Module 21: Standards and Accountability

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Transcript Module 21: Standards and Accountability


in humanitarian response

Module 21

Oct-05-11 1

Learning objectives

• Be familiar with basic principles of standards and accountability • Know some universal standards for humanitarian response • Be familiar with some inter-agency accountability initiatives being implemented • Be familiar with the difference between SPHERE minimum standards, key actions, key indicators and guidance notes Oct-05-11 2


Standards and Accountability

are linked. • •


establish the thresholds or levels required to achieve the necessary a particular good or service.




to someone that certain standards have been achieved. is about being


Various standards • Legal

standards – laws/rights

• Principle-based, voluntary

of conduct standards – codes

• Technical

standards standards – e.g. SPHERE Oct-05-11 5

Various standards • Legal

standards – laws/rights

• Principle-based, voluntary

codes of conduct standards –

• Technical

standards standards – e.g. SPHERE Oct-05-11 6

Legal standards - some examples

International Human Rights Law (IHRL

) international law that describes the rights of all persons and the obligations (or duties) of States. • Within this e.g. –

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

– the

Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

(includes ‘right to food’!)

• the

Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948


for all peoples and all nations, Article 25.1 states that

“…everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food , clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

The right to food

• All

human beings have the right to adequate food

and the

right to be free from hunger

. • Such right

cannot be suspended

even in emergencies (emergencies are sometimes used for justifying suspension of some rights) • The right to food is dignity.

not a right to be fed

, but primarily the right to feed oneself with

Legal standards- Human rights law

The Right to Food requires States to provide an enabling environment in which people can use their full potential to produce or procure adequate food for themselves and their families. However, when people are not able to feed themselves with their own means, for instance because of an armed conflict, natural disaster or because they are in detention, the State has a responsibility to provide food directly.


legislation on foods and supplements, GMOs, labelling and marketing of breast milk substitutes

are all examples of relevant

national legal standards

that can guide a nutrition focused humanitarian response.

Various standards • Legal

standards – laws/rights

• Principle-based, voluntary

codes of conduct standards –

• Technical

standards standards – e.g. SPHERE Oct-05-11 6

The Red Cross/NGO Code of Conduct 10 Principle Commitments of the Code of Conduct

The humanitarian imperative comes first;

Aid is given regardless of the race, creed or nationality of the recipients and without adverse distinction of any kind. Aid priorities are calculated on the basis of need alone;

Aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious standpoint;

We shall endeavor not to be used as an instrument of government foreign policy;

We shall respect culture and custom;

We shall attempt to build disaster response on local capacities;

Ways shall be found to involve program beneficiaries in the management of relief aid;

Relief aid must strive to reduce vulnerabilities to future disaster as well as meeting basic needs;

We hold ourselves accountable to both those we seek to assist and those from whom we accept resources;

In our information, publicity and advertising activities, we shall

Oct-05-11 12

The humanitarian imperative

Everyone has the right to receive Humanitarian Assistance in times of disaster.

Oct-05-11 13

Additionally the Code of Conduct has values

• •


: to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found


: no discrimination – relieve suffering guided by needs •


: maintain autonomy to be able to act in accordance with the principles •


: not taking sides in hostilities Oct-05-11 14

Code of Conduct

In 2007, > 400 organizations signed up to the Code of Conduct but there is no agency/body who can hold signatories to account…

Oct-05-11 15

The International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes

The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes

The International Code = World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution (1981) + subsequent relevant World Health Assembly Resolutions •

Protection from commercial influences on infant feeding choices.

• • • • •

It does not ban the use of infant formula or bottles.

Controls how breast milk substitutes, bottles and teats are produced, packaged, promoted and provided.

The Code prohibits free/low cost supplies in any part of the health care system.

Governments encouraged to take legislative measures.

Adoption and adherence to the Code is a minimum requirement worldwide. Upholding the Code is even more critical in emergencies.

Various standards

• Legal standards – laws/rights • Principle-based, voluntary conduct standards – codes of • Technical standards – e.g. SPHERE standards Oct-05-11 16

The Sphere Project

• General concern with

quality accountability

and has been ongoing • Humanitarian practice from past no longer sufficient (complexity and number of disasters increasing, changing nature of humanitarian community and increasing diversity, increasing number of actors) • Post-Rwanda 1994: Multi-donor evaluation “Unnecessary deaths” Oct-05-11 17

The Sphere Project

• Aims to improve




• Launched in 1997 by group of NGOs and Red Cross • SPHERE project’s Handbook begins with a Humanitarian Charter (mix of ethical/legal rights/obligations/beliefs) Oct-05-11 18

The Sphere Handbook

• 2004 Sphere Handbook • 2011 revised Sphere Handbook Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response • The Humanitarian Charter - three principles: – The right to life with dignity – The right to protection and security – The right to receive humanitarian assistance Oct-05-11 19

Sphere 2011

• The handbook is structured around six minimum standards common to all sectors: – – – – – –

Community-centered humanitarian response Coordination and partnership Assessment Analysis and design Performance, transparency and learning Aid worker performance

Oct-05-11 20

Sphere 2011

• One chapter is dedicated to Food and Nutrition Security –

Assessment and analysis

Infant and young child feeding

Food assistance

Food security and livelihoods

Treatment of acute malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies

• Other chapters on standards from other sectors (which are directly related to the underlying causes of malnutrition): water, sanitation and hygiene promotion; shelter/settlement, non-food items; and health services. Oct-05-11 21

Structure of 2011 Sphere handbook

Each section includes: –

Minimum standards :

qualitative, specifying minimum levels to be attained in the provision of food security, nutrition and food assistance responses – –

Key actions :

activities needed to achieve standards

Core indicators:

signals that show whether a minimum standard has been attained (quality/quantity) –

Guidance notes:

specific points to consider, guidance on tackling practical difficulties, advice on priority issues, dilemmas, controversies, gaps in knowledge Oct-05-11 22

Appendix 1: Food security and livelihoods assessment checklists Appendix 2: Seed security assessment checklist Appendix 3: Nutrition assessment checklist Appendix 4: Measuring acute malnutrition Appendix 5: Measures of the public health significance of micronutrient deficiencies Appendix 6 : Nutritional requirements

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Management of Acute Malnutrition

standard 2


Severe acute malnutrition is addressed

Oct-05-11 26


Key Actions

• Include in-patient care, out-patient care, referral and community mobilisation components interventions for the management of SAM (see guidance note X) • Provide nutritional and medical care according to nationally and internationally recognised guidelines for the management of SAM. (see guidance notes X and Y).

• Investigate and act on causes of default and non response or an increase in deaths (see guidance notes X, Y and Z). Oct-05-11 27


Core Indicators

• More than 90% of the target population is

within <1 day’s return walk

(including time for treatment) of the programme site •


is >50% in rural areas, >70% in urban areas and >90% in camp situations (see guidance note X). • The proportion of


from therapeutic care who have died is <10%,


is >75% and


is <15% (see guidance note Y). Oct-05-11 28


Guidance notes

• more details on what and how p.170 of Handbook Oct-05-11 29

SPHERE Standards • Focus on


phase but be alert to




: (Some standards will have some indicators which will look at the longer term).

• Used for


of nutrition programmes as proposing

minimum standards for programme performance


• Often used as a

tool in evaluations

can highlight gaps of humanitarian response – • To some extent


, BUT indicators need adjustment on an emergency-specific basis.

• Achieving the standards may also

require long periods of time

In what contexts standards and core indicators cannot be met

Oct-05-11 35

Constraining factors include

• Insecurity or denial of access • Displacement • Lack of staff • Cultural factors • Bureaucracy • Logistical constraints • Lack of finance • etc.

If core indicators are not met, identify and understand the reasons why and consider alternative strategies

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• No body or agency has overall responsibility for technical standards in NiE response • Application of minimum standards can create differences in standards of living of emergency affected and surrounding populations • Lack of funds restrict delivery of humanitarian assistance • Accountability to whom?

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Key messages

• • • • • • • • Standards may be: legal, based on principles and/or voluntary or technical. Everyone has the right to adequate food and to be free from hunger. Everyone also has the right to receive humanitarian assistance in times of disaster. This is known as the

humanitarian imperative.

The humanitarian principles of

humanity, impartiality, independence

and provide a principle-based foundation for nutrition in emergencies.


The Code of Conduct sets out ten principles to guide humanitarian action. The Sphere project’s Humanitarian Charter reaffirms that all people affected by disaster and conflict have a right to life with dignity; the right to receive humanitarian assistance; and the right to protection and security. However, there is currently no incentive, or obligation for humanitarian agencies to be accountable to affected communities, other than a voluntary commitment to do so.

The Sphere standards specify the minimum acceptable levels to be attained in a humanitarian response. The Food Security and Nutrition standards cover assessment, infant and young child feeding, management of acute malnutrition and food security (food transfers, cash transfers and livelihoods).

One of the main unresolved issues in relation to standards and accountability is that there is no body with overall responsibility for technical standards in nutrition in emergency response.

Any questions?

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