Melanie Klein

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Historical Antecedents
Professional Obstacles/Struggles
Theories and Ideas
Data on Theories and Ideas
Strengths and Weaknesses
Influence on Events and Ideas
Historical Antecedents
• Psychoanalysis
– Idea of unconscious
• Sigmund Freud
– His book, On Dreams
– Idea of Oedipus Complex
• Post WWI Germany
– Movement of Behaviorism
• WWII Europe
– Genocide- anti-Semitism
• Field of Psychology
– Psychoanalysis
– Behaviorism
– Gestalt
• Female
• Divorced
• Jewish
• Mood Disorder
• Conflict with Anna Freud
Theories & Ideas
• Play Therapy
– Free Play = Free Association
• Dramatization of fantasies
• Symbolism in play
• Conflict resolution
– The Therapy Setting
• Furniture
• Toys
Theories & Ideas
• Object Relations Theory
– Superego = introjected parental figure
Parental Body Parts
Combined Parental Figure
– Depressive Position
– Today’s Object Relations Theory
Data on Theories & Ideas
• Based on Freud
– Breaking away from the pack
• Case Studies
– Adults- Idea of fantasy
– Children- importance of ego development
• Play therapy
Strengths & Weaknesses
• Strengths
– Importance of early
– Direct treatment of
– Formation of play
– Use of free association
• Weaknesses
– Lack of controlled
– Theories based on
personal, clinical
– Lack of agreement with
fellow psychoanalysis
Influence on
Events & Ideas
• Systemized Direct Treatment of Children
• Initiation of Child Psychoanalysis
• Emphasized Importance of Interpersonal
Relationships in Psychoanalysis
• Object Relations Theory
• Psychoanalytic theory
• Kleinian theory is still influential as a distinctive
strain of psychoanalytic theory.
True or False
Melanie Klein was a black woman who’s own
husband’s work in psychoanalysis is
greater than her own.
FALSE!!!! Melanie was Jewish and the
difference between her and many other
women of the time is that she is known
because of HER work and only hers.
True or False
Melanie Klein and Anna Freud were best friends and that
is the reason why Freud influenced a lot of her work.
False!!! Melanie and Anna were not friends
at all in fact they had two completely
different ideas for child psychology.
True or False
Play therapy and object relation theory emerged from her
TRUE!!! And FALSE!! Melanie
Klein did play a huge role in
developing and contributing ideas
to both the object relation
theory and play therapy.