Character - Perry Local Schools

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Elements of Literature
Character Traits
• A character is a person or an animal who takes part in the
action of a literary work.
• As the story unfolds, each character reveals certain qualities
called character traits.
Character traits are the qualities that make up a character’s
personality. For example, a character may be headstrong, witty,
or sentimental. You can discover these traits though a character’s
words, thoughts, and actions and through the writer’s description
of the character.
• Characterization is the act of creating and developing a
character. Writers use two methods to create and develop
characters – direct and indirect.
• When using direct characterization, the writer makes direct
statements about a character's personality and tells what the
character is like.
• When using indirect characterization, the writer allows the
reader to draw his or her own conclusions based on a
character's thoughts, words, and actions, along with how other
characters respond to that character.
“Show” and “Tell”
A good writer will recognize that the two methods of
characterization fall under the decision to “show” or to “tell”.
Indirect characterization “shows” the reader. Direct
characterization “tells” the reader.
As with most “show” versus “tell” decisions, “showing” is more
interesting and engaging to the reader, and it should be used in
preference to “telling”. However, there are times when direct
characterization is useful. Whereas indirect characterization is
more likely to engage a reader’s imagination and paint more
vivid images, direct characterization excels in brevity, lower
word count, and moving the story forward.
Direct or Indirect Characterization?
Ed Johnson scratched his head in confusion as the
sales rep explained Dralco’s newest engine
performance diagnostic computer. The old
mechanic hated modern electronics, preferring the
old days when all he needed was a stack of
manuals and a good set of tools.
Direct or Indirect Characterization?
“That Ed Johnson,” said Anderson, watching the
old mechanic scratch his head in confusion as the
sales rep explained Dralco’s newest engine
performance diagnostic computer. “He hasn’t got a
clue about modern electronics. Give him a good set
of tools and a stack of yellowing manuals with a
carburetor needing repair, and he’d be happy as a
hungry frog in a fly-field.”
Direct or Indirect Characterization?
Julie owned a multitude of outfits and accessories,
and it always took her forever to decide which
combination might impress Trent. As usual, she
called her sister several times for advice. After
doing so, Julie decided to give the navy blue skirt
with the white sweater a try.
Direct or Indirect Characterization?
Julie held up six different outfits in front of the
mirror and pondered which would go best with her
navy blue shoes, pastel eye shadow and the
diamond earrings she’d already procured from her
overflowing vanity. After ninety minutes of mixing
and matching, and cell-phoning her sister three
times for advice, Julie finally made up her mind.
She’d give the navy blue skirt and white sweater a
try, hoping Trent would love it.
The Protagonist
• The main character, or protagonist, is the most important
character in the story and the focus of the reader’s attention.
Normally, the reader sympathizes with the protagonist.
• A minor character takes part in the story’s events but is not the
main focus of attention. Minor characters are often used to
advance the story. They also help the reader learn more about
the major characters by the things that they think or say about
• Because major characters are the most important characters,
the reader will learn the most information about them. The
reader will learn very few things about the minor characters.
Most stories have both major and minor characters.
The Antagonist
• An antagonist is a character in conflict with the
• A character who acts as an antagonist usually
desires something that is at odds with the goals of
the protagonist.
• The struggle between the two, or central conflict,
is the foundation of the story’s plot.
Round vs. Flat
• Fictional characters are sometimes described as either round
or flat.
• A round character is fully developed. The writer reveals the
character’s background and motivation. Because round
characters are like real people, they are complex, revealing
several sides to their personality. Round characters can
recognize, change, develop, and adjust to situations.
• Ponyboy Curtis is a round character because he is school
smart, yet he wants to fit in with the Greaser gang. He has
faults like forgetting to call home when he is late, just like any
Round vs. Flat
• Flat characters are one-dimensional, often revealing a single
personal quality and little, if any, personal history. They tend to
be minor characters who are stock characters, such as the
stereotypical air head, the tough guy, or the class clown. Flat
characters usually serve to highlight the positive qualities of
the round characters. Flat characters do not change, develop,
or grow.
• Buck Merrill is a flat character. He is friends with another
dangerous character, Dallas Winston. Ponyboy does not like
him. We know that Buck is the stereotypical bad boy, but that
is all we know.
Dynamic vs. Static
• Characters can also be described as dynamic or static.
• Dynamic Characters are round characters who go through a
significant change during the course of the story. Changes
include ones of insight, understanding, commitment or in
values. The protagonist is usually a dynamic character.
• Johnny Cade is an abused, quiet and frightened boy who needs
protection and stability from the Greasers. He is constantly
picked on by the Socs. In the end, he shows courage and saves
many lives in the church fire. Johnny becomes a hero.
Dynamic vs. Static
• Static Characters are flat characters who do not change in the
story. They remain stable through the course of the story.
• Tim Shepard is likable, but he and his gang are more violent
and are considered Hoods instead of Greasers. However, Tim
hates the Socs, too, and helps the Greasers when needed.
The Narrator
• A narrator is a speaker or character who tells the story. There
are several types of narrator, and the type that a writer chooses
determines the story’s point of view.
• If the narrator is a character who takes part in the story and
refers to herself or himself as I, this is the first-person
• Often, the first-person narrator will by the main character, or
protagonist. He or she tells the story in his or her own words.
• This point of view allows the writer to easily show the
character's personality because every thought, feeling and
opinion expressed in the narrative comes from that character.
The Narrator
• The author must know the main character very well before
starting the story; a flat, undeveloped character will not hold
the reader's interest.
• The limitations to this viewpoint are that the character must
remain actively involved in the story at all times, otherwise he
ends up standing on the sidelines and describing the action in
long, telling passages.
• Physical descriptions of the main character come through
dialogue from other characters ("I've always loved your curly
hair,“ Sue told me) or by the main character comparing himself
or herself to another person (I have my dad's blue eyes). Rarely
does a character stop and describe himself or herself for no
The Narrator
• When writing in first person, an author can only show the
thoughts of his or her narrator, and a reader can only see the
events the narrator sees. The thoughts of other characters must
be expressed through dialogue. First person, past tense is the
most common, and effective, narration technique.
• If the narrator is not a character in the story, then this speaker
is a third-person narrator.
• The Outsiders is written from a first-person point of view.
• In The Outsiders, it is the protagonist, Ponyboy Curtis, who
tells his story:
• “When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness
of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul
Newman and a ride home….”