Chrystalla skari

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Name: Chrystalla Skari
Class: G’3
Subject: Project 1
Unit 2, Extreme Sports
Teacher: Eudhokia Anastassiou
Year: 2010-2011
Definition of Extreme Sports
The definition of extreme
sports is not very clear.
Generally speaking,
extreme sports are activities
that are associated with
‘the’ adrenaline rush that is
felt by the participant.
These activities are often
dangerous and any mistake
could result in injury or even
death. Extreme sports are
usually, done by individuals
rather than teams.
Kite surfing, also known as kite boarding, is
an adventurous sport that can really get your
adrenaline high. Many people also feel that
kite surfing is the most extreme water sport
So, what exactly is kite surfing? Kite surfing is
like a combination of wakeboarding,
widesurfing surfing, and paragliding, all mixed
up. When kite surfing, you use an inflatable
kite to propel you across the water, while you
maneuver on top of a small board, which is
somewhat like a surfboard. Many sports
enthusiasts like kite boarding more so that its
relative wind surfing, because you will not
have a sail in your face and it is much easier
to gain speed and do jumps. Although kite
surfing is primarily done in the water, it is also
done on land and on snow.
So as we have already metioned
kite surfing is a sport that takes
place on the surface of the water,
on top of boards that are similar in
design to wakeboards, with the
surfer propelled by a harnesses
the power of the wind. The
popularity of kite surfing has
grown, although it is rather difficult
to master, and can be dangerous
if proper care is not taken. kite
surfing uses the same equipment
as kite boarding, but is generally
given more to riding on top of
waves, rather than on smaller
lakes or other placid bodies of
Kitesurfing as a
recreational sport began
in the 1980s, but didn't
gain popularity until the
turn of the millennium.
Before 2000 there were
less than a thousand kite
surfers worldwide. In
2005 that number had
increased to nearly
100,000. Kitesurfing is
also commonly known as
kiteboarding, and in some
European countries as
First you will need to
select a board. When
selecting a board, you will
want to consider your
weight, age, your
approximate wind
speeds, and the activities
that you will want to do.
As a beginner, you will
want a board that is easy
to steer. After you have
chosen a board, you will
have two options, to
partake in lessons or to
be self-taught.
A new kitesurfing kit be bought for
$1,000-$2,500 (US dollars).
Lessons range from $200-4500 for
a two to three hour session, and
usually a few lessons are required
before sufficient competence is
achieved to begin surfing on one’s
With the rising popularity of
kitesurfing, most major seaside
cities offer classes and have
kitesurfing cliubs, and many
tropical destinations are following
suit. For a strong person with the
right dedication, kitesurfing can
prove to be a very fun, incredibly
exciting sport, with no limit to the
complexity of tricks and new
moves one can discover.
Danger and safety
Power kites can be dangerous.
Because of strong forces that can
be generated by sudden wind
gusts, people can be lofted,
carried off, dashed against water,
buildings, terrain or power lines,
resulting in what's termed a
"kitemare" (a combination of kite
and nightmare).
Most kiteboarding fatalities are the
result of being lofted or dragged
out of control, resulting in a
collision with hard objects
including sand. It is possible to be
seriously injured simply by hitting
the water surface at speed or from
a height.
Speed records
French kitesurfer
Sebastien Cattelan
became the first sailor to
break the 50 knots barrier
by reaching 50.26 knots
on 3 October 2008 at the
Lüderitz Challenge in
Namibia. On 4 October,
Alex Caizergues (also of
France) broke this record
with a 50.57 knots run
Kitesurfing or Kiteboarding is a surface water sport that
uses the wind to pull a rider through the water on a small
surfboard or a kiteboard. There are a number of
different styles of kiteboarding, including freestyle or
wake-style and wave-riding which is focused on big
waves using a board designed for wave riding.
A kitesurfer or kiteboarder uses a board with or without
foot-straps or bindings, combined with the power of a
large controllable kite to propel the rider and the board
across the water.Kitesurfing has become more popular
than windsurfing as a watersport because it is easier to
learn the basics and because it is much easier to
transport the necessary equipment.
It is a rather dangerous sport if you are not
careful enough.
It is getting more and more popular these days.
I think that I would like to try it one day, of course
after I have received the right training.