Student Report on Fieldwork Placement

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Pre-Placement Meeting Fieldwork 4

Kristina Glofcheski Sessional Fieldwork Instructor

C r e a t i n g L e a d e r s i n O T

Fieldwork Faculty / Staff

    

Donna Barker,

Director of Fieldwork Education  Email: [email protected]

 Phone: 416-946-8782

Rhona Anderson,

Sessional Fieldwork Instructor (FW1 and FW2)  Email: [email protected]

 Phone: 416-978-2679

Kristina Glofcheski,

Sessional Fieldwork Instructor (FW4)  Email: [email protected]

 Phone: 416-978-2679

Deb Cameron,

International Fieldwork Coordinator   Email: [email protected]

Phone: 416-946-8568

Nella Rupp

, Administrative Assistant   Email: [email protected]

Phone: 416-978-8234

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

OS&OT Website

 General department and curriculum information:

 Specific to fieldwork: ervision/index.asp

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

More Resources

 

“Clinical Community” section under “Fieldwork” Overview of the Fieldwork Program at U of T

Overview of the MSc.OT Program at the University of Toronto

 Departmental vision   Teaching/ learning methods

Overview of the MSc.OT Fieldwork Program

   Fieldwork Organization/Philosophy/Objectives Stages of Professional Competency Development Competency-Based Fieldwork Evaluation 

Discuss opportunities to get involved with the University of Toronto

 Status appointments

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Objectives for This Meeting

Provide Information specifically related to Fieldwork 4



Learning Objectives

Important Forms

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Fieldwork 4 Placements Dates

 Fieldwork IV: July 2, 2013 – August 23, 2013  The University will be closed on Statutory Holidays, including Civic Holiday in August

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Fieldwork Placements

Refer to Fieldwork Resource Manual for

 Philosophy of fieldwork and professional standards  Health policies  Contracts and insurance  Requirements and selection process  Pre-placement communication  Objectives  Interprofessional education  Evaluation Process

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy


Students will focus on

 Managing a significant portion of the supervisor’s caseload  Gaining maximal independence  Consolidating all previous academic & fieldwork learning

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Specific FW4 Objectives

 See Course Outlines  Specific objectives reflect the level of skill development and supervision required Fieldwork 4 upervision/documents/Fieldwork_4_outline.pdf

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Stages of Professional Competency Development

Entry-Level Clinician Entry-Level Student Transition Knowledge Application Stage 2 Stage 1 Consolidation Stage 3

Source: Competency Based Fieldwork Evaluation for Occupational Therapists

Bossers, Miller, Polatajko, Hartley, 2002 Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

3. Consolidation:

mentoring/consultation, reflection-in-action

   Primary emphasis on :  final preparation of student to assume the role of competent, entry-level occupational therapist   Students should be encouraged to assume as much independence as possible in professional reasoning & in linking academic theory with practice Students may require some guidance but should take responsibility for of client centered practice components:  referral analysis & assessment   planning & Implementation of intervention programs discharge planning & follow-up Style of Supervision:  Consultative Primary role of educator / preceptor:  Mentor

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Providing Feedback to Level 3 Fieldwork Students

 Student self-reflection should be self-initiated  Encourage student to identify and pursue professional learning needs  Work “collegially” with the student Bossers (2009)

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Competencies of the CBFE-OT

Practice Knowledge

Discipline- specific theory and technical knowledge.

Clinical Reasoning Facilitating Change within a Practice Process

Analytical and conceptual thinking, judgment, decision making, and problem solving.

Assessment, intervention planning, intervention delivery, and discharge planning

Professional Interactions and Responsibility

Relationship with clients and colleagues, legal and ethical standards

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Competencies of CBFE (cont’d)


Verbal, non-verbal, and written communication

Professional Development Performance Management

Commitment to profession, self directed learning, and accountability Time and resource management, leadership

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Stages of Competency Development

Source: Competency Based Fieldwork Evaluation for Occupational Therapists

Bossers, Miller, Polatajko, Hartley, 2002

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Student Performance

Knowledge Application Transition - Reflection on Action Consolidation – Reflection in Action

Educator Supervision Style Scoring

Direct Teaching Evaluation Feedback Coaching Consulting Mentoring

Scores 1-3

1 = low S1 2 = rudimentary S1 3 = mastery of S1 / transition to S2

Scores 3-6

3 = transition to S2 4 = rudimentary S2 5 = intermediate S2 6 = mastery of S2 / transition to S3

Scores 6-8

6 = transition to S3 7 = rudimentary S3 8 = mastery of S3 / ready to enter clinical practice

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy


       Fosters open communication Listens actively Speaks clearly and appropriately Provides explanations and/or education that is at an appropriate level for the client Writes clearly and appropriately Modifies language for the listener Uses non-verbal communication appropriately and effectively


1 - Low Stage 1 competencies 2 - Rudimentary Stage 1 competencies 3 - Mastery of Stage 1 competencies/ Transition to Stage 2 3 - Transition to Stage 2 4 - Rudimentary Stage 2 competencies 5 - Intermediate Stage 2 competencies 6 - Mastery of Stage 2 competencies/ Transition to Stage 3 6 - Transition to Stage 3 7 - Rudimentary Stage 3 competencies 8 - Mastery of Stage 3 competencies/ ready to enter clinical practice Unacceptable

The Competency Rating Scale Developing

Exceptional Mid-term U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E Final U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E Entry Level Student

Please circle the level of performance .

Entry Level Clinician

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Student’s Learning Objective(s) - Communication

Objective(s) Resource(s) Required to Meet the Objective(s) Evidence Validation Mid-term Final Doesn’t Meet Objectives

The Learning Objective Rating Scale

Please place a vertical bar intersecting the fine line in the shaded area

Meets All Objectives Very Well

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Personal Student Learning Objectives

   Negotiated between student and supervising OT Recommended that learning objectives be developed and discussed after the first week of placement  Students do NOT need to develop a personal learning objective for each competency. 3 to 4 objectives overall is adequate There cannot be more than one objective for each competency  Objectives can be completed on CBFE or on a separate sheet however must be included with evaluation when returned to U of T  SMART objectives

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Student Evaluations- CBFE-OT

 The Competency Based Fieldwork Evaluation is available electronically from your student. Due to copyright issues, we cannot send you the electronic version directly.

 After the placement is over and you have printed a hard copy of the evaluation to send in to us, you will need to delete it from your computer.

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Student Report on Fieldwork Placement

 This form is an opportunity for the student to provide formal feedback to the preceptor and the facility both at midterm of the placement and at the end of placement.

 Students complete this form online and discuss it with his/her preceptor.  At the end of placement, these forms must be printed, signed by the student and preceptor and then sent to the university.

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

IPE Requirements

  IPE Placement Offerings  index.asp

Required to complete 1 structured IPE placement or three flexible IPE activities.

 

Structured IPE

They have four primary elements:   A group of interprofessional students are placed on a common unit, Students participate in one or two introductory tutorials,   Students participate in a series of weekly patient-themed tutorials, and Students prepare and share the delivery of a joint presentation or project.

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

IPE requirements

Flexible IPE Activities:

 Activity 1 – Participation in a team educational session   Activity 2 – Interview and shadow 2 team members Activity 2 – Participation in team meetings  Reflection papers are submitted through the Department of OS&OT website and are tracked within the Mentorship Course.

 l/documents/appendix_e_IPE_Flexible_Activities.pdf

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Student Presentation / Project

 Expectation that each fieldwork student complete a student presentation/project  Topic should be negotiated between fieldwork supervisor and the student

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Student Performance Issues

 Please contact me at the University as soon as you have any concerns regarding a student passing the placement.


U of T Fieldwork Coordinator and student will be notified at or prior to midterm if there is a concern that student may not pass the fieldwork placement.

 U of T fieldwork coordinator will conduct a site visit to speak with preceptor and student. Fieldwork coordinator will review learning objectives and CBFE OT to provide strategies to facilitate the fieldwork preceptor-student learning experience

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Behaviour/concern improves Document Behaviour/concern does not improve Supervisor notices a minor student problem (Inappropriate, skills, punctuality …) Supervisor discusses concern with student and together develop strategies and opportunity for reassessment Monitor

Adapted from original developed by: Brenda Mori, Director of Clinical Education & Community Affairs Department of Physical Therapy Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

Document Discuss with site FW Coordinator Supervisor, site FW Coordinator and student strategise Inform Academic (U of T) FW Coordinator of troubles Reassess progress Improvement noticed Continue and monitor No improvement Call U of T FW Coord.

ASAP – by midterm

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Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy


 With the exception of illness, all absences should be approved prior to the absence by Academic Fieldwork Coordinator.

 Please review with the student the steps to take if they are ill and cannot come to placement (e.g. phone or email you).

 Please ensure that you record all absences and additional hours on the first page of the CBFE-OT in the indicated area.

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Absences (cont’d)

 Students may be requesting additional hours to make up time for absences related to previous Religious holidays, illness, conferences or extenuating personal circumstances.

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Student Incident While on Placement

 Please contact myself or Nella immediately if your student has an accident or incident (serious illness) while on placement.

 Further instructions available at k_manual/contracts_accident.asp

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Completion of placement

 We require the following information to be returned promptly to U of T upon completion of placement     Completed CBFE-OT (including signatures) Learning objectives Student Report on Placement Completed WSIB form (Section A.2. and Section E- need to be completed by the Fieldwork Site)  The student will not receive a grade for this fieldwork course until a hard copy of the CBFE OT is returned to us.

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Important Deadlines: FW 4

 Fieldwork 4: Deadline for return of CBFE form, student learning objectives, student fieldwork site evaluation, and WSIB form is Friday August 30, 2013.

 These forms can be sent to the Fieldwork office via the student if they are in a sealed envelope with your signature over the seal or they can be mailed to:

Nella Rupp Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Science Building 160 – 500 University Ave Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V7

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy


 Thank-you for your willingness to take a student on placement. The students, myself, and the rest of the faculty appreciate your partnership in the education of our occupational therapy students!

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy