Approaching - Connecting From Home

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Transcript Approaching - Connecting From Home

Setting the Appointment
Executive Director II
Barbara Larrabee
I have my contact list together, now what?
Critical Activity #2:
The next step in the process is to call your list
of names and set appointments with them
to hear and see the Delivering Wellness
Only then, can they make an informed
decision about being your customer.
First Things First: Prepare to
Make Calls
• Phone numbers
• Sincere compliment or recognition
• Calendar at least (3) dates/times
• Activity Tracking Form
• Quiet place and a phone
Approaching: What is the GOAL?
Set an appointment to hear/see a Delivering
Wellness Presentation.
 In-home meeting
 Webcast
 Online/phone presentation
 Standing presentations
 One-on-one/Two-on-one
 Conference Call presentation
You are NOT calling them to give a
presentation at this point.
Check Your Posture:
an inner belief system that you
your frame of mind;
how other people perceive you.
-Keep it “others” focused.
Improving your Posture:
Self-confidence- What you are capable of
• Team up,attend trainings, product of the products,
stay plugged into your business.
When doing an approachStand up, smile, practice in a mirror, role play,
3-way call.
Improving your Posture:
Self-esteem- How you see yourself.
Become aware of how you see things.
Take inventory of your own belief system.
“Your head creates your world.”
Rules to the Approach
1. Objective is to get the appointment- not
give a presentation.
2. Have a sense of urgency and be brief. If
followed, you are less likely to break rule
#1, above.
3. Tell them why you are calling them by
paying them a sincere compliment.
The Sincere Compliment
Why do you like this person?
Why are they on your list?
What is the image that they are portraying?
For what are they recognized or known?
It must be about them, exclusive of the Melaleuca
opportunity or their health issues.
It must be positive and real.
It gets their attention.
It answers the question in their mind, “So, why are you
calling me?”
Rules to the Approach
4. Remember to say that it is Melaleuca. Have a
simple description of Melaleuca ready, ie:
“It’s a WELLNESS company and they manufacture
products that we all use everyday, but they do it
with an emphasis on health, wellness and
(Get this part down because you may need to repeat it if they want more info.)
Rules to the Approach
5. Have (3) key dates/times of presentations that
you going to offer to them.
(Have a plan “B” ready.)
6. Avoid ‘yes/no’ questions in the invite. Use
‘either/or’ questions. “Which works better for
you, Tues or Wed?”
Rules to the Approach
7. Thank them and let them know how much
their attendance, support, opinion means
to you.
“OK, great! It really means a lot to me that
you’ll be there.”
Tell them that you will be calling again to
Putting it All Together
1. “Hello (their name), this is (your name) – how are you? I just wanted to give you a
quick call so I hope I caught you at a good time… Do you have just a minute- I
want to ask you something”.
2. I don’t know if you realized this but I started shopping with a wellness company and
I was so impressed with the products that I decided to start working with them.
It’s called Melaleuca- have you ever heard of it?
3a-If “yes” then enthusiastically ask them:
“Are you a customer, too?”
“Tell me, what do you know about them?”
3b-If “No” then explain (and memorize) the following:
“It’s a WELLNESS company and they manufacture products that we all buy and use
everyday, but they do it with an emphasis on health, wellness, value and
Putting it All Together
4.”I thought of you right away because ___________” -fill in the blank with
a sincere compliment or recognition of who they are.
5. “I’d love to show you what I’m doing and get your thoughts. I am hosting 2
events for a small group of friends to attend wellness presentation. One
of them is on (Day/date) at (Time) and the other is on (Day/Date) at
(Time), and I was wondering which time would work better for you?”
Then be quiet!!! They will either tell you which time or they will ask you
6. “What is it again?”
At this point you repeat 3b (below):
“It’s a WELLNESS company and they manufacture products that we all
buy and use everyday, but they do it with an emphasis on health,
wellness and prevention.”
and add this…
Putting it All Together
“I realize it may not be for you- you’re smart and can determine that for yourself,
I know that you know other people that will benefit from hearing about what I do
(pause) and I think that you’ll be much more comfortable referring them to me
once you understand what I am doing.”
7. “So, I was wondering if either (day) and (Time) or (day) and (Time) would work
better for you?”
(If neither time works but they still have not said “NO”, switch to backup plan “B”)
7a. “We don’t need to make this a big formal thing. Why don’t we look at our
calendars and set up a time that works for both of us? We can do coffee or a
webcast.” (Pick 2 more options and give them in the same fashion as before.)
8. Always thank them for their time and explain how much it means to them that
they are coming or meeting with you.
Easy Business Approach
Have you ever heard of Melaleuca, the
Wellness Company?
I work with them and am looking for good
people to expand/build my marketing
team. You were one of the first people I
thought of!
Would you be open to looking at a way to
make some extra income from home?
Other Home Businesses
“Hi Gloria, this is (your name). I’m calling
you because of your experience with
(company name). Do you have a few
minutes? I would love to work with
someone like you! Would you be open to
looking at a way to generate some extra
income? Something that might
compliment what you’re already doing?”
Are You Really Nervous?
Try the “favor” approach:
Can you do me a favor? I’ve just started a
new home business and would love to
show it to you. Can we get together this
week so I can show you what I’m doing?
I really value your opinion. (or . . .It would
mean a lot to me if you would take a look)
Referral Approach
• Hi Jim, it’s ……… We don’t know each other, but
a mutual friend …….., suggested that I give you
a call.
• We were chatting about business and I asked
him who he knew that was smart,
entrepreneurial, and open to new ideas and he
suggested that I give you a call.
• If you are open to meeting for coffee I would love
to show you what I do.
• What’s your schedule like in the next couple of
Objections or “Mela- what?”
► “What
is it again?”
► “I would but those times/dates aren’t
good for me.”
► “Is that like Amway, Arbonne, Herbalife,
► “No.”
► “I don’t really have the time.”
Objections or “Mela- what?”
► “I
already use the products.”
► “I was a customer once, but…”
► “Can you tell me what it’s all about, now?”
Your job is to get them to see a Delivering
Wellness Presentation, their job is to get you to
break the Rules of the Approach.
What am I doing Wrong?
► If
your approaches aren’t working – STOP!
► Ask your enroller for help
► Remember the objective- get the appointment.
► Make sure it’s about them-sincerely compliment.
► Don’t make this more difficult than it is – this is
a very common-sense business. If it made
sense to you, it will make sense to others!
► Check your posture, belief system, self-talk.
► Listen more, talk less, ask questions.