Feature-Based Retinal Image Registration Using Bifurcation Structures

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Registering retinal images

July 15, 2011 Babak Ghafaryasl Universitat Pompeu Fabra Csaba Molnár University of Szeged Antonio R. Porras Universitat Pompeu Fabra Arie Shaus Tel Aviv University


Overview Vessel enhancement Vascular tree extraction Feature extraction Registration

Vessel enhancement “

Multiscale vessel enhancement filtering

”, Frangi et al, 1998 - Scale Space representation - Local image descriptors - Eigenvalues of Hessain (2 nd derivative) matrix Tubular, plate-like and spherical structures

Vascular tree extraction Original images Vessel enhancement Thresholding + Skeletonization + Largest connected components

 4  7  6  8

L 2

 5  9  1  10   12 11

L 3


 From

bifurcation point


bifurcation structure

… “

Feature-Based Retinal Image Registration Using Bifurcation Structures

”, Chen & Zhang, 2009 [ , 1 2 , 3 ,             1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ]   3 2

L 1

But… • L’s are normalized to sum up to 1.

• The α triplets sum up to 360.

Therefore we can remove some redundancy.


 [ , 1 2 ,         1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 10 , 11 ]

We can measure a distance between such structures!


bifurcation structures



Step 1

: Find bifurcation structures in both images.

Step 2

: Find the best match between two bifurcation structures. The match between 4 points (3 are enough) determines the affine transformation.

Step 3

: Find next best matches (taking the transformation into account); refine the affine transformation with more points.

Results: feature extration All candidates Vessel registration Matching candidates

Results: retinal registration (I)

Results: retinal registration (II)

Results: bad news...
