India Jeopardy 2014

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Transcript India Jeopardy 2014

Culture /
Terms /
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question Caste System
Give two of the three names we
use to refer to the lowest caste in
the caste system.
$100 Answer Caste System
You need two of the following:
$200 Question Caste System
Place the five levels of the caste system
in the correct order from the highest to
the lowest level.
Do your best at spelling !
$200 Answer Caste System
Untouchable, Harijan or Dalit
$300 Question Caste System
Match the job in Indian society to the caste
level listed.
1. Ksatriya____
A. service
2. Sudra ____
B. merchant /trader
3. Vaishya_____
C. warrior
$300 Answer Caste System
1. C
2. A
3. B
$400 Question Caste System
This religion teaches that you must
accept your role in society whatever
it may be.
$400 Answer Caste System
What is Hinduism?
$500 Question Caste System plus
1. Many people tend to settle near
rivers. Name the two major rivers
in the northern half of India.
2. One of these rivers are located just
south of a major mountain range.
Name the river and mountain range.
$500 Answer Caste System plus
1. Ganges River and Indus River
2. Ganges River and the Himalayan
250 points for each correct answer
$100 Question from Religions
A. This is the idea that you may be
reborn and live another life after this one.
B. Many believe one can earn rewards in your
next life by doing good deeds in this life.
The name for this is….
$100 Answer from Religions
A. What is reincarnation?
B. What is karma?
$200 Question from Religions
Three religions we discussed
believe in reincarnation.
$200 Answer from Religions
What are Hinduism, Jainism
and Buddhism?
You must have all answers correct to get points.
$300 Question from Religions
A. This is the main religion
in Pakistan. (150 points)
B. The basic obligations
followers must fulfill as a
member of their faith.
$300 Answer from Religions
A. What is Islam?
B. What are the Five Pillars
of Islam?
150 points for each correct answer
$400 Question from Religions
Their leader is referred to as “the
Enlightened One” and also gave followers
hope of a better life by teaching that they
are responsible for their own salvation, and
in doing so, they can change their lives.
Name the religion and their leader.
$400 Answer from Religions
What is Buddhism
who is Buddha?
200 points for each
correct answer
$500 Question from Religions
A. This religion follows a strict vegetarian
B. Name two of the four principles these
people live by.
$500 Answer from Religions
A. What is Jainism?
B. What are: (you need two of the following)
1. Injure no life
2. Own no property
3. Tell the truth
4. Do not steal
250 points for A and B
$100 Question Ancient Times
This group of people were led by Akbar.
They conquered much of India, trade
flourished and he brought Islam to the
These people were known as…..
$100 Answer Ancient Times
Who were the Moghuls / Mughals?
$200 Question Ancient Times
Advances in math, medicine, and astronomy
with the introduction of the zero took place
during this civilization. Jainism also began.
These people were the ……
$200 Answer Ancient Times
Who were the Guptas?
$300 Question Ancient Times
These people were powerful
warriors and greatly influenced
Indian culture with the beginnings
of the Hindu religion.
These people are……
$300 Answer Ancient Times
Who are the Aryans?
$400 Question Ancient Times
This group of people is known for how
well they organized their cities in the
Indus River Valley. They were the first
group of people to control this area.
$400 Answer Ancient Times
Who are the Harappans?
$500 Question Ancient Times
These people conquered almost the
entire subcontinent with huge armies
and most turned to Buddhism.
These people are…..
$500 Answer Ancient Times
Who are the Mauryans?
$100 Question Culture/History
The “Hollywood” of India.
Name the city and the nickname
it has earned.
$100 Answer Culture/History
What is Mumbai?
What is Bollywood?
50 points for each question
$200 Question Culture/History
Many compare this leader to Nelson
Mandela or Martin Luther King, Jr.
Name him and the method he used to
make people aware of his cause.
$200 Answer Culture/History
Who is Gandhi?
What are non-violent protests?
100 points for each correct answer
$300 Question Culture/History
After many years of British rule,
India is now known to be one of the
world’s largest.
$300 Answer Culture/Society
What is a democracy?
$400 Question Culture/History
These were created when religious beliefs
caused tension in 1947 in the countries of India
and Pakistan.
These two countries still fight over this area
of land.
What was created and what area is fought over?
$400 Answer Culture/History
1. Partitions were created.
(This allowed East Pakistan to become Bangladesh.)
2. The area of Kashmir is still fought
200 points for each answer
$500 Question Culture/History
1. Many new jobs have been created
in part due to jobs from the U.S.
These are referred to as…………?
2. Because of this many are moving
to the cities.
This is called what?
$500 Answer Culture/History
1. What is outsourcing?
2. What is urbanization?
You must have BOTH answers correct
for points!
$100 Question Terms/locations
A land area built up at the mouth of
a river by sediment deposits.
$100 Answer Terms/locations
What is a delta?
$200 Question Terms/locations
A large wave caused by a
volcanic eruption or earthquake.
$200 Answer Terms/locations
What is a tsunami?
$300 Question Terms/locations
This is considered to be the most
important language of ancient India
and the basis for many modern Indian
$300 Answer Terms/locations
What is Sanskrit?
$400 Question Terms/locations
This was an English trading
corporation that controlled a large
portion of India during colonial times.
$400 Answer Terms/locations
What is the British East India
$500 Question Terms/locations
This tomb was built by an Indian
emperor to honor his dead wife.
It is a well-known building in India
$500 Answer Terms/locations
What is the Taj Mahal?
Final Jeopardy
These seven (7) countries
make up the Indian subcontinent.
Final Jeopardy Answer
What are :
Sri Lanka