Public Finance - UCSB Economics

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Transcript Public Finance - UCSB Economics

Public Finance
Instructor: John Hartman
Today: An introduction to Econ 130
A review of microeconomics
Introduction to public finance
Before we begin…
Remember that this is a small class  Ask
questions if things are not clear
The syllabus is posted online  See
For most of you, attendance is important if
you want to get a good grade
Before we begin…
I expect you to know the following tools
Econ 1, Econ 100A or 104A, Econ 100B or 104B
Macroeconomics (although not as important for public
Derivatives, integrals, partial derivatives
Econ 2, Econ 101 or 105
If you are lacking on any of these skills, please
make sure you are comfortable with these skills by
next week
Structure of learning
Expected time to spend on this class
3 hours per unit per week
12 hours per week total
Format of learning
Read first
Do problems on your own
Solve problems in class and review sessions
Textbook for this class
Public Finance, 8th edition
Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Office hours and review sessions
Office: NH 2028
Office hours:
Mondays 10:30-11:30 am
Wednesdays 9:30-10:30 am
I plan on conducting one review session
before each test
Time and location to be announced
Three tests, as of now scheduled for:
Monday, April 28 (in lecture)
Monday, May 19 (in lecture)
Monday, June 8 (final, 4-6:30 pm)
Some problems on tests will be similar to
what we cover in practice problems
Some questions will require you to learn
material and think your way through
Lecture slides
I will post a subset of lecture slides on-line
Usually posted 2 days to a week before lecture
Tables and figures from your textbook will often
not be posted
On-line slides are not meant to be a
replacement to lecture
If you do not miss a test:
Two best tests count 40% each
Lowest test counts 20%
Exception: If your best test is the final, the final
will count 60% and the other two tests count 20%
If you do miss a test, check the syllabus for
Typical upper division Econ field class curve
20-25% A+, A, or A30-35% B+, B, or B25-30% C+, C, or CRemaining students: D+, D, D-, or F
However, I will reward the class if you score
well as a group
More on this class
Early on, I will lecture the entire time
Later on many lectures will be about 55-60
minutes, followed by problem solving
Some classes will be devoted to a single
Some classes will consist of two to four “minilectures”
Each week, I will post a few problems
The following week, I will solve some of the
problems at the end of each lecture, as time
I will also solve some problems at each
review session
An introduction to Econ 130
A brief review of Microeconomics (read Appendix)
What will we cover over the next 10 weeks?
Supply, demand, and equilibrium
Budget constraints
Substitution and income effects
Consumer and producer surplus
Introduction to public finance: Begin Chapter 1
An introduction to Econ 130
This class covers four “units,” each with three
to five lectures
Unit 1: Introduction and Microeconomic tools
Unit 2: Public goods, externalities, and
Unit 3: Health care and income redistribution
Includes guest lecture by Ted Bergstrom
Tentative topic: Bone marrow as a public good
Unit 4: Primary and secondary effects of taxes
Unit 1 (begins today)
Introduction and Microeconomic tools
Appendix: Microeconomics review and marginal
Chapter 1: Introduction to public finance and
Chapter 2: Empirical tools
Chapter 3: Economic theory tools
Chapter 8: Cost-benefit tools
Unit 2
Public goods, externalities, and government
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Public goods
Government and political economy
Government spending on education
Unit 3
Health care and income redistribution
Chapter 9: Problems of insurance in the health
care market
Chapter 10: Government’s role in health care
Chapter 11: The structure of Social Security;
stresses caused by the baby boom generation
Chapter 12: Conceptual issues of income
Chapter 13: Programs for the poor
Unit 4
Primary and secondary effects of taxes
Chapters 14 and 15, and parts of Chapter 16:
Taxation, income distribution, and efficiency
Parts of Chapters 17-21: Taxation on the national
Personal taxes
Corporate taxes
Deficit finance
Tax reform
Chapter 22: Taxation on a state and local level
Microeconomics review
Some topics you should already know
We will assume standard cases
If you need review on these topics, look in the
Rosen/Gayer (“R/G”) appendix, or books that you
used in introductory or intermediate
microeconomics classes
Supply, demand, and equilibrium
In equilibrium, the supply and demand curves
When quantity supplied is higher than
quantity demanded, there is a push for prices
to go down
Excess supply
When quantity supplied is lower than quantity
demanded, there is a push for prices to go up
Excess demand
Supply and Demand
Equilibrium: Q = 4, P = 6
Example of excess demand
Factors of demand
Price: Higher price  lower quantity
Income: Most goods are normal
Normal goods: Higher income means higher
Price of related goods (complements,
“Tastes and preferences”
Factors of supply
Price: Higher price  higher quantity
Price of inputs
Shift in demand;
movement along supply curve
Utility is used by economists to note a level of
The higher the utility, the higher the
Bananas and utility
Notice this example,
where the utility
level is a function of
the number of
bananas consumed
Common unit of utility
is called a “util”
Typically assume
Total utility
Two goods and utility
An indifference curve
that is further from the
origin has higher
U2 > U1 > U0
Budget constraints
We assume each person has wants that are
above the resources available to her/him
Consumption must be made from resources
Budget constraints with no money
Becky has a
given number of
hours per day
bundles: t, v, w,
x, y, z
Point t does not
use up her time
Point u is
Budget constraints with no trade
If there is no
Becky chooses
production to
maximize her
This occurs where
budget constraint
is tangent to an
indifference curve
Point E1
Substitution and income effects
When the price of a good changes, two
things happen
Income effect: How much does quantity change
due to lower income?
Substitution effect: How much does quantity
change due to change in relative prices?
Substitution and income effects
Income effect
Substitution effect
E1 to Ec
Ec to E2
Note that budget lines
to calculate income
effect are parallel
Consumer surplus
Height of triangle is
($6 – $3), or $3.
Length of triangle is
(6 – 0), or 6
Area of triangle is onehalf times length times
CS = $9
The area of this
triangle is a good
approximation of
Producer surplus
When P = 25 per unit,
shaded area is
approximate producer
Area is a triangle, onehalf times length times
0.5  10  25 = 125
Summary: Microeconomics review
Many microeconomic tools are needed to do
public finance
Some of the tools that we will use are based
on supply, demand, utility, and budget
Introduction to public finance
This class is meant to cover public finance to
students that have no direct background in the topic
Two topics will be covered in this “mini-lecture”
Some knowledge on public goods and externalities is
useful, but not required
What is studied in a public finance class?
What kinds of views do people have about public finance?
Government will be addressed more in later lectures
Size of government will be covered in the next lecture
Growth of government will be covered in week 4
Public finance
Public finance, as defined by R/G (p. 2)
“The field of economics that analyzes government
taxation and spending policies”
Public finance, as described by Former
Czech Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus (From
R/G, p. 2)
“Public finance is nothing else than a
sophisticated discussion of the relationship
between the individual and the state”
Public finance
We will study topics in which many argue that
government intervention is justified
Public goods and markets with externalities
Subsidized education
Health care, Social Security, and income
Public finance and taxes
Many programs require tax money to operate
We will study how the governments on the
local, state, and national level operate
Personal income tax
Reaction to labor/leisure choices
Corporate taxes
Deficit financing
Potential reforms to the current tax structure
Public _____
There are at least two other terms that mean
the same thing as public finance
Public sector economics
Public economics
Although I may use the three terms
interchangeably to mean the same thing, I
will usually use the term “public finance”
What views do people have?
Different people have different views about
public finance
Organic view of government
Mechanistic view of government
Organic view of government
Government treats an entire society as a
natural organism
Each individual is part of the organism
The government is the heart
Although individual goals differ, some goals
are naturally needed for the societal
Mechanistic view of government
Government is needed for individuals to
pursue their individual goals
“Invisible hand” (Adam Smith)
Efficient markets under certain sets of conditions
Property rights and lack of violence needed to have
efficient markets
How much government beyond this is
Libertarian: Small government
Social democrats: Larger government needed
What this class does
Some analysis is done on a society-wide
Social costs and benefits
Cost-benefit analysis on a nationwide scale
Other topics talk about individual analysis
Voting theory
Individual reaction to taxes and credits on labor
Determining what is “good”
What is “good” to one person may be viewed
as bad as others
Let’s do an activity to illustrate this
Everyone starts by standing up
I will show a statement
Stay standing if you agree with the statement
Sit down if you disagree with the statement
There is no “right” answer to any question
Time to stand up
Statements 1-3
I believe that reckless driving should be
stopped through government actions (such
as the use of police)
I think that government should build and
maintain roads and highways
I believe that each baby needs to be securely
buckled into a car seat while riding in a car, to
be enforced by the government
Statements 4-6
I believe that each person in a moving car
needs a seat belt on, to be enforced by the
I believe each driver needs liability insurance,
to be enforced by the government
I believe the government has a right to
regulate when each person can use the
roads, and the route they take, in order to
control traffic patterns
Statements 7-9
I believe that the government has a right to
prevent pilots of commercial aircraft from
using a cell phone while actively flying
I believe that the government has a right to
prevent drivers of cars from using a cell
phone while driving
I believe that the government should charge
a 90% tax rate on all income I earn in my
Does everyone agree?
Different people have different opinions about
what the government should do
Experts often disagree about what
government should do
We will often assume that the experts in other
disciplines have gotten costs and benefits
Summary: Introduction to Public Finance
Many topics studied in public finance
Topics related to government intervention
Tax-related topics
Different viewpoints about government
Organic view
Society is an organism
Mechanistic view
Government used to reach individual goals
Some ground rules at the end of lecture
I will always try to be done by 3:15 pm
In return, I expect your attention until the final
If you must leave early:
Please do so no later than 3:05 pm
Sit near an exit
Leave quickly and quietly
Example of final slide
Some ground rules at the end of lecture
After many of the lectures
Problem solving
Your questions (especially near test time)
Review of test questions
You are welcome to leave after lecture is
Please do so quickly and quietly