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Algorithms for Maze
Solving Robot
Mohamed Alsubaie
Dr. David Southall
Unit code
BEng (Hons) Computer and
Communication Engineering
1. Introduction
Maze Solving Robot is a small robot that can solve a maze in the shortest
possible time.
This problem is approximately 30 years old.
However, it is still considered as an important field of robotics.
It is based on “Decision Making Algorithm”.
1. Introduction
1.1 Aim
The aim of this project is to deign algorithms capable of leading a robot to solve a maze.
1.2 Objectives
Understand and implement the wall follower and modified fill flood algorithms.
Use multi-dimensional array.
Apply some navigation and mapping strategies.
Design and build the robot.
Build a small maze.
2. Background
2.1 History of Micro Mouse Robot
2.2 Micro Mouse Competitions
• The physical shape of the new generation of
micro-mouse robot becomes mush smaller
than before.
• This competition has been organised since
the 1970s in many different countries.
• Competition rules:
• The robot requires having a good decision
making capability to solve the maze.
- The robot needs to solve a given maze of
16x16 grid of cells in less than 10 minutes.
- The robot width and length should be no
more than 25cm, while there are no
boundaries for the robot height (IEEE UCSD,
Figure-1: Old generation of micro-mouse
robots (Cyberneticzoo, 2010).
Figure-2: Micro-mouse competition in United
State (IEEE UCSD, 2009).
3. Hardware and Software
Figure-3: Hardware and software required.
4.1 Wall Following Algorithm
• One of the simplest maze solving techniques.
• The robot will take its direction by following either left or right wall.
• The robot reaches the finish point of the maze without actually solving it.
• This algorithm fail to solve some maze construction, such as a maze with a closed loop region.
4.2 Fill Flood Algorithm
• This is one of the most efficient maze solving algorithms.
• It is derived from the “Bellman Ford Algorithm”.
• The algorithm works by assigning value for all cells in the
maze, indicating the required steps to reach the goal.
• It can solve complex and difficult mazes construction.
Figure-4: Filling the maze with
cell values.
4. Method
4.3 Simulation Programmes
Figure-5: Simulation results block diagram.
Figure-6: Scanning routine in the multi
dimensional array.
Figure-7: Robot in different positions on
the multi dimensional maze.
4. Method
Figure-8: Left hand wall flow chart.
Figure-9: Modified fill flood flow chart.
4. Method
4.4 Robot Implementation
Pulse Width Modulation
• It is a simple method for controlling analogue
devices via a digital signal through changing or
modulating the pulse width.
• In order to change the direction of a motor, the
direction of current flows and the polarity of the
voltage of the motor terminal should be reversed.
To achieve this, four switch need to be connected
in the following arrangement shown below.
Figure-10: An example of a PWM of 25% duty cycle.
Back EMF
Figure-11: H-bridge with four
switches (McRoberts, 2010).
Figure-12: Shoot-through Hbridge states (Warren,
Adams and Molle, 2011).
• When the power is removed from a motor, the
motor will not stop immediately. While the motor is
turning without an applied power, an electric current
is generating known as “Back EMF”, which can
makes a series problem and damage the circuit.
• Therefore, it is necessarily to place diodes in the
circuit around the areas which have a danger of the
power being reversed either by user error or via
phenomena such as back EMF (McRoberts, 2010).
Figure-13: Acceptable H-bridge states (Warren,
Adams and Molle, 2011).
4. Method
Figure-14: Block diagram for the maze
solving robot.
Figure-15: Circuit diagram for the maze
solving robot.
4. Method
Figure-16: Maze solving robot physical configuration.
4. Method
Figure-18:Scanning routine in real maze.
Figure-17: Robot programme flow chart.
Figure-19: Move to cell function.
4. Method
4.5 Testing Procedure
Simulation Test
Robot Test
• Both left hand wall and fill flood algorithms
programmes have been loaded with two
different mazes.
• A 3 x 3 maze has been built to test the robot.
• After running the programmes the simulation
result has been appear on the serial monition.
Figure-20: Mazes for testing simulations programme.
• Simulation test has been run to make sure
that the algorithm work well.
• The robot has been placed on the starting
position and tested on the real maze.
Figure-21:The robot on a 3 x 3 maze.
5. Results
5.1 Simulation Results
Figure-22: Simulation results for maze 1.
5. Results
Figure-23: Simulation results for maze 2.
5. Results
5.2 Experimental Results
Figure-24: Simulation results for maze the real maze.
5. Results
• The robot was able to solve the maze as expected
• Sometimes the robot was having some difficulties with long paths.
Figure-25: The robot on a 3 x 3 maze.
Figure-26: The robot on a 3 x 3 maze.
6. Discussion and Conclusion
Discussion and Conclusion
• The project covers two well known maze solving algorithms.
“Left hand wall”, this basic method shows an impressive results in solving the maze, but due to
the absent of intelligence, this method fail in solving even is a simple maze with closed loop.
• “Modified fill flood algorithm”, has been used to tackle the problem. It is a very efficient method
that will even solve a complicated maze.
• The robot has been able to solve the maze. It was not the best performance, but with few
adjustments the robot can works better.
7. Project Management
Project Management
• Spent most of summer holiday reading journals and searching about maze solving robot.
• Full plan has been set from week 1 to complete this project.
• The work has been stick with the plan and all deadlines have been submitted on time.
• The supervisor meetings have significant advantages to successfully complete this project.
Figure-27: application of robots on cars factories
(National Geographic, 2012).
Table-1:Cost analysis.
8. Further Work
7.1 Improve Robot Movement
• Manual calibration for sensors.
• Wheel encoding technique.
• Digital compass.
Figure-28: Wheel encoding technique.
Figure-29: Digital compass.
8 Further Work
7.2 Suggested Solution for Wall Following Algorithm
• Both left hand wall and right-hand wall are going to fail in solving this maze, because it has a
closed loop path.
• However, a solution can be made to solve this problem which is by changing the polarity of the
following wall when the robot starts looping, see the figure below.
Figure-30: Solution for wall following algorithm.
9. References
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9. References
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