Skills for Business_TASK2

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Transcript Skills for Business_TASK2

Unit - R002
Home work:
Check whether you have e-mailed TASK1
after completing all the subtasks (1 to 7).
Design a basic advert with
text and images to
promote MStreamIT using
an image editing software.
Design an effective
advert to promote
MStreamIT. Your advert
should meet the user
requirements. You should
provide some evidence of
designing your advert
Design an effective advert
considering the user
requirements. You should
provide some evidence of
designing your advert with
a justification for selecting
the chosen software.
Conduct a search in the
internet for suitable
images and record
copyright details of these
images. Design a suitable
publicity solution to
promote ‘Stream-as-kidsgo’ card.
Conduct an effective
search for suitable images
and record copyright
details. Design an
effective publicity solution
to promote ‘Stream-askids-go’ card. Provide
strong justification for the
chosen publicity solution.
Describe how to conduct
an effective search in the
internet. Design an
effective publicity solution
to promote ‘Stream-askids-go’ considering the
target audience with a
justification of the chosen
publicity solution.
Open a new word document add Unit title, Task ,
Your name in the header.
Add the question in the body.
Write an opening sentence to start your task.
MStreamIT needs you to help promote the
company in order to increase customers.
Adam has bought some advertising space (6 cm
wide by 12 cm high) in a magazine. He needs to
make the best use of this space to encourage
people to visit the exhibition stand. He can only
afford to advertise in one edition.
Create a suitable advert. Adam has provided
some text for the advert which he would like you
to use.
Explain why it is
Magazine Advert
Adam is also planning to promote the special
‘Stream-as-kids-go’ top-up card at the exhibition.
A parent or guardian must register their details and
that of the child/children to ensure that the top-up
card can only be used to buy movies with the
correct certificate rating. An adult can top up the
cards from as little as £5.00 up to £50.00. With over
50 suitable movies available for instant viewing,
these cards make a great present.
Use the internet to source suitable images for
a publicity solution for the ‘Stream-as-kidsgo’ top-up card. Record the copyright details
of these images so that Adam can request
permission to use them.
Produce an item of publicity that Adam can
use to help launch the ‘Stream-as-kids-go’
top-up card as well as to promote the
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Explain why it is
Stream as you go
top-up card
 Advert