Introduction to Technology in Dermatology

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Introduction to Information Technology in Dermatology Part I

Rick Lin, DO MPH First Year Dermatology Resident Texas Division of the KCOM Dermatology Department

Purpose of this Presentation

 Familiarize KCOM Dermatology Residents with the Internet Resources Available  Provide Residents with the computer skills to prepare Internet Basic Science Lectures  Present the structure of KCOM Dermatology Training Consortium  Encourage the participation of collaborative idea exchange

Format of this presentation

 Going over the Consortium Website and introducing various features  Using various databases available  Tips and Tricks on using PowerPoint to prepare future presentation  Answer any questions you may have the last 10 minutes of each session.

 The entire presentation will take 3 sessions.

Format of this presentation

 Day 1: Introduction to the Consortium Website  Day 2: Use of the Consortium Databases and Basic Science Lectures Format  Day 3: More on Basic Science Lectures Format and use of PowerPoint Presentation  10-15 minutes Q&A session each day

Introduction to KCOM Dermatology Training Consortium  PowerPoint presentation presented previously   Internet Presence Component  Idea Exchange Component  Database Creation Component

Internet Presence Component  General Information about the Program and Consortium  Training Syllabus  Journal Club Schedule  Link to AOCD and AOCD Grand Rounds  dex.htm

Internet Presence Component

 Future implementation:  Posting Pictures of the Residents  Posting optional profile, or link to the AOCD website profile

Lecture/Reading Syllabus

 labus.htm

 Date refers to the date of the basic science lecture. That will be the due date to complete the require reading.

 Syllabus is based on Andrew’s  Prior to the lecture, submit 5 questions based on the reading material

Lecture/Reading Syllabus

 Questions will be entered into the Study Question Database. They will need to be emailed to me at [email protected]

Lecture/Reading Syllabus

 Core reading is required. About 20 pages each week.

 Will not interfere with Missouri’s Monday Fitzpatrick reading.

Dermatology Journal Club Schedule  econ.htm

 Each week, the Journals are assigned in advance.

 When you selected your article, please email your selection to the Consortium List Server via email.

Consortium List Server

 What is the Consortium List Server?

 Email Broadcast system  Send one email to the Group, everyone will receive the mailing  Members are the residents of KCOM Dermatology Program and Program Directors

Consortium List Server

 How do you use it?

 Sending email to  [email protected]

 All messages are moderated, thus it may take a few hours before your message is posted  If your message gets bounced back or did not get posted, please email me directly at [email protected]

Dermatology Training Virtual Lounge  Bulletin Board System  Design for the participation of ALL AOCD dermatologists, program directors, residents, and students.

 Contrast to Consortium List Server, which is for KCOM Residents and Program Directors only

Dermatology Training Virtual Lounge  Position KCOM Dermatology Department to function as a nerve center for all future AOCD member communication  bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi

Dermatology Training Virtual Lounge  bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi

 Registering  Posting message  Profile  Instant Message  Online Manual ex.html

Questions and Answers for Day 1

Feedbacks and Criticisms

KCOM Dermatology Training Consortium Website  Internet Presence  Idea Exchange 

Database Creation

Consortium Databases

 PowerPoint Presentation Database  Internet Resource Database  Study Question Database

PowerPoint Presentation Database  Collection of all the Basic Science Lectures for Online Presentation  Presentation will be available for download  May modify any presentation for your own need  Available for previewing lectures  Please email me the presentation Friday before the lecture at [email protected]


Internet Resource Database

 Will be useful in preparing your presentations.

 May add your own favorite links  Customize your own page 

Internet Resource Database

 Example sites Dermatology Image Bank Dermatology Image Atlas  Customize “MyBookmark”  logy/

Dermatology Study Question Database  Five Questions will need to be submitted from each resident on the day before the basic science lecture.

 If there are time remain from the lecture, we can go over study question at the end  Otherwise, these questions should be reviewed at your own time during the week.

Dermatology Study Question Database  Format on submitting questions:  Question Stem  Optional Picture maybe attached  4-5 answer choices  Explanation or page reference to the correct answer  Questions will need to be emailed to me at [email protected]

so I can enter them into the database

Study Question Database

 Let us try it!!!

 estions.htm

Miscellaneous Links

 Link to AOCD Home Page  Link to AOCD Grand Rounds  Additional Consortium Related Links


 These are the current resources available for the KCOM Dermatology Residents  This internet-based education platform is the unique within the osteopathic dermatology profession; no other DO residency program has anything like this.


 With the eventual participation of other DO dermatology residency programs, KCOM Dermatology Training Consortium will be further improved.

 KCOM Dermatology Department will lead the way in the development of the future osteopathic dermatology training.