Motivational Posters

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Transcript Motivational Posters

Find Someone Who
•Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up
•A asks questions; B responds.
•A records answer
•B checks and initials answer
•Switch roles
•Repeat with a new partner each time
•When worksheets are complete,
students sit and compare
Inside Outside Circle
• Half the class forms outside circle
• Remaining students form inside circle
• Inside students ask; Outside students respond
• Partners switch roles
• Students rotate
Match Mine
• Sender arranges pieces
• Sender describes arrangements; receiver
• Partners check for accuracy
• Receiver praises sender
• Switch roles; play again
• Students mix and pair
• Partners quiz each other
• Partners trade cards
• Students quiz new partners
• Teacher calls “Freeze!”
• Students “Match”
Mix Pair Share
• Students mix
• Teacher calls “Pair”
• Hand Up, Pair Up
• Teacher asks question, gives think time
• Share: Timed Pair Share or Rally Robin
Numbered Heads Together
Students number off
Teacher asks question
Students think and write
Heads together; share and discuss
Teams signal when ready
Teacher calls number
That number answers
Rally Coach
• Students sit in pairs
• First problem: A solves,
B coaches and praises
• Next problem: B solves;
A coaches and praises
• Continue solving problems
Rally Robin
• Teacher poses problem
• Partners repeatedly take
turns; answering orally
Round Robin
• Teacher asks a question
• Teammates take turns answering
Round Table
• Teachers assign problem
• Team members each write and pass
• Question cards placed in center
• Showdown captain reads a question
• Students work alone and write answers
• Teammates signal when ready
• Showdown captain calls “Showdown”
• Teammates show and discuss answers
• Teammates celebrate or coach
• New showdown captain leads next round
Simultaneous Roundtable
• Teacher assigns task
• Everyone writes!
• Everyone passes!
• Continue: Pass-N-Add
• Team lays out alternatives
• Teammates spend a buck on each alternative
• Teammates spend remaining dollars
• Teams sum dollars to determine team decision
Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up
• Students stand up, hand up, pair up
• Teacher asks question
• Think time
• Partners share using:
Rally Robin
Timed Pair Share
Talking Chips
• Teacher provides topic
• One student places a chip in center,
begins discussion
• Students use chips to continue
• Chips used up? Students collect
chips, continue discussion
Team Stand-N-Share
Teams stand up
Teacher calls on one student
Student states one idea from list
Team Recorders add idea or check it off
Sharing continues with rotating Recorder
Teams sit when all ideas checked off
Seated teams Round Table, recording
new ideas
Timed Pair Share
• Teacher announces topic and time
• Think Time
• A shares; B listens
• B responds and praises
• B shares; A listens
• A responds and praises
• One Learner per team leaves the room
• Remaining students (Teachers) receive
• Teachers plan instruction
• Learners return to teams
• Teachers teach Learners
• Learners take practice test
Mix Freeze Group
Students mix
Teacher calls Freeze
Students Freeze
Teacher asks question
Students group according to the number of
the answer
• Remaining students go to the Lost and Found
Pairs Compare
• Teacher asks question with multiple
possible responses
• Shoulder partners Rally Table
• Teacher calls time
• Students RoundRobin answers, adding
new answers to their lists
• Team challenge: Teams generate
additional answers
Students Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up
Quiz: A quizzes
B answers
A praises or tutors
Quiz: Partners switch roles
Trade: Partners trade cards
Students repeatedly Quiz-Quiz-Trade with new
Rally Table
• Teacher asks question with multiple possible
• Partners take turns writing answers on one
Find the Fiction
• Students write statements: two true, one false
• One teammates stands and reads statements
• Teammates each write best guess, reach
consensus, and announce guess
• Standing student reveals answer
• If correct: Student claps for teammates. If
incorrect: Teammates clap for student
• Next teammate share
Student One fans cards
Student Two picks, reads, gives Think Time
Student Three answers
Student Four praises and tutors or
• Students rotate roles