IPT Scotland for Iowa FINAL V

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IPT Scotland
Where we are
The population of Scotland is 5.295 million
Scotland is part of the UK but has had its own
Parliament since 1999. The Scottish people
will vote for or against full independence in a
referendum in 2014.
Our landscape
Scotland has a diverse landscape across the
ten National Health Service (NHS) boards
that cover the whole country. Most of the
population live in the central belt containing
Edinburgh the capital city and Glasgow its
larger neighbour. Scotland has more than its
fair share of dramatic scenery,
communication challenges, deprivation, and
health inequalities.
Most of us are based here.
 Lorna Champion Consultant
Clinical Psychologist NHS Lothian
 Katherine Cheshire Head of
Psychology NHS Fife
 Patricia Graham Head of
Psychology for Adult Mental Health
NHS Lothian
 Prof. Matthias Schwannaur Head
of Clinical Psychology Training
University of Edinburgh
Other key members of our group
We’d also like to thank
Our National Health Service
The NHS in Scotland is devolved and managed by the Scottish
The recent massive increase in funding for psychological therapies in
the UK through the Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies
(IAPT) programme only applies to England (blue area on map) and
does not apply to the NHS in Scotland.
• A grant was obtained from Chief Scientist Office (pre devolution) for RCT comparing IPT and
CBT in Primary Care
• Therapists went to train at Clarke Institute in Toronto Canada
• First IPT Training Course in Edinburgh
• The course attracted an international audience right from the beginning
• IPT training of mental health professionals across Scotland expanded
• IPT UK formed linking all those interested in IPT training in the UK.
• Beginning of the development of training standards and guidelines for what was required to
become a practitioner and supervisor in IPT in the NHS in the UK.
• Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Initiative in England turned its attention to IPT as an
alternative to CBT in its massive rollout of psychological therapies training and delivery for England.
• The Scottish IPT group formerly IPT Edinburgh decided to form IPT Scotland so we could meet the needs
of the Scottish population and develop our own training pathway and procedures for maintaining
• Competency Framework developed for IPT to help standardise training along same lines as
had been developed for CBT and for generic psychological therapy supervision standards.
NHS in Scotland bought into the development of competency frameworks so we were
involved in the development of the framework and committed to using it for our training.
• IPT Scotland created a training committee to oversee training standards and consider training needs for
Scotland. The first network meeting took place in January 2009 all those interested or involved in IPT
from all 10 health boards were invited to the meeting in Edinburgh. A CPD programme was planned with
meetings twice a year.
• Although a lot of staff had done introductory training in IPT there was a shortage of trained supervisors.
The reliance on peer supervision was no longer regarded as adequate. We wanted to stay in line with
advances in standards in IPT UK and ISIPT.
• IPT Scotland in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh obtained a grant from the
Scottish Government to expand IPT training and development in Scotland.
• Focus was on expanding the number of supervisors across the 10 Scottish health boards. A plan was
devised to assess competence and accredit experienced IPT therapists in Scotland who wanted to
become supervisors
• A clear training pathway for IPT was developed with supporting training material based on
the competency frameworks. The aim was for each board to have at least one trained IPT
• Our IPT Supervision Handbook was produced along with new materials to guide the supervision process
based on the competency frameworks. The majority of IPT supervisors (23) from across Scotland
attended the first IPT Supervision Training Course ( 2 days) in Edinburgh.
Increase in number of practitioners
Number of practitioners 2009 v 2013
Increase in number of supervisors
Number of supervisors 2009 v 2013
Further developments
• Introductory Training Course offered in Aberdeen for first time with help from Liz
Prince who had offered training courses in Highland and had first dedicated IPT
post in Scotland.
• Expansion to include training for Older Adults. Gregg Hinrichsen and Kathleen
Clougherty provide training course for older adult practitioners from across
Scotland funded by the Scottish Government , NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
• Introductory Training offered in Glasgow supported by NES
Further developments
• IPT introductory training is provided to trainees on Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
at the University of Edinburgh. This has been expanded to include Glasgow
University D.Clin. Psych. in 2013 thus covering whole of Scotland.
• IPT for Adolescence training offered by the University of Edinburgh as part of an
M.Sc. and P.G. Cert. in Psychological therapies run by Prof. Matthias Schwannauer
• IPT Scotland becomes a registered Charity in Scotland.
Further developments
IPT Scotland now has a new website where we aim to advertise training and future events:
Each Health Board has a named representative and is given a page on our website.
We have IPT trained staff working in a range of speciality areas including:
Child and adolescent mental health
Older adults
Eating Disorders
Perinatal mental health
Physical health
Bi polar disorder
Each specialty area has a named representative from IPT Scotland and a page on the website.
Our aim is to provide information CPD and support to all specialties via our website and regular meetings
Further developments
In 2011 IPT Scotland amended the IPT training
pathway requiring that 4 cases had to be completed
to a satisfactory standard with expert supervision
and written up using standard format to obtain
Practitioner Status. (Kept us in line with IPT UK IAPT
Further developments
To obtain Supervisor Status a further two cases were required to be completed
in expert supervision these six cases must cover all the four focus areas in IPT. A
Portfolio of all completed cases written up using standard format in line with
supervision hand book need to be submitted to the training committee along
with record of supervision experience and training. All submissions assessed by
two members of the IPT Scotland training committee.
The aim is that all IPT supervisors will attend the two day supervisors training
course, use standardised training materials for supervision and the Supervisors
Obtain supervision of supervision on their first two supervised cases with joint
rating of recording of sessions.
Further developments
Dr Patricia Graham Head of Psychology for Adult Mental Health in
NHS Lothian is also involved in developing IPT in the following
additional areas:
IPT for Acute Crisis (IPT:AC) with Charlotte LeMaigre
Brief IPT (IPT:B Scotland) with Charlotte LeMaigre
IPT for the treatment of ‘low tariff’ female offenders (IPT-LTO)(this
new project has just begun following a recent grant awarded for two
years) Dr Suzie Black, Dr Debra Bowyer, Dr Lorna Champion
Further developments
Matthias Schwannauer in collaboration with Cathy Richards in NHS
Lothian is further involved in developing IPT-A as sustainable service
model within Child and Adolescent Mental Health, supported by a
network of CAMHS based supervisors and practitioners.
In collaboration with Dr Emily Taylor and Dr Fiona Duffy we are also
developing a clinical trial basis for IPT-A in comparison to CBT for
children and young people and mentalisation based treatments for