Camp Tecumseh - School City of Hobart

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Transcript Camp Tecumseh - School City of Hobart

Camp Tecumseh
A Fourth Grade
Important Forms
Every student needs to have the
Health Form and Permission Slip
completed before going to camp.
These forms will be going home in
mid March.
We Need Parent Instructors
At Camp Tecumseh!
 Be an instructor and help teach our
campers about pioneer life.
 This is a scripted leadership activity in
one of the 7 different sessions.
 Instructors will attend a half day
training at Camp Tecumseh. Training
Dates: March 8th and March 15th from
9:30a.m. to 1:00p.m.
You can carpool with other parents!
Parent Instructors Needed!
 We need at least 18 parents to become
 When you are not instructing a pioneer
activity, you will chaperone your child’s
trail group.
 Parent Instructors attend camp for half
price. 
If you can’t be an Instructor,
you can still be a chaperone.
 Chaperones guide groups to each
 Chaperone the students at all other
times including meals, free time, and
 Chaperone cost $53.00.
Camp Rules for
Chaperones and Campers
No running after dark.
Campers stay inside cabins at night.
No bare feet in camp.
Children should always be supervised.
Please throw all trash in trash cans and
recyclables in recycle bins.
No fires in camp except as allowed by camp
director in designated areas.
10 M.P.H. speed limit when driving through camp.
No alcoholic beverages allowed!
No smoking in any building or around students.
Sample Schedule- Tuesday
11:30 - 12:15
12:15 - 12:45
12:45 - 1:00
1:00 - 1:45
1:45 - 2:30
2:30 - 3:10
3:20 - 4:00
4:00 - 4:40
4:40 - 5:20
5:20 - 5:30
Arrive, Move in, Orientation
Sack Lunch
Head to Settlement & Opening Story
Period 1 Pathfinders
Period 2 One Room School House
Period 3 Yankee Ingenuity
Period 4 Indian Sign Language
Period 5 Necessities of Life
Period 6 Pioneer Cooking
Head back to flag pole
Sample Schedule-Wednesday
Wake up, Pack up,
Move gear to cabin porch
9:00 - 9:45
Period 7 Barnyard & Recreation
9:45 – 10:30
Period 8
Trappers Trade
10:30 –11:15 Period 9
Log Cabin Building
Closing Story
Group Picture
Head for Home
1:30 (our time) Arrive at Joan Martin and Go Home!
All students are dismissed
Suggested Packing List
Sack lunch for lunch on Tuesday
Sleeping bag or blankets
Toothbrush/paste and towel
Student should only have one duffle bag
and bedding/pillow roll.
Clothing to bring:
-2 pairs of old jeans
-2 T-shirts and underwear
-2 pairs of warm socks
-2 long sleeve shirts or sweatshirts
-1 warm old coat, gloves, and hat
**Rain gear (rain coat/poncho)
-1 extra pair of old shoes or boots
Cabin Activities
Cost of Camp
 Student cost- $60.00 (camp and bus rides)
 Instructor cost- $26.50
 Chaperone cost- $53.00
 This price covers: 2 bus rides, 3 meals, 9
pioneer activities, lodging for the night, a
life time of great memories.
Want to attend camp for free?
 Participate in our school’s Spring Candy
Bar Fundraiser to help lower your camp
 Each box of Fanny May Candy Bars sold
earns a $26 credit towards camp.
 Sell 2 boxes of candy bars and go to
camp for only $8!
 Sell 3 boxes and a parent instructor
can attend for $0.50!!
($26.50- $26.00= 50 cents)
 Fundraiser starts NOW and ends on
February 24th!
Camp T-shirts
 We would like to
place an order
for Camp
 An order form
will be sent
home with
permission slips.
 Cost-$9.00 S-XL
$11.50 XXL