Ethics for Software Engineers - TAMU Computer Science Faculty

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Transcript Ethics for Software Engineers - TAMU Computer Science Faculty

Ethics for Computer Scientists
and Software Engineers
• You will be taking ENGR 482 (Engineering
Ethics) at some point.
• This course is hosted by the Philosophy
Department, but is oriented to Engineers.
• The principles span across all engineering
• Dr. Ed Harris is an expert on Engineering
Ethics and literally wrote the book.
Why do computer scientists have to learn
about Ethics?
1. Employers require that students understand the
ethical implications of design and decision-making
(including how to deal with gray areas).
2. There are a lot of interesting related topics, like
intellectual property (e.g. copyrights), privacy and
security, etc.
3. We trade in digital information (from images and
music to source code); there are many implications,
such as what can be copied freely.
4. Software has a real impact on people. There can be
consequences of software we design and programs
we write, based on how they affect users, as well as
others. (e.g. in terms of safety, privacy...)
• In ENGR 482, you will learn about different
ethical frameworks.
– Religion/Morality – for some people, morals might be
grounded in their religious beliefs
– Philosophical – some researchers argue that there
are common, innate ideals that most humans
instinctively share, such as about fairness, reciprocity,
and individual rights and dignity
– Utilitarian – driven by cost-benefit analysis
• In ENGR 482, you will learn about sources of
ethical conflicts, and techniques for evaluating
difficult situations and making ethical decisions.
– laziness, greed, pressure from boss, group-think...
• We live in a world of Digital Information
– icons, clipart, photos, videos, music
– scanned, searchable documents
– software
– emails, tweets
• Question:
– What is free (public)?
– What is protected (copyrighted)?
– What is private?
What information is Public?
• images, clip art, icons, music, text, software,
engineering designs?
• Can you post pictures of your friends?
– a famous building like the Empire States building?
– what if the Coca-Cola logo is in background?
• Do you have to get permission?
– when in doubt, you should cite sources
– this includes online material (e.g. URL)
– suggestion for Powerpoint slides: you can reuse
images/icons from Wikimedia Commons (Creative
Commons license allows this)
Reminder: plagiarism is serious. Do not copy stuff off
the web (text, images, code) and present it as your own
The Legal Side
• concept of Intellectual Property (IP)
– rationale: time-limited monopoly to incentivize
– what counts as IP?
• inventions, methods, processes, ‘use’ patents (e.g.
new uses for old medications)
• valuable to employers
– what about design/style (look-and-feel)?
• yes, just ask Apple, who has been sued by
Microsoft over “graphical OS interfaces” and
Samsung over smart phone designs
– however, you can’t copyright or patent an idea,
only the expression of that idea
– original work of authorship; the expression of
an idea, like a book or a song
– inventions, methods for doing/making
something, or improvements of such
criteria – must be:
1. novel
2. useful
3. non-obvious
also first to file (a recent policy change in the US)
• What is an adequate modification?
– any derivative work is protected (including translation
to other languages, etc.)
– is there a “minimal clip”? mashups/remixes?
incidental depiction in a photo?
– often subjective – the extent of the clip counts (and
whether it affects profit potential)
• Concept of fair use
– can use some material for personal, non-profit, or
educational purposes
– example: use the Nike swoosh as a symbol on your
personal calendar; make a mix tape; print out a quote
from your favorite author as an inspiration ...
– can mention a brief quote in a review article
– can make personal copies of software, e.g. backups
Can you patent an algorithm?
• Richard Stallman argues that algorithms are like
ideas and shouldn’t be patented (and it
damages the industry to do so)
• there are major problems with “patent trolls” who
look for intentional or accidental re-use of
methods and try to extort fees
• the USPTO finally ruled that algorithms cannot
be patented
• Yet, there are patents for algorithms like:
– IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)
– LZW compression used in GIF images
– both patents are now expired
Copyrighting of Software
• software doesn’t quite fit definition of a
copyright or patent
– can’t copyright an algorithm (like an idea), but
can copyright the expression/implementation as
a program in a language (like book or process)
– it can be viewed as a blueprint for making
• putting your copyright on a piece of code
(source code file) is sufficient, though you
should register if you want to protect it
– Copyright @ 2013. Thomas Ioerger. All rights
• software is often designed using
libraries/components/plugins, so you have to be
careful about what can be re-used
– see Google Drive example:
• fonts – actually licensed as software
• alternative types of software copyrights:
Public Domain/freeware
Open source – generally unrestricted, can even sell it
GNU FSF (Free Software Foundation)
• promote unrestricted sharing of code to benefit society
• Copyleft: can freely use, modify and re-distribute, but only if
your software also propagates this policy.
• effectively prevented from commercial profit
The Ethical Side
• Aspirational ethics:
– do more than just minimally follow the rules,
i.e. not just abiding by restrictions and making
decisions based on potential liability, etc.
• Principles
– respect for persons (Golden Rule – you
wouldn’t want somebody stealing your ideas)
– give credit, acknowledge source (even if it
might mean sharing profit)
– when in doubt: cite it, or re-write it in your own
Privacy and Security
• what information is private?
– medical/financial records
– academic/employment/voting records
– not google searches or tweets
• Interestingly, the “right to privacy” is not in the
US Constitution Bill of Rights, though it has been
interpreted by the Supreme Court an extension
of other rights.
• FOIA – Federal Open-Information Act
• emails
– caution: they’re not as private as you think, especially
in employer accounts
– might as well assume they could become public
Privacy vs. Social utility (tradeoff)
– there are cases where we justify collection of
private data for the public good
– examples:
• health insurers have to collect info to set premiums
• credit card companies have to collect info to issue
credit scores
– digital info can be aggregated and crossreferenced in large databases of information
• risks to privacy, potential for identity theft
– solutions
• fair information practices
• de-identification
The Legal Side
• who is responsible for security?
– you? employer? IT person (firewall)?
– note: don’t share passwords!
• what must you keep password-protected?
– social security numbers, credit card numbers...
• security decisions driven by liability
– legal/financial consequences
– risks of potential for identity theft
• companies have a responsibility to inform parties
of security breaches
– example: in 2007, hackers stole 45 million credit card
numbers from TJ Maxx servers
– more recent example: Target (Nov 2013) – stolen at
The Ethical Side
• privacy and security represent a tradeoff
– there are many levels of security with different costs
• passwords
• firewalls?
• is encryption warranted? what bit-level?
• could take a utilitarian view
– balance costs and inconvenience
• the problem is, people often disagree on:
– perceived risk (probability of being hacked)
– relative weight/importance of privacy
• aspirational ethics:
– don’t just make decisions based on legal or financial
considerations (which tend to emphasize the negative), but
instead, aspire to protect users’ rights
• ethical principles: individuals’ dignity and right to privacy
Ethics in Software Engineering
• There are many design decisions in software that
can have significant consequences...
• Famous software bugs
– Therac-25 (1985)
• chemo-radiation equipment
• software bug in beam-shield controller caused radiation
overdoses, multiple deaths
– AT&T long-distance network (1990)
• crashed (in New England) due to missing ‘break’ in a switch
case causing 1 switch send a failure/congestion message to
another switch causing it to reset/self-test, and this cascaded
to crash other switches
– Floating point/math co-processor in Intel chips
• Responsibility for documentation of
software, testing, and fixing bugs
– basically, common engineering ethics apply
– shared responsibility of programmer, team,
manager, company...
ACM Code of Ethics
• Association for Computing Machinery
• Like most professional societies, we have a code of
– defines “professionalism” - taking responsibility for your
work, keeping informed, honor laws, confidentiality,
privacy, etc.
– emphasizes positive aspects of ethical behavior over
negative – what you should do, instead of prohibitions
– ACM code emphasizes safety of public over interests of
• so for example, if your manager asks you to do something risky
or dangerous, such as release code you know has bugs in it, you
shouldn’t just blindly do it
1.1 Contribute to society and human well-being.
1.2 Avoid harm to others.
1.3 Be honest and trustworthy.
1.4 Be fair and take action not to discriminate.
1.5 Honor property rights including copyrights and patent.
1.6 Give proper credit for intellectual property.
1.7 Respect the privacy of others.
1.8 Honor confidentiality.
– 2.1 Strive to achieve the highest quality, effectiveness and dignity in
both the process and products of professional work.
– 2.2 Acquire and maintain professional competence.
– 2.3 Know and respect existing laws pertaining to professional work.
– ...
– 3.2 Manage personnel and resources to design and build information
systems that enhance the quality of working life.
– 3.3 Acknowledge and support proper and authorized uses of an
organization's computing and communication resources.
– ...
Ethics in Interface Design
• Design of software must match “cognitive
structures” – how people think about a
– we can’t go into detail here (take a class on
it), but this is a significant aspect of design of
software systems that must be considered,
especially for safety
– consider how to display state info/status
indicators so users really understand
– consider how to make actions/options and
their effects clear (example: does this action
erase data?)
Ethics in Interface Design
• An example:
– early Air-Traffic Control systems had a GUI
with lights that blinked twice per second to
indicate every thing was “OK”
– this had to be changed to once per second,
because controllers were getting confused
because the human brain interprets lights
blinking twice per second as “Alert!”
Case: Autopilot or Human Error?
The following was excerpted from Olson, W.A. (2001). Risks of Cockpit
On 24 April 1994 an Airbus 300-600 crashed while on approach to Nagoya,
Japan. During the approach the copilot inadvertently engaged the aircraft’s
“go-around mode,” which caused the automated systems to attempt to fly
away from the ground using the aircraft pitch trim system, while the pilots
attempted to continue the landing approach via input to the elevator.
The pilots were unable to determine that the pitch trim input of the autopilot
system was causing difficulties controlling the aircraft.
Additionally, the design of the A300 autopilot (at that time) did not allow the
pilots to override the autopilot by use of opposing control stick pressure.
Thus, the pilots and automated systems continued to struggle for control,
with the aircraft eventually pitching up to near vertical, stalling, and crashing
on the approach end of the runway—killing 264 passengers and crew.
This case illustrates that a technological advance (the autopilot) that was
supposed to help human operators actually got in the way. It didn’t
malfunction. The problem stemmed from the crew not fully understanding
what it was doing and how that interacted with what they wanted to do.
• There are downsides to technology/online/the
Internet/social networking, which can make us...
– ...less sociable via personal interactions
• e.g. children who spend all day playing video games or texting
• loss of inter-personal skills, expression
• alienation, loneliness (think of online shopping vs. face-to-face)
– ...reliant/dependent on computers
• loss of math skills, grammar/spelling, memory
• I don’t know how my car works anymore, and I can’t fix it.
• GPS, googlemaps for navigation
– ...gullible and uncritical
• “It must be true - I saw it on the Internet.”
• blaming the technology - “I didn’t fix it because the red light wasn’t
– ...desensitized to violence (video games), pornography,
Design of software features should promote human well-being
• What if you can implement something that
is bad or disruptive?
– examples of abuse:
• disassembly, hacking
• web-bots, spam
– a script that queries a web site so much that it
overloads it (e.g. checking every millisecond
for a book at the library)
– the 1988 Morris Worm, which exploited a
loophole in a Unix daemon to spread from
machine to machine
• they didn’t intend it to be mischievous, it was just an
• they made a mistake in the implementation that
generated many more copies than intended
• cases related to hacking
– Kevin Mitnick (
• gained remote access to corporate data using phones
• was sentenced to 5 years in prison and forbidden to use
computers afterwards
• even though he didn’t profit, did his punishment befit his
crime, or were the feds unduly trying to make an example out
of him (perhaps out of ignorance or fear)?
• 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
• Ethical Principles
– don’t harm/hinder others
• Respect for Persons
– if someone sets up a server, respect its intended use
• RSS - this is an example where they intend to stream it to
you and have anticipated the load
– even if you figure out how somebody implemented
something, don’t publish it (it violates their rights)
• So in summary...
– try to make decisions guided by ethical principles
– keep in mind the ACM Code of Ethics
– consider the consequences of software you
design (on users and others)
– Design software features that promote human
– take responsibility for testing your code
– respect copyrights and don’t re-use stuff unless
you give due credit
• Food for thought:
– Google’s corporate motto is ...?
• Food for thought:
– Google’s corporate motto is “Don’t be evil.”
• Food for thought:
– Google’s corporate motto is “Don’t be evil.”
– Why do you think that is?
• Food for thought:
– Google’s corporate motto is “Don’t be evil.”
– Why do you think that is?
– Because they have the power to do some really
bad things with their technology and data.