Classroom Management - Comments on

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Transcript Classroom Management - Comments on

Amy Jensen & JoDee Luna
Lancaster School District
Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
 8:00-9:20 Whole Group
 Housekeeping, Introductions
 Who’s like me? (Amy)
 Norm Setting: GLAD – 3 Personal Standards
 Show Respect, Make Wise Decisions, Solve Problems
 10/2 (Amy)
Outcomes, Culturally Relevant Standards (JoDee)
Collaborative Learning Format for Break Outs (JoDee)
Illuminate Video
 9:20-9:35 Break
 9:35-11:15 Break outs
 Classroom Applications – Amy’s Room 21 (Amy)
 Love and Logic, PBIS (make classroom matrix, routines)
 Online Learning Management – Computer Lab (JoDee)
 11:15-12:15 Lunch
 12:15-1:55 Break outs
 1:55-2:05 Break
 2:05-3:00 Whole Group
 10 Summer Meditations for Next School Year (JoDee)
 by Michael Linsin
 Read, discuss, share out
 Group Problem Solving in Groups of 4 (Amy)
 5, 3, 1 (Amy)
 5 ideas you really liked from entire day
 3 ideas you will try the first week of school
 1 idea to share out
 Whip Around Your Group of 8 (Amy)
Outcomes: BIOS
How do you power up or shut down students?
• Belief…inspires
• Identity…engages
• Ownership…motivates
• Success…transforms
BIOS: Expanding Sphere of Influence
Finding the formula for success transforms…
• Josh’s story
• “Every child has within him or her a formula for
effective learning and authentic success. We can
enable a child who has differences in learning to
understand himself and to be understood by the
adult world.
• This model provides a means for understanding
and managing weak school performance whenever
a child’s brain functions can’t keep up with
demands.” (Levine, 2002, One Mind at a Time).
Attention Control System
Social Thinking System
Memory System
Higher Thinking System
Language System
Motor System
Spatial Ordering System
Sequential Ordering System
Competing Frameworks
Mainstream USA
70% of world culture
 Well-being of self
 Well-being of family
 Independence
 Interdependence
 Individual success
 Group success
 Task orientation
 Social orientation
Rothstein-Fisch & Albarran, 2007
Culturally Relevant Strategies
 Encourage use and sharing of primary language in reading, writing, and
 Highlight students’ countries of origin on a map
 Be aware of differences in communication styles
 Reaffirm connectedness/community by having a class discussion
 Group desks together and share materials
 Show specific interest in students as individuals, by greeting students at
the door or being aware of extracurricular events they might have
 Verify that assignments do not alienate certain students due to their
 Have high expectations for all students; differentiate only as needed to
help students achieve success
 What other strategies do you use?
 SCARF is a cognitive tool, a heuristic*, for quickly and
easily recalling the potential impact of your actions on
others (and others’ actions on you), thus enabling the
possibility of different choices. (*heuristic: tool that
helps you problem solve quickly)
 Used with Developmental Stages of a Team
 Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing
 Read the Article
SCARF in the Classroom
 “Social threats in particular, such as a fear of looking
bad in front of your peers, can inhibit high quality
perception, cognition, critical thinking, creativity and
collaboration. Having a memorable language for social
threats and rewards allows us to notice these
experiences at several points that we may not
otherwise: before, during, or after an emotionproducing event.”
 Which domain is this addressing?
Collaborative Learning Format for
Break Out Sessions
 Introduce strategy
 Give a few ideas (prime the pump)
 Talk in group about classroom applications
 Back to whole group share out a few ideas
 Record ideas
Break Outs
 Classroom 21 – Amy
 Classroom Applications
Teaching with Love & Logic
Classroom organization and systems
Teaching Collaboration – T Chart
PBIS- Classroom Matrix and routine chart
Break Outs
 Computer Lab – JoDee
Online Learning: Planning and Pacing
Digital Classroom Management
Student Tech Projects
Peer Tech Assistants
PLT Implementation
Class Dojo
Website Exploration
 SCARF Self-Assessment
Welcome to Illuminate!
 Iluminate Video
Classroom Applications
Teaching with Love and Logic
 The Four Key Principles of Love and Logic
 The Enhancement of Self-concept
 Relationship building “I noticed that…” Getting them to love
 Deposits in emotional bank account
 Through Ebony Eyes by Gail Thompson “Effective Strategies
with Students of Color p65
 Shared Control
 Consequences with Empathy
 Shared Thinking
 “All effective systems allow people to learn from the
results of their own decisions.” p26 Love and Logic
Teaching with Love and Logic
 The Three Basic Rules of Love and Logic- how to apply
the 4 principles in the classroom
 Use Enforceable Limits
 Provide Choices Within Limits
 Apply Consequences with Empathy (Consequences
don’t have to follow immediately)
Enhancement of Self-Concept
 1. I’m loved by the “magic” people in my life. Establish
a relationship of unconditional acceptance and respect.
Give positive relationship messages whenever a
negative content message is sent.
 “Just because I like you, I can’t let you get away with
 I know more about my strengths than my weaknesses.
Don’t remind kids of their weaknesses, but praise them
for their strengths.
 I can handle consequences of my own behavior. Don’t
rescue kids from inside or outside pain of
Shared Control
 Teachers gain control by giving some of it away.
 Do I want to control kids or do I want to obtain their
cooperation? We either give control on our terms, or
the kids will take it on theirs. (p139 Love and Logic)
Establish classroom rules through discussion.
 1. Give choices that are legitimate and equally acceptable
to you.
 2. Your delivery is important. Try to start with:
 You’re welcome to ____ or _____.
 Feel free to _____ or ______.
 Would you rather ______ or _____?
 Example Chart p. 154
Consequences with Empathy
and Shared Thinking
 Give the child the opportunity to be involved in the
solution/decision making. Demonstrate problem
solving techniques if the child cannot solve problem.
 Administer the consequences with calm interest. Be
 Give students the opportunity to develop a new plan of
behavior for next time.
 Use “anchoring” to lower the student’s emotional
state- lowered tone of voice, calm demeanor
 Heads down, lights out, write it out
Amy’s Tips
 Deescalating opportunities
 The safe seat
 Reflection sheets
 Writing or drawing to vent
 Time out in room (child returns to group when ready)
 Buddy classrooms
 Helping teacher before class or at recess
 Teaching correct behaviors vs. punishment
 Organizational techniques
 More organized, less behavioral issues
 Clear signals for responses
 Teach and practice group work protocols and protocols for PLT
 Make-up work box
 Ticket system
(Share Out 10-2)
Classroom Strategies
 Building a Collaborative Classroom
 How to teach collaboration
 T Chart from GLAD
 Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing (GLAD)
 How to draw them back
 Student engagement through movement: Whole Brain Teaching.
Teacher must also move around classroom during instruction
 Homework: consequences, models, rewards
 Teaching routines to students
 Effective vs. Ineffective Classrooms article
 Interventions list from Teaching with Love and Logic, Fay & Funk
Positive Behavior Intervention
and Support (PBIS)
 A decision making framework that guides practices for
improving academic and behavior outcomes for all
students. P2 PBIS notebook by LACOE
 School-wide and classroom-wide behavioral
 Procedures for encouraging positive behavior and
discouraging behavior violations
 Data system and team meetings
Classroom Management Matrix
 Maximize structure in your classroom
 Develop routines
 Design the environment
 Post, Teach, Review and Monitor 3-5 positively stated
expectations (Classroom Matrix)
 Actively engage students during instruction
 Reinforce positive behaviors and respond to inappropriate
behavior (soft, direct, brief)
 Positive reinforcement “Thank you for being ___________by
_________________.” Give a ticket. Don’t say “I like the
way you…” Take yourself out of it.
Classroom Management MatrixApplication
 Blank Matrix and Classroom Routine Chart
 Examples for Elementary and Middle School
In Seats
Be Safe
Entering &
At Sink
In Conclusion:
The Power of Words
 Video
 Examples from Teaching With Love and Logic
 Handout pg. 29
Spend a few quiet moments before the start of each day to
recommit to positive interactions with ALL students
Thank you for
being such a kind
person by…
Online Learning: Planning and Pacing
Read pp. 15-19 in Expert Space Strategy Sourcebook
 Preparing Students for Online Learning
 Addressing Online Learning Challenges
 Managing the Technology
Scheduling Computer Time
Establishing Guidelines
Planning Ahead
Organizing the Classroom
 Whole Group Discussion
Digital Classroom Management
 Computer Centers
Number and assign computers
Post and practice procedures
Use student templates for projects (paper/digital)
Place class icon on the desktop
Place digital templates/samples in student folders
Collect student work in student digital portfolios (folders)
Back up class folder daily on computer/external hard drive!
 Computer Lab
 Create Grade level folders with programs for desktop
 Post school usernames and passwords
 Place program icons on desktop
Student Tech Projects
 Using Templates for student projects
 Cherokee Indians (Amy Jensen’s Project)
 “All About Me” “I Can Change My World”
 “I Can Change My World” Student PowerPoints
 Stop Child Labor
 Stop Animal Cruelty
 Help the Homeless
 Not linked to this PowerPoint but I can email to you
 Copyright and Fair Use for Teachers
Peer Tech Assistants
 Identify and train tech savvy students
 “I do, I watch you do, I watch you help someone else”
 Explaining and demonstrating a process to someone else
helps students to master process
 Train them to turn on digital document camera, projector,
student computers
 Easier with sub
 Leave lesson plans with technology to support learning
PLT: Implementation
Classroom computer set up
 Easy transitions (flow)
 All screens visible
Resources for whole class:
• Anchor Videos
• Teacher Read
• Oral Cloze
During PLT
System eBooks are read to students
READ 180 eBooks, eReaders available
Class Dojo
 Create a positive classroom culture
 Build positive behavior
 Keep students on-task
 Document behaviors
 Connect with parents
 New modified version: weight behaviors
 4-defiance, 1-blurting
 Put comments on reports
Website Exploration
SCAR website
Take the SCARF Self Assessment
Explore Smart Classroom
Website Exploration
 Explore Digital Applications
 Flocabulary
 Trueflix projects (elementary)
 Expert Space
 FreedomFlix projects (middle)
 Scholastic News (video tour)
Synthesize and Apply
 10 Summer Meditations For Next School Year
By Michael Linsin (JoDee)
 Read through the 10 Summer Meditations
 Discuss them with your group or another person
 3-5 Share out
 Problem Solving in Groups of 4 (Amy)
 5, 3, 1 (Amy)
5 ideas you really liked from entire day
3 ideas you will try the first week of school
1 idea to share out
Whip Around Your Group of 8 (Amy)
Works Cited
Fay, Jim and David Funk. Teaching with Love and Logic. Cambridge: The Love and
Logic Press Inc., 1995. Print.
PBIS Team Training, Sponsored by Los Angeles County Office of Education.