Ch. 5 Europeans Encounter of Oklahoma

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Transcript Ch. 5 Europeans Encounter of Oklahoma

Coach Freeman
 Trying to go to China: for spices and other goods
 Conquer Mexico and Central America
 The seven cities of Cabola : cities of gold and jewels
 Explored Oklahoma in search of
 Governor of the province of New Spain (Mexico)
 27 years old wealthy known for military leader ship
and a capable administrator
1540 went search of the Cities of Gold
Found nothing Arizona and New Mexico
Change to a town called “Quivira”
Quivira- was land riches severed food on silver plates
and golden bowls….
So they thought … Coronado was bitterly
disappointed instead made pledge Allegiance to
 Besides Gold the Spanish wanted to set up
Mission’s/Churches trying to spread the gospel or to share
Juan Padilla set-up mission in South Central Kansas …
Died in the process
Portuguese Soldier who followed Padilla: Andres Do
Taken prisoner for a year against their will.
Escaped traveled across Central Oklahoma to the Gulf
Coast or New Spain
Took them 5 years: Drug a wooden cross south
Now I-35 is the same route these brothers took to Presentday Mexico…
 Established mission near present Day Santa Fe New
 Survived before the presence of Jamestown and
 He came through Oklahoma in search the Cities of
Gold and encountered the Wichita's again at Quivira!
 France saw the Mississippi River and lands west of it as
a “New Commercial Empire “
 It was a center of Trade
 The Success of Louisiana depend on the FUTURE in
 Wanted establish trade with Santa Fe, New Mexico
 1st traded goods and created an alliance with OSAGE
 Osage liked the French but resented them trading to
the Wichita's
 Wichita’s finally accepted with him, and accepted
 Creating a route for him to pass…
 Organized 2nd Expedition
 Established anther link of trade or a commercial link
to New Mexico….
 He was Setting-up trade with Wichita's While Du
Tisne is a 100 miles to the north meeting with two
other Wichita villages….
 La Harpe succeeded and claimed Oklahoma as a apart
of French Territory …
 Becoming dependent on the French instead of their
old ways
 Started hunting for commercial purposes instead of
for food and clothes…
 Fought wars for revenge, but now they fought to take
captives and horses trade them as slaves