Transcript Hamlet

Act 4 Summary
Act 2.1 Character List
 Gertrude
 Claudius
 Gertrude tells Claudius about her encounter with Hamlet;
she says that Hamlet is crazy & has killed Polonius.
 Claudius notes Hamlet could have killed him.
 Claudius tells Gertrude that they must ship Hamlet to
England & find a way to explain Hamlet’s actions to the court
& people.
 He calls Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, tells them about the
murder, & sends them to find Hamlet.
Act 4.2 Character List
 Hamlet
 Rosencrantz
 Guildenstern
 Hamlet hides Polonius’ body
 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern show up and ask Hamlet
what he has done with the body.
 Hamlet refuses to give them a straight answer.
Act 4.3 Character List
 Claudius
 Hamlet
 Rosencrantz
 Guildenstern
Scene 3 Details
 Hamlet is forced to reveal the location of Polonius’s body.
 The king tells Hamlet that he must leave at once for
England, & Hamlet enthusiastically agrees.
 Claudius sends Rosencrantz & Guildenstern to make sure
Hamlet boards the ship.
Scene 3 Details
 Alone, Claudius hopes England will obey the sealed
orders he has sent with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
The orders call for Prince Hamlet to be put to death.
Act 4.4 Character List
 Fortinbras
 Captain
 Hamlet
Scene 4 Details
 Prince Fortinbras is on his way to attack Poland, orders
captain to ask for permission to travel through Denmark.
 The captain encounters Hamlet; Hamlet asks about the
basis of the conflict, and the man tells him that the
armies will fight over “a little patch of land / That hath in
it no profit but the name” (IV.iv.98–99).
Scene 4 Details
 Hamlet marvels that human beings are able to act so
violently and purposefully for so little gain.
 Disgusted with himself for having failed to gain his
revenge on Claudius, Hamlet declares that from this
moment on, his thoughts will be bloody.
Act 4.5 Character List
 Gertrude
 Ophelia
 Claudius
 Horatio
 Messenger
 Laertes
Scene 5 Details
 Gertrude & Horatio discuss Ophelia who has gone crazy
with grief.
 Gertrude doesn’t want to see Ophelia, but agrees to.
 Ophelia enters and sings strange songs.
 Claudius says that Ophelia’s grief stems from her father’s
death & Laertes leaving for France.
 Laertes returns from France with a mob of commoners.
 Laertes furiously storms into the hall wanting to avenge
his father’s death.
Scene 5 Details
 Claudius attempts to calm Laertes & Gertrude defends
 Ophelia reenters & Laertes is enraged about his sister’s
 Claudius says that Laertes’ desire for revenge is a credit to
him, so long as he seeks revenge upon the proper person.
 Claudius wants to tell Laertes his version of events &
encourages Laertes revenge on Polonius’ killer: “Where
th’ offence is, let the great axe fall” (IV.v.213).
Act 4.6 Character List
 Horatio
 Sailors
Scene 6 Details
 Sailors deliver a letter to Horatio from Hamlet.
 Hamlet says that his ship was captured by pirates, who
have returned him to Denmark & he has news about
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern.
 Horatio takes the sailors to the king to deliver a message
& then follows them to find Hamlet.
Act 4.7 Character List
 Claudius
 Laertes
 Gertrude
Scene 7 Details
 Claudius & Laertes are discussing Polonius’ death when a
messenger gives them news of Hamlet’s return.
 Claudius & Laertes plan how to kill Hamlet: poisoned tip
sword or a poisoned cup of wine as backup
 Gertrude announces that Ophelia has committed suicide
by drowning
 Laertes is overcome with grief & leaves; Claudius tells
Gertrude that he is afraid Laertes’ rage will be
reawakened with this news & difficult to control.