What are active and passive voice?

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Using Active and Passive Voice

What are active and passive voice?

Uses of active and passive voice

Active-voice verbs

Passive-voice verbs

Review A

Review B

What are active and passive voice?

Like people, verbs can be

active or

Billy kicks the ball.


Kim is bothered by a headache. Josie plays the instrument.

Jen has been hurt by a friend.

What are active and passive voice?

Voice is the form a verb takes to show whether the subject of the verb . . .


the action Subject Verb The


carries the balloons.



the action Subject Verb The



are carried by the

What are active and passive voice?

A verb in the

active voice

expresses an action done by its subject. Subject Active voice verb My little picture.

sister painted

the Painting is the action done by the sister. The subject sister performs the action of painting.

What are active and passive voice?

A verb in the

passive voice

expresses an action done to its subject.

Subject Passive voice verb The



was painted

by my little Painting is an action done to the picture. The subject picture receives the action of painting.

What are active and passive voice?

Passive-voice verbs consist of a form of be + a past participle

were planted

Passive-voice verbs can also include helping verbs. a helping verb

+ have

a form of be

been + planted

a past participle

What are active and passive voice?

A prepositional phrase that begins with by may follow the passive-voice verb to tell who or what performs the action.

Passive-voice verb Prepositional phrase The cat

has been treated .

by our vet.

The prepositional phrase tells you that our vet performed the action of treating.

What are active and passive voice?

On Your Own

Complete each sentence by adding the verb as indicated in parentheses. 1. Excellent work _______ on that report. (done, passive voice) 2. Mr. Yang _______ the certificates. (awarded, active voice) 3. Those photos _______ by Cody. (taken, passive voice) 4. This new software _______ clear images. (created, active voice) 5. At the ceremony the mayor _______ the volunteers. (honored, active voice) [End of Section]

Uses of active and passive voice

Active-voice verbs emphasize the action and the performer of the action.

Active voice

Lightning hit the tree.

Emphasis on the lightning and the action it performs Passive-voice verbs emphasize the receiver of the action.

Passive voice

The tree was hit by lightning.

Emphasis on the tree, which receives the action

Uses of active and passive voice

Active-voice verbs

Writers usually prefer the active voice because it is more forceful and direct.

Active voice Passive voice

Our goalie made three great saves.

The crowd cheered wildly.

Three great saves were made by our goalie.

Wild cheering was done by the crowd.

Uses of active and passive voice

Passive-voice verbs

The passive voice does have its place, though. Use the passive voice when • you do not know who performed the action • you do not want to reveal the performer of the action The flowers were left on her doorstep early this morning. A large donation has been made to the charity fund.

Uses of active and passive voice

On Your Own

Complete each sentence by adding the verb as indicated in parentheses. For each passive-voice sentence, tell why the passive voice is used.

1. My sister __________ the parakeet. (fed, active voice) 2. Some books __________ from the library. (stolen, passive voice) 3. Marion __________ that book three times. (read, active voice) 4. You may not like it, but a decision __________. (made, passive voice) [End of Section]

Review A

For each sentence, identify the boldface verb as active or passive. Then tell whether the sentence emphasizes (1) the action and its performer or (2) the receiver of the action.

1. Snow slowly drifted across the road.

2. The swelling on Kelly’s arm was caused by a bee sting.

3. Several streetlights were blown over during the storm.

4. Raymond has set some birdseed out for the cardinals.

Review B

For each sentence, supply the verb as indicated in parentheses.

1. Kenny’s fans __________ him on to victory. (cheer, active voice) 2. The science class __________ the nature center. (visit, active voice) 3. The Gettysburg Address __________ by Abraham Lincoln. (write, passive voice) 4. The dogs __________ after their long exercise session. (rest, active voice) 5. Most of the food __________ by Uncle Pablo. (prepare, passive voice) [End of Section]

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