5-Minute Prep

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Transcript 5-Minute Prep

DE Science Elementary
“5-Minute Prep” For
Classification and Characteristics
Classification – The Big Ideas
Animals are classified into two major groups:
vertebrates and invertebrates.
Mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and
fishes are vertebrates with internal skeletons.
Insects, spiders, crustaceans, mollusks, and
other invertebrates have exoskeletons.
Animals are classified by kingdom,
phylum/division, class, order, family, genus,
and species.
Classification – Prior Knowledge
Classification of Animals is a basic concept. No specific
prior knowledge is needed. It will be helpful for students
to use the Fun-damental to review animals. It will also
help if they have:
• Seen different kinds of animals.
• Seen pictures or living mammals, reptiles, amphibians,
birds, and fishes.
• Seen pictures or living insects, spiders, crustaceans,
centipedes, mollusks, worms, and jellyfish.
Classification – Common Misconceptions
• Whales and dolphins are fish.
Reality: They are mammals with lungs instead of
gills and hair instead of scales. They give birth
instead of laying eggs.
• Bats are classified in the category of animals
called birds.
Reality: Bats are actually the only flying mammal.
• Spiders are insects.
Reality: Spiders are not insects. Among their
differences, spiders have 8 legs while insects have 3
pairs of legs.
Classification – Using DE Science Content
When you close this presentation, you can review the
following recommended resources for Classification.
Reading Passage: Animals With Backbones
Reading Passage: Animals Without Backbones
e-Book: Classifying Animals
Video: The Difference Between Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks
to these resources or you can get to them through the
browser or search feature.
Classification – Instructional Ideas
• Read the passages, Animals With Backbones and Animals Without
– Create a wall chart with the labels, Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
– Give each student a picture of an animal and ask them to place the
picture under the correct heading.
– Leave this chart on the wall as a reference for the remainder of the
study of Classification.
• Read the eBook, Classifying Animals.
– Stop on the first page and lead a class discussion about how the
students’ grouped the animals.
– Then, finish reading the eBook.
– At the end, compare the students’ groupings with the groupings in the
State standards:
If you wish to review your state standards
regarding Classification, click here to get to the
curriculum standards search feature of DES.
You can click on any standard to see what
resources are available to teach it.
Additional Information:
For additional content, check the Extend section
within the concept.