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Transcript 蒙神塑造

Take Root Below and Bear Fruit Above
賽 Isaiah 37:31
猶 大 家 所 逃 脫 餘 剩 的 、
仍 要 往 下 扎 根 、 向 上 結 果 。
Once more a remnant of the house of Judah
will take root below and bear fruit above
一。導論 Introduction
1.希西家南國猶大王竭力改革回歸 神,卻面臨亞
King Hezekiah of Judah, earnestly reformed the
return to God, but faced invasion from Assyria
2.他謙卑自己,向 神順服,承認自己的軟弱與懼
全信靠 神,尋求 神的旨意
He humbled himself and repented for his wrongdoing
of alliance with Egypt without trusting in God. He
honestly expressed his weakness and fear to God. He
then put his faith to God to seek God’s will
Take Root Below and Bear Fruit Above
3. 他從禱告中得到信心,尊重 神為全能之主
He gained his faith through prayers and respected
God’s sovereignty
4. 神應允謙卑的禱告,神的子民不僅不被毀壞
God responded his humble prayers and promised to
protect God’s people and to take root below and bear
fruit above
5. 希西家在掌政高峰時得病病危,他禱告 神,
Hezekiah became ill and was about to die at the
peak of his ruling Judah. He prayed that he would
be willing to continue his faithful and wholehearted
devotion to God under no circumstances. God
answered his fervent prayer and extended his life
6. 希西家深知人的無能渺小, 神是唯一的信靠
。他寫詩向 神獻上感恩
He realized that man is nothing but God is the only
trust we can put on. He then wrote a poem to thank
God’s salvation
Take Root Below and Bear Fruit Above
7. 可惜,希西家在國勢強盛的時候,他誇耀自
己的榮耀與成就,忽略了 神的恩典
Unfortunately, Hezekiah in later days of ruling, he
boasted his accomplishment, but ignored God’s grace
8. 他不再依靠 神,卻與新興的強國巴比倫和好
He was no longer faithful to God and showed all his
wealth to the Prince of Babylon with pride
9. 他的兒子瑪拿西繼承王位,完全背棄 神的
When his son Manasseh became the king, he did
evil in the eyes of God and completely forgot
God’s grace and faithfulness. This resulted in
God’s punishment to destroy Judah later days
Take Root Below and Bear Fruit Above
我們學到一個很重要的功課 An important lesson
for us to learn:
唯有 神是可信靠的,人的尊榮算不得什麼
Only God is trustworthy, man’s glory or pride really
cannot hold too long
Our faith is limited and weak, often times we fail the
二。三年的回顧 Looking back last 3 years
Initially we had the same desire to have the church
comeback and we started with prayer
However, even though we had vision for years, we
experienced resistance and slow responses
Take Root Below and Bear Fruit Above
3. 承認自己軟弱,求主掌權作工,賜剛強壯膽
We realized our weakness and obeyed God’s power
to help us to be strong and courageous
4. 神淨化人心,開各項服事的門
God then purified our hearts and opened many
opportunities in ministry
5. 兒童事工:主日學/敬拜,AWANA, VBS
Children’s Ministry: SS/Worship, AWANA, VBS
6. 青少年事工:主日學/敬拜,團契,社區服事
Youth Ministry: SS/Worship, Fellowship,
Community Services, STM
7. 成人事工:主日學/敬拜,團契/小組,宣教
Adults Ministry: SS/Worship, Fellowship/Cell
Groups, Missions/Local Evangelism
Take Root Below and Bear Fruit Above
8. 各項事工和教師/領袖訓練漸趨成熟
We have all the serving positions in place and the
training of teachers and leaders is regularly in
9. 地也有了
We also have land
It appears that we have accomplished quite a lot in
the past three years and we are ready to bear fruit
三。教會成長的三大柱石Three pillars of
church foundation
1.健全的事工 Wholistic Ministry
2.健康的關係 Healthy Relationship
3.健壯的靈命 Strong Spirituality
Take Root Below and Bear Fruit Above
1. 健壯的靈命有如深入土裡的主根
Strong Spirituality is the main root deep below
on earth to build up the foundation
2. 健康的關係有如伸展地裡的支根
Healthy Relationship is the wide spread roots to
absorb nutrition for growth
3. 健全的事工有如向上結果的枝幹
Wholistic Ministry is the trunk and branches to
bear fruits above
四。目前教會的情景 Our church current
1.枝幹已經成型 Ministry is in shape
2.根基卻不穩定 But roots are not stable
We need to strengthen Strong Spirituality and
Healthy Relationship
Take Root Below and Bear Fruit Above
How do we do it from now?
1. 個人靈修禱告 Personal daily devotion
2. 一起彼此代禱 Pray for each other together
3. 靠神的話扎根 Plant Bible-based roots
4. 多交屬靈朋友 Make more spiritual friends
5. 關懷失喪靈魂 Give care to the lost souls
六。結論 Conclusion
God responded our humble prayers and promised to
protect us and to take root below and bear fruit above
2.我們現在正是往下扎根, 向上結果的時候
Now is time for us to take root and bear fruit