OPTIONS 2009-11 Your Future

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Transcript OPTIONS 2009-11 Your Future

Personalised Stage
Options Evening
Tuesday 6th May 2014
Changes to GCSEs…
• Current Year 8 will be taking GCSEs in June
• New GCSEs in English & Maths
• New ‘number’ outcomes in these subjects
• Other subjects – current courses, and
• From 2015 all students in education or
training until 18
What is
‘Personalised’ Learning?
Most Schools
Year 7
Year 8
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 3
Year 9
Key Stage 4
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Key Stage 4
Sixth Form
(Key Stage 5)
Sixth Form
(Key Stage 5)
What type of courses are
Level 2
ACADEMIC COURSES (GCSEs) – courses that are more
traditionally classroom-based and are assessed by exam, or
a combination of coursework and exams.
VOCATIONAL COURSES (BTECs / Cambridge Nationals) –
courses that are usually practical or are assessed by
assignments and coursework
Level 1
Courses that are designed for students who are not yet
ready to step up to Level 2 (GCSE Level) courses - or it may
be a good idea to study a combination of Level 1 and 2
What subjects will students
Core Subjects
Compulsory Subjects
Option Subjects
– English Language GCSE (All)
– English Literature GCSE (most)
– Maths GCSE
• EITHER Separate Science GCSEs(Biology,
Chemistry, Physics)
• OR Core Science and Additional Science
• OR Entry Level and Core Science
– French, Spanish or German GCSE (most)
• Vast majority will continue with
their language to GCSE.
• Students can choose a second (or
even third!) language as an option.
• Which language students are
doing DOES need to be shown on
the options form.
• CORE PE – not examined
• ICT – Cambridge National
Qualification in ICT
(equivalent to ½ a GCSE)
• ETHICS – Short Course
GCSE (½)
to choose
ONE of these
subjects to
be a “FULL”
equivalent, or
MAJOR / MINOR choices
• Everyone will study Ethics as a minor choice AT
• Students will need to make your choices for
major and minor subjects:
– MAJOR (4 lessons)
• Ethics (full course GCSE)
• ICT (full course Cambridge National)
• Sports leadership (Suite of qualifications)
– MINOR (2 lessons)
• Ethics (Half course GCSE)
• ICT (Half course Cambridge National)
Academic (GCSE)
French, German,
Spanish, Geography,
History, Business
Studies, Psychology,
Economics, PE.
Product Design, Resistant
Materials, Graphics,
Electronics, Textiles,
Catering, Art, Dance,
Drama, Music,
Photography, Computing
Vocational (BTEC /
Cambridge National)
Travel & Tourism
Health and Social Care
Sports Science
Skilled For Life (Level 1) –
mix of units (English,
Maths, Work Skills, Work
Experience, Personal /
Social skills
In a Nutshell…….
All options courses take 3 years, the
major/minor courses will finish in year 10.
There are new subjects – students will have
the opportunity to take subjects from the
Social Science Faculty that they have not
previously encountered – taster sessions for
these in early May
There are a range of academic, practical
and ‘vocational’ choices
Completing the Options Form
What should students consider?
What is the course about?
What will the exam be like?
Is there controlled assessment or project work? How
much does this contribute to the overall grade?
Is the course a level 1 or level 2 course (or both)?
Put yourself first - this is your chance to take control of
your learning and shape your future.
It's important to choose options that interest and
motivate you.
What interests you? What makes you work hard?
What should students consider?
Look at all your options before you make a decision
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that some subjects are
only for boys and some only for girls - this isn't true
If you have a firm career idea, choose subjects that you'll
need for the next stage of your career journey - the ones
you need to go into further or higher education or into an
apprenticeship or job with training
If you don't have a firm career idea, choose subjects that
will allow you to keep your options open
What should students consider?
Talk to your friends – but do not to be persuaded to
take subjects they are choosing in the hope that you
will be together. This may not happen. In any case, it
must be your interests and skills that determine your
choices, not someone else’s.
Reasons for Choosing your Options
Good Reasons
Bad Reasons
You're good at the subject.
Your friends are doing it.
You think you'll enjoy the course.
People say it's easy.
It fits your career ideas and plans.
You think it's a good course for a boy or for a girl.
It goes well with your other choices.
Someone else thinks that it's a good idea but you
You're interested in the knowledge and skills it
You like the teacher you have now.
It will give you plenty of choice in the future.
You didn't have time to research your options properly
The ‘EBacc’
• new measure for schools (from 2011), NOT a qualification for
• C or above in:
– English
– Maths
– 2 Sciences
– A Language
– History or Geography
• Universities do highly value the subjects that make up the EBacc,
but there is no requirement for a students to have achieved the
EBacc measure.
“With the exception of English and Maths, and in a few cases a Modern
Foreign Language, most universities have no universal entry requirements
in terms of specific GCSE subjects. Subject choice is ultimately much more
important at the post-16 or A-level stage”.
Russell Group of Universities
Key Dates 2014
25 April
2 May
6 May
7th March
Personalised Stage Launch Assembly
Options Assembly; Booklets published
Social Sciences Taster Session 1 (in Ex. Tutor Time)
7th May
Technology Subjects Assembly
7th May
My PM Session on making choices
9th May
Social Science Taster Session 2 (in Ex. Tutor Time)
21st May
Deadline for completion of Options Form
House Learning Manager, Tutor, Careers interviews
July 10th
My PM Double Lesson – Intro to Personalised Stage
Where can students
go for help and advice?
House Learning Managers
Students already taking the courses
Careers Advisor
Family & Friends
Contact us
[email protected]
[email protected]