Kind of lesions in dermatology 1- Primary Skin Lesions 2

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Transcript Kind of lesions in dermatology 1- Primary Skin Lesions 2


Morphology & Terminology Of Skin Lesions

Morphology & Terminology of Skin Lesions

Kind of lesions in dermatology 1- Primary Skin Lesions 2-Secondary Skin Lesions 3- Special Skin lesions


macule  Flat, circumscribed skin discoloration that lacks surface elevation or depression   Vitiligo Ink tattoo

 Flat, circumscribed skin discoloration, a very large macule  Vitiligo Patch

Papule  Elevated, solid lesion <0.5 cm in diameter   B.C.C

Intradermal Nevi

Plaque  Elevated, solid”confluence of papule”>0.5 cm in diameter that lacks a deep component   Psoriasis M.F

Nodule  Elevated, solid lesion>0.5 cm in diameter, a larger deeper papule   Lipoma Rheumatoid nudule

Vesicle  Plaque that contains clear fluid ,a blister    Herpes simplex Herpes zoster Contact dermatitis

 Localized fluid collection>0.5 cm in diameter, a large vesicle    Pemphigus vulgaris Bullous pemphigoid Bullous impetigo Bulla

Pustule  Papule that contains purulent material     Folliculitis Impetigo Acne Pustular psoriasis

Wheal (Hive)  Firm,edematous,plaque that is evanescent and pruritic, a hive   Urticaria Urticaria pigmentosa


Crust   A collection of cellular debris ,dried serum,and blood A scab antecedent primary lesion is usually a vesicle,bulla or pustule   Impetigo Capitis Tinea

Erosion  A partial focal loss of epidermis, heals without scarring   TEN Perleche

   Thick stratum corneum that results from hyperproliferation or increased cohesion of keratinocytes 4S Scarlet fever Scale

Ulcer  A full-thickness, focal loss of dermis,heals with scarring   Bed sore Syphlis

Fissure  Vertical loss of epidermis and dermis with sharply defined walls, crack in skin   Perleche Eczema

Scar  A collection of new connective tissue, may be hypertrophic or atroohic scar implies dermoepidermal damage   Burn Acne

Atrophy  Thinning of the epidermis, dermis or fat that cause depression in the skin surface  Morphea


Excoriation  Linear erosion included by scratching    Scabies Atopic Dermatitis Prurigo

Comedo  Folliculocentric collection of sebum and keratin   Acnea DLE

Milia   Millia are tiny pimple-like spots usually on a Newborn baby  Tiny white cyston the surface of the skin  Sun Damage

Cyst  Nodule that contains fluid semisolidmaterial   Acne Pilar cyst

Burrow  An elevated channel in the superficial epidermis produced by parasite such as mite sarcoptes scabiei  Scabies

Lichenification  Focal area of thickened skin produced by chronic scratching or rubbing  Atophic Dermatitis

Telangiectasia  Small, dilated ,superficial blood vessels that disappear with pressure    CREST Syndrome Scleroderma Rosacea

Petechiae  A small purplish spot on a body surface caused by a minute hemorrhage<0.5 cm   Vasculitis DIC

Purpura    A small purplish spot on a body surface caused by a minute hemorrhage>0.5 cm  Platelet Disorder