COMP3115 Information Systems - The University of the West Indies

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Transcript COMP3115 Information Systems - The University of the West Indies

Information Systems
Session 8: E-Business Strategy: Architecture and Design – Part II
Dr. Paul Walcott
Spring 2007/2008
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Session Objectives
Describe the use of ICT in e-Business
 Evaluate business process performance
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
In this session we will be taking a look at
e-business and finding out:
 Some
of the ICT used in e-Business, for
example Intranets
 How to evaluate the performance of business
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
More businesses are turning to Intranets
to cut cost (Laudon & Laudon 2005)
 Intranets
help to integrate internal business
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Intranets Cont’d
Benefits of Intranets include (Laudon &
Laudon 2005):
– connecting from any location
 Connectivity – can be connected to the preexisting systems in the company
 Scalability – Can be scaled as required
 Accessibility
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Intranets Cont’d
– ease of use
 Low cost – to implement / cost savings in document
distribution (e.g. over paper documents)
 Rich information content – including text, video and
 Usability
An Intranet can be used by collaborating groups
at a distance
 To
share documents and ideas
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Intranets Cont’d
Examples of Intranet applications for eBusiness include:
and accounting – integrated online
 Human resources – publish policies, job
postings and forms
 Sales and marketing – staff can connect for
price updates and special promotions
 Finance
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Using ICT for Business Functions
There are several benefits of doing
business electronically (Gordon & Gordon,
 Reduced
Cost of paper, postage, reduced inventory holding
 Increase
transaction cost
the speed of business
Product production and delivery
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Using ICT for Business Functions
Conduct business anywhere at anytime
 Improve workflows
 Replace
paper with electronic documents
(workflow software connects business
processes in the value chain together)
Reduce errors and improve quality
 No
retyping of information, quality checks on
electronic information
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Business Performance Variables
Output Rate
 The
amount of completed work (output) per unit time
Activity Rate
 “the
number of interim steps performed per unit time
(Alter, 2002)”
 “applying
the same techniques in the same way to
obtain the same desired result (Alter, 2002)”
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Business Performance Variables
 “relationship
between the amount of output produced
by a business process and the amount of money,
time and effort it consumes (Alter, 2002)”
This is measured in units of output per labour hour or dollar
sales per month
Cycle time
 the
length of time between the start and end of a
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Business Performance Variables
 The
amount of time that the process is out of
 How
susceptible is the business process to
unauthorised use, sabotage or criminal
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
In this session we discussed
 The
importance of intranets to e-business
 The benefits of using ICT for business
 Business process performance variables
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus
Alter, Steven. 2002. Information Systems: The Foundations of EBusiness. 4th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Gordon, Steven, R. and Judith R. Gordon. 2004. Information Systems:
A Management Approach. 3rd Edition, Wiley.
Laudon, Kenneth, C., Jane, P. Laudon. 2005. Essentials of
Management Information Systems: Management the Digital Firm. 6th
Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
© 2008 Dr. Paul Walcott – The University of the West Indies: Cave Hill Campus