
Liver fire: PC7, LR2, eliminate the fire in the heart and liver
Deviated mouth: ST4, ST6, promote a free circulation of qi in the meridian and
collaterals around the facial region
Aphasia: Ren23 to ease the throat and promote speech, HT5 to resolve phlegm
and open the orifices, the heart controls the tongue and speech, KI6, benefit the
• Frontal headache: Du23, GB14, ST44,
• Headache on vertex: DU20, Du21, LIV2,
• Occipital headache: BL10, Du19, DU16,
BL60, SI3
• Temporal headache: GB8, Taiyang,
GB41, TB5
Invasion of pathogenic wind
Treatment principle
Release the exterior and remove the obstruction from the channels
Acupuncture local points, LU7, GB20, DU16, LI4, TB5, SI3, BL60
LU7 releases the exterior and expel wind cold by stimulating the
diffusing and descending of lung qi. It also affects the head and relieves
headaches. It can be used for headaches from wind cold, wind heat and
also turbid phlegm
GB20 expel wind from the head
DU16 expels wind from the head and treats the greater yang channel
LI4 releases the exterior, expels wind heat, and is a special point to
affect the head and face
TB5 expels wind heat and relieves headache
SI3 expels wind from the head and treats the greater yang channel area
BL60 is used if the headache also affects the lower part of the neck and
the top of the shoulder
Liver yang rising
Treatment principle
Pacify liver, nourish Yin and alleviate pain
Acupuncture, local points, GB20, LIV3, SP6, KI3
GB20 is used as adjacent point to subdue liver yang. It
subdues liver yang and liver wind and is specific for
headache from these two causes.
LV3 is the main distal point to pacify the liver and subdue liver
yang, it also the main distal point for this type of headache
SP6 nourishes yin and liver blood and pacify liver, it also
calms spirit and promotes sleep
KI3 tonifies kidney yin
Liver fire blazing
Treatment principle
Pacify liver and clear fire
Acupuncture: local points, GB20, LIV2, SP6, LI11
GB20 expels wind from the head and subdue liver fire
LV2 is the main distal point to clear liver fire
SP6 is used to nourish yin and to prevent injury of yin
from liver fire
LI11 clear heat
Accumulation of dampness
Treatment principle
Resolve dampness and ascend clear yang
Acupuncture: local points, ST8. SP3, LI4, Ren12, BL20, SP9, ST40
ST8 is a local point for headaches from phlegm or dampness
SP3 eliminates dampness and helps to resolve phlegm. It affects
LI4 is used as a distal point to eliminate pathogenic factors from the
face and head. It also regulates the ascending and descending of qi
Ren12 and BL20 tonify spleen and stomach and resolve dampness
SP9 tonify the spleen and resolve dampness
ST40 is a specific point for dampness and phlegm
Heat Lin
Treatment principle:
Clear heat, drain dampness, and open the water passages
Acupuncture Treatment: Ren3, BL28, BL22, BL39, ST28, SP9,
SP6, Du14, LI11
Ren3 and BL28 clear heat and drain dampness from the bladder
BL22 drain dampness from the lower burner
ST28 and SP9 drain dampness from the lower burner
SP6 clears heat and cools blood, drains dampness from the lower burner and
calms the spirit
DU14 and LI11 clear heat
BL39 lower he sea point of san jiao, opens the water passages in the lower
burner, stimulates the transformation and excretion of fluids in the lower
Stone Lin
Treatment principle:
Open the water passages and expel the stones
Acupuncture Treatment: Ren3, BL28, BL22, BL39, SP9,
ST28, Ren6
Ren3 and BL28 clear heat and drain dampness from the
BL22 drain dampness from the lower burner
ST28 and SP9 drain dampness from the lower burner
BL39 lower he sea point of san jiao, opens the water
passages in the lower burner, stimulates the transformation
and excretion of fluids in the lower burner
Ren6 moves qi in the lower burner, moving qi helps to
transform fluids and drain dampness
Qi Lin
Treatment principle:
Full type: move qi, eliminate stagnation, open the water passage
Empty type: tonify and raise qi, open the water passage
Acupuncture Treatment Ren3, BL28, BL22, BL39, SP9, ST28,
Ren3 and BL28 clear heat and drain dampness from the bladder
BL22 drain dampness from the lower burner
ST28 and SP9 drain dampness from the lower burner
SP6 drains dampness from the middle and lower burner and calms the spirit
BL39 lower he sea point of san jiao, opens the water passages in the lower
burner, stimulates the transformation and excretion of fluids in the lower
For liver qi stagnation: LIV3, LIV5
For Qi deficiency: ST36, Ren6
Blood Lin
Treatment principle:
Full type: Clear heat, cool blood, stop bleeding and open the water passage
Empty type: nourish yin, clear heat, stop bleeding and open the water passage
Acupuncture Treatment: Ren3, BL28, BL22, BL39, ST28, SP9, SP6,
SP10, BL17,
Ren3 and BL28 clear heat and drain dampness from the bladder
BL22 drain dampness from the lower burner
ST28 and SP9 drain dampness from the lower burner
SP6 clears heat and cools blood, drains dampness from the middle and lower burner and
calms the spirit
BL39 lower he sea point of san jiao, opens the water passages in the lower burner,
stimulates the transformation and excretion of fluids in the lower burner
SP10 and BL17 tonify the blood and cool the blood
Full type: DU14, LI11
Empty type: KID2, Ren4, KI6, KID3
Cloudy Lin
Treatment principle:
Full type: drain dampness, separate the clear from the turbid, open the water
Empty type: tonify qi, strengthen kidneys, separate the clear from the turbid,
open the water passages
Acupuncture Treatment: Ren3, BL28, BL22, BL39, ST28, SP9,
Ren3 and BL28 clear heat and drain dampness from the bladder
BL22 drain dampness from the lower burner
ST28 and SP9 drain dampness from the lower burner
SP6 drains dampness from the middle and lower burner and calms the spirit
BL39 lower he sea point of san jiao, opens the water passages in the lower
burner, stimulates the transformation and excretion of fluids in the lower
For kidney Qi deficiency: ST36, Ren 6, KI3, KI6
Painful Obstruction Syndrome
(Bi Syndrome)
Distal points
Neck: SI3, BL62
Shoulder: LI4, SI3, TB5
Low back: BL60,
Local points
Adjacent points
Shoulder pain (Scapulohumeral periarthritis) : LI15, SI 9, SJ
Tennis elbow: LI 11, LI 4, LI 10, SJ 5
Carpal tunnel syndrome: PC 6, PC 7, LI 5, LI 4
Sciatica: GB30, BL54, BL25, GB34, BL40
Knee pain: Xiyan, ST34, GB34
Points according to pattern
Wind: BL12, LI4, BL17, SP10
Dampness: SP9, BL20, ST40
Cold: ST36, Ren6
Heat: LI11, DU14
Wandering Bi
Treatment principle:
Dispel wind, clear the connections.
Acupuncture: local points and adjacent points,
BL12, LI4, BL17, SP10
BL17 and SP10 have the function of activating and
nourishing the blood, the selection is based on the
principle: “wind will be naturally eliminated if blood
circulates smoothly”
BL12 and LI4 expel the wind
Fixed Bi
Treatment principle:
Dispel dampness, clear the connections
Acupuncture: local points and adjacent
points SP9, BL20, ST40
SP9, BL20 and ST40 tonify the spleen and
drain dampness, clear the connections and stop
Heat Bi
Treatment principle:
Drain heat, clear the connections
Acupuncture: local points and adjacent
points LI4, DU14
LI4 and DU14 clear heat and clear the
Painful Bi
Treatment principle:
Dissipate cold, clear the connections
Acupuncture: local points and adjacent points
ST36, Ren6, Ren4, UB23
Moxa can be applied, Ren4 , UB23 can warm the yang
and expel cold, relieve pain
ST36 and Ren6 tonify qi and allow qi to move smoothly
and relieve pain
Pattern Identification and
A. Kidney Deficiency
Treatment principle: Tonify kidney and promote
Acupuncture Treatment: KI3, BL23, KI6, RN4, RN8,
DU4, ST28 ( Bao Men in the right side, Zi Hu in the left
side), zigong
B. Liver Qi stagnation
Treatment Principle: Soothe liver, move qi and
promote conception
Acupuncture Treatment: LV3, GB34, TB6, Ren3, PC6,
SP4, LI13, LI14, zigong
C. Accumulation of Dampness
Treatment Principle: Drain dampness, move stagnation and
regulate periods
Acupuncture Treatment: REN3, Zi Gong, ST28, SP6, SP9,
RN9, Excessive vaginal discharge adds GB41, TB6, GB26,
D. Blood Stasis
Treatment principle: Remove blood stasis, regulate periods
and promote conception
Acupuncture Treatment: LV3, GB34, BL17, SP10, SP6, ST29,
Ren3, zigong
Upper Wasting - LU Heat
Treatment Points:
SP 6 - tonify Yin
ST 36 - tonify ST/SP
LU 5 - clear LU heat
UB 13 - LU Back-Shu
KD 3 - tonify KD Yin
Middle Wasting - ST Dryness
Treatment Points:
SP 6 - tonify Yin
ST 36 - tonify ST/SP
ST 44 - clear ST heat and dryness
KD 3 - tonify KD Yin
UB 20 - SP Back-Shu
UB 21 - ST Back-Shu
Lower Wasting - KD Yin/Jing
Treatment Points:
KD 6 - tonify KD Yin, clear Empty Heat
KD 3 - tonify KD Yin
CV 4 - tonify Yin
SP 6 - tonify ST/SP and Yin
GV 20 - raise the yang
UB 23 - KD Back-Shu
SP Qi Deficiency
Treatment Points:
SP 6 - tonify SP & Yin
ST 36 - tonify Qi
CV 12 - ST Mu
UB 21 - ST Back-Shu
UB 20 - SP Back-Shu
If dampness - SP 9
If damp-heat - LI 11
LR Qi Stagnation
Treatment Points:
LR 3 + LI 4 - four gates tx, harmonize LR
LR 14 - LV Mu
PC 6 - open the chest, calm the spirit
UB 18 - LR Back-Shu
If LR Fire - LR 2