from vascular tissue Secondary growth

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Transcript from vascular tissue Secondary growth

Vascular plant tissue includes all of the
following EXCEPT
a. meristem.
b. sieve tube cells.
c. vessels.
d. tracheids.
e. companion cells.
Answer: a
Which is CORRECT about monocots?
a. Vascular bundles in the stem are in a ring.
b. Their floral parts are usually in 3’s.
c. They usually have taproots.
d. The veins in the leaves are netlike.
e. All of the above.
Answer: b
Cortex, mesophyll, epidermal cells, and pith
all consist of
a. parenchyma.
b. collenchyma.
c. schlerenchyma.
d. both b and c
e. all of the above
Answer: a
To observe the process of mitosis in plant
roots, a student should examine the root’s
a. root cap.
b. zone of maturation.
c. meristem tissue.
d. pericycle.
e. endodermis.
Answer: c
Which of the following tissue types gives
rise to all other plant tissues?
a. parenchyma
b. collenchyma
c. schlerenchyma
d. xylem
e. phloem
Answer: a
Least specialized
Plants constantly
grow in specialized
areas only!
First root grows
straight down ex. Beet
Grow from lower nodes of stem
Anchor/ hold soil ex. grss
Secondary growth
Dicots- from vascular tissue
Soybean root nodules, each containing billions of Bradyrhizobium bacteria
Terminal bud
Produces new cells
that elongate,
increasing length
Primary growth
Mature non-woody stems (herbaceous)
Most monocots
Woody Stems
Second and subsequent years
Lateral meristem
Spring wood: wide vessels for transport
Summer wood: more fiber and tracheids (less vessels)
Spring wood + summer wood = annual ring
Cork Cambium
Which is CORRECT about monocots?
a. Vascular bundles in the stem are in a ring.
b. Their floral parts are usually in 3’s.
c. They usually have taproots.
d. The veins in the leaves are netlike.
e. All of the above.
Answer: b
Vascular plant tissue includes all of the
following EXCEPT
a. meristem.
b. sieve tube cells.
c. vessels.
d. tracheids.
e. companion cells.
Answer: a
Cortex, mesophyll, epidermal cells, and
Pith all consist of
a. parenchyma.
b. collenchyma.
c. schlerenchyma.
d. both b and c
e. all of the above
Answer: a
Which of the following tissue types gives
rise to all other plant tissues?
a. parenchyma
b. collenchyma
c. schlerenchyma
d. xylem
e. phloem
Answer: a
To observe the process of mitosis in plant
roots, a student should examine the root’s
a. root cap.
b. zone of maturation.
c. meristem tissue.
d. pericycle.
e. endodermis.
Answer: c