PCSUG – Azure Service Bus

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Azure Service Bus


About Me

• Chris Holwerda • Senior Consultant II, Neudesic • 15+ years as a developer, solution architect, service governance lead • Twitter: @cholwerda • Blog: http://www.ChrisHolwerda.com

• Speaker Rate: http://speakerrate.com/chrisholwerda • These slides and demo code are on my blog NOW!

• https://github.com/holwerda/PCSUG_AzureServiceBus

Whoa Hold Up! What is a Service Bus?

• Architecture pattern and middleware designed to make your business processes more loosely coupled and have better interconnectivity between other business processes.

• Abstracting direct connections to other processes • Messaging • SOA [3]

Typical Messaging Patterns

• • Brokered Messaging Sender/Receiver do not have to be connected at the same time • • Relay Messaging Sender/Receiver have to be connected at the same time • One Way • Request/Response • Queueing • Publish/Subscribe • Routing

Service Bus Products

• Biztalk • Websphere • NeuronESB (Neudesic) • MuleSoft ESB • NServiceBus • Oracle Service Bus • Azure Service Bus

What is Azure Service Bus

• Offsite Data Centers • Main reasons to use = Cost Savings • Pay as you use • No upfront infrastructure costs • Elasticity based on demand • Main Drawback • Latency

Oooo Clouds

What can Azure Service Bus do?

• Brokered Messaging • Queueing • Topic (~Routing/Subscription) • Relay Messaging • Notification Hub • Event Hub (Preview) AMQP


• Sender sends message to the queue, then receiver can pull off the queue • First In First Out (FIFO) message delivery • One-Way message • To imitate, Request/Reply pattern, a return queue needs to be created the sender will then for the responses [2]

DEMO - Queueing


• Senders send messages to the SB that are then distributed to multiple subscribers.

• Each subscriber has their own independent queue • TIP: Remember to allocate the right amount of space utilized for your queues or messages will bounce off SB.


DEMO - Topics


• Exposes an endpoint for clients outside the network to gain access to internal systems [1]

DEMO - Relay

Notification Hubs

• Sends push notifications to a mobile platform [5]

Event Hubs (Preview)

• • • • Event Hubs are messaging entities, siblings to queues and topics, that enable the collection of event streams at high throughput, from a diverse set of devices and services. Event Hubs enable a variety of management and monitoring scenarios.

Collecting event streams at high throughput from devices/services for use in real-time and batch processing.

Connecting millions of devices from diverse platforms for sending data (with individual authentication and flow control).

Process event streams per device "in order" using several backend services (publish/subscribe.) [6]

DEMO – Event Hubs


• • Shared Access Signature (SAS) Key given to client • • • Access Control Service (ACS) Active Directory Microsoft accounts (Windows Live IDs) • Google • Yahoo!

• Facebook

General Cost?

Messages are charged based on the number of messages sent to, or delivered by, the Service Bus during the billing month. Relay hours will be charged from the time of creation to deletion (from when the first listener opens to when the last listener closes on the endpoint) and rounded up to the next whole hour. There is no relay hour charge if you are only using Service Bus Queues and Topics.

• • Messages = 1$ per Million Ie: 10 million messages = $10 • Relay Hours = 1$ per 1000 hrs • Ie: 18,789 hrs = $18.79

• Notification Hub - $200 per 5 Mil per unit 64KB = 1 Message

Cost – Notification Hub


Cost – Event Hub


• Twitter: @cholwerda • Blog: http://www.ChrisHolwerda.com

• Speaker Rate: http://speakerrate.com/chrisholwerda • These slides and demo code are on my blog NOW!


• [1] http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/service-bus-dotnet-how-to-use-relay/ • [2] http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/service-bus-dotnet-how-to-use-queues/ • [3] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff648282.aspx

• [4] http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/service-bus-dotnet-how-to-use-topics-subscriptions/ • [5] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj927170.aspx

• [6] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn789972.aspx

• [7] https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/notification-hubs/ • http://fabriccontroller.net/blog/posts/getting-started-azure-service-bus-event-hubs-building-a-real-time-log-stream/ • http://alexandrebrisebois.wordpress.com/2014/07/18/getting-acquainted-with-azure-service-bus-event-hubs/