ChlorOxygen™ -

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Build Better Blood
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Are you experiencing:
•shortness of breath?
•inability to walk far?
Your cells may be craving oxygen.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
In order to live, plants must extract
energy from sunlight.
• Photosynthesis is the breathing of plants
and the process is started by chlorophyll.
• A leaf is basically a solar collector
crammed full of photosynthetic cells
• Chlorophyll captures the energy from the
sun and passes it on to other parts of the
photosynthetic process.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
For humans to live, we must extract
oxygen from the air
• Respiration is the breathing of humans
& the process is started by hemoglobin.
• A red blood cell is basically a transporter
of gases crammed with oxygen holders
• As red blood cells travel through the
lungs, hemoglobin captures the oxygen
from the air and passes it on to tissues.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
• Pigment that gives plants their green color.
• Intimately involved with photosynthesis,
• Often called the “building blocks of life”.
• The only source of oxygen on the planet.
• Without chlorophyll, there is no life on
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Chlorophyll molecule
Raven, P., R. Evert and S. Eichhorn. 1992. Biology of Plants, 5th Edition. New York, NY; Worth
Chlorophyll Concentrate
• Working part of a red blood cell
• 250 million of these molecules per RBC
• Each hemoglobin carries up to 4 molecules of
oxygen (O2).
• Transports oxygen from the lung to the
• Transport carbon dioxide from tissues to the
• Without hemoglobin, there is no life for
human beings
Marieb, E. 2004. Human Anatomy and Physiology. 6th Edition. San Francisco, CA. Pearson Education, Inc. p. 649.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
With each pass through the lungs,
one tiny red blood cell can scoop
about one billion molecules of
oxygen (1,000,000,000 Oxygen
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Hemoglobin molecule
Marieb, E. 2004. Human Anatomy and Physiology. 6th Edition. San Francisco, CA. Pearson
Education, Inc. p. 649.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
The molecules of chlorophyll and
hemoglobin are almost identical. The
only difference between the two is
that chlorophyll contains a core of
magnesium while hemoglobin
contains a core of iron.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
What the body does when it gets a
hold of chlorophyll is to break down
the chlorophyll, take an iron
molecule and rebuild hemoglobin.
The body loves chlorophyll because it
needs to spend much less energy to
use prefabricated hemoglobin than to
build it from scratch.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Here are six ways that Herbs,
Etc.’s ChlorOxygen chlorophyll
concentrate can benefit you.
Oxygen availability
ChlorOxygen® increases the
amount of oxygen available
to cells.
-increases the hemoglobin’s
capacity to grab and hold on to
Benefit: increased energy
Red blood cell production
2. ChlorOxygen® supports the
production of red blood cells
and its blood-oxygen carrying
Hemoglobin level can be raised by
taking with iron
Benefit: increases hemoglobin oxygen
carrying capacity.
High altitude acclimation
3. ChlorOxygen® is helpful in high
altitude situations.
High altitude visitors, mountain
hiking, going from sea level to
high altitude
Benefit: quick acclimation to new
Pregnancy aid
4. ChlorOxygen® comes to the aid
of pregnancy.
- helps raise and maintain normal
hematocrit blood level. Midwives
require a minimum hematocrit level
of 36% to permit for home births.
Actually, 42% is a much healthier
level for females.
Benefit: possibility to do a home birth
Intestinal Deodorizer
5. ChlorOxygen® acts as an
intestinal deodorizer.
- controls and minimizes intestinal
Benefit: People with intestinal gas
problem and colostomy patients.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
6. ChlorOxygen® offers liver
-inhibits specific toxins that may
damage the functional cells of the
Benefits: prevents carcinogenic
activity and protects the liver
Chlorophyll Concentrate
How ChlorOxygen is made
• There are two types of herbs used to
make chlorophyll: alfalfa and stinging
• Herb, Etc. uses stinging nettle because
it is one of the richest source of
chlorophyll. You can tell by the deep
green color of the herb.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
• The stinging nettle is cut, shade-dried
and put in a big macerator with alcohol
and water as solvents.
• The herb and liquid is tumbled for 8
• Each macerator hold about 350 pounds
of stinging nettle.
• At the end of 8 hours you end up with
what is basically a liquid herbal extract
of stinging nettle.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
• The next step consists of removing the
alcohol and most of the water from the
maceration liquid using a low-heat,
vacuum process very similar to the
Herbs, Etc. process used to make
• At this stage we now have a
concentrated stinging nettle extract.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
• The next step consists of separating the
chlorophyll from the other plant
constituents such as flavonoids, ionic
minerals, coumarins, phenolic acids,
biogenic amines (histamine,
acetylcholine, serotonin) using a
proprietary process.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
• The crude extract is further processed
to remove all the oil soluble compounds
(fats, phenolic compounds,
phytosterols, etc.) again using a
proprietary process.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
• Copper and sodium is added to the
chlorophyll extract. This is a critical
process because it makes the
chlorophyll water soluble.
• After the copper and the sodium have
interacted with the chlorophyll, the
chlorophyll is washed three separate
times. This is to remove any free
sodium and copper.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
• The washed chlorophyll is then dried
and is ready to be made as a
• At this point it is called in the trade
sodium copper chlorophyllin extract.
• It is from this concentrate that we make
Herbs, Etc.’s ChlorOxygen chlorophyll
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Highly concentrated.
• Equals up to two 16 ounce bottles of the
competition’s chlorophyll.
• Takes up almost no space.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Requires no refrigeration.
• Leave it on the counter, in the cupboard,
or bring it to work with you.
• Travels well.
• Will not spoil.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Preservative free.
• Other chlorophyll products may contain
the preservatives methylparaben and/or
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Great tasting.
• Compared to other chlorophyll on the
market, consumers agree:
ChlorOxygen chlorophyll concentrate is
the best tasting chlorophyll on the
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Highly concentrated: 36 drop of
ChlorOxygen chlorophyll concentrate
contains 100 mg of chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Is helpful with individuals who are:
• Fatigued*
• Anemic*
• Short of breath*
• Concerned about intestinal gas and
digestive system health*
• Living or traveling to high altitude areas*
• Colostomy patients*
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure of prevent any disease.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Dosage: Daily intake of 100 to 200
mg of ChlorOxygen is suggested.
Take 18 to 36 drops twice a day with
If the person is anemic, give with
iron supplement. I recommend
Floradix iron and herbs.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
There are no contraindications,
toxicity or drug interactions
associated with the use of
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Side Effects: Dark green stools are
the only known side effects
associated with taking ChlorOxygen .
This is normal and disappear with
discontinuing the product.
Chlorophyll Concentrate
Helps you build better blood
Increases oxygenation
Boosts energy level
Facilitates high altitude acclimation
Chlorophyll Concentrate