from 10/25 BR

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Transcript from 10/25 BR

The Kite Runner Bellringer #1
1. The novel begins with a flashback in chapter one.
Why do you think the author chose to begin the
novel this way? What was his purpose? What is
one line that stands out as important in the first
2. What information did you learn about the
Today’s Target: I can use close reading
strategies to improve my reading
The Kite Runner Bellringer #2
“It is easier for a father to have children than for children
to have a real father.” Pope John XXIII
1. Write a journal about this quote using these questions to
help guide your thoughts:
 Describe the significance or importance of this statement.
 How important is the father/son or mother/daughter
relationship in a child’s life?
 How do you think this quote might relate to The Kite
Today’s Target: I can use close reading strategies to
improve my reading comprehension.
The Kite Runner Bellringer #3
Answer the questions below using this characterization of
 Baba is a man's man. Afghani culture defines "real men"
as tough, unemotional, successful, powerful, independent,
1. In Amir’s culture, how do you think this concept of a man
creates conflict for Amir emotionally and/or mentally?
2. What do you think it takes to be a good man? What have
we been taught in our own culture about what it takes to be a
real man?
Today’s Target: I can make inferences about characters
that demonstrate both direct and indirect
The Kite Runner Bellringer #3
Write a journal about the topic below. Use the questions as
your guide.
 The strong underlying force of this novel is the relationship
between Amir and Hassan. Discuss their friendship. Why
is Amir afraid to be Hassan's true friend? Why does Amir
constantly test Hassan's loyalty? Why does he resent
Today’s Target: I can use close reading strategies to
improve my reading comprehension.
The Kite Runner Bellringer #4
1. Why do boys in Afghanistan during the winter of 1975
have gashes on their fingers (50)?
2. What special talent does Hassan have (55)?
3. Reread the paragraph that starts with “Baba smoked his
pipe and talked” (56). What does Amir mean when he
refers to “[his] life as a ghost"? (56)
4. Why does Amir feel like a phony around Hassan (58)?
Today’s Target: I can use close reading strategies to
improve my reading comprehension.
The Kite Runner Bellringer #6
1. What is the proudest moment of twelve-year-old Amir’s
life as described in Chapter 7?
2. What happens to Hassan when he runs the blue kite for
3. What do you think of Amir's behavior at the end of this
Today’s Target: I can comprehend challenging texts
through use of questioning.
The Kite Runner Bellringer #7
Write a journal about the topic below. Use the questions as
your guide.
Should people keep secrets? Big secrets? Small secrets?
Do secrets ultimately destroy you over time? Can we
privately manage, inside of our own minds, the things we
are not proud of? Why do we care so much about telling
one another the truth, the whole truth?
Today’s Target: I can use close reading strategies to
improve my reading comprehension.
The Kite Runner Bellringer #8
1. Based off of the information you read in chapter eight, do
you believe Hassan thinks Amir knows about the rape?
Why or why not?
2. What does Amir ask of Baba that makes Baba angry?
What does Baba say in response?
3. What happens at the pomegranate tree? What is your
reaction to the pomegranate tree scene?
4. What do you think Amir remembers most about his
thirteenth birthday party?
Today’s Target: I can use close reading strategies to
improve my reading comprehension.
The Kite Runner Bellringer #9
1. What is the only gift that Amir receives for his birthday
that does not feel like “blood money”? Why do you think he
feels this way?
2. Summarize why Amir puts his new watch and a handful
of money under Hassan’s mattress. What happens as a
Today’s Target: I can make inferences about
characters and their motivations.
The Kite Runner Bellringer #10
How do you think the events in chapter nine could
represent a turning point for each of the characters? Make
a prediction for each number.
1. Baba
2. Amir
3. Ali and Hassan
Today’s Target: I can make inferences about
characters and their motivations.