Lost Horizon Quotes

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Lost Horizon



► “I always thought you air fellows were put on your honor not to tell tales out of school.”  Wyland (5) ► “I thought he was clever but rather slack.”  Wyland (5) ► “I only know it myself from meeting a man who used to be one of Chopin’s pupils.”  Conway (16)

Chapter 1

► “Conway did not want to make the effort that an aeroplane conversation demands” (22).

► “If anyone can get us out of this mess, he’ll do it.”  Mallinson (29 – 30) ► “It was his fate in life to have his equanimity always mistaken for pluck…” (30) ► “I don’t do so myself, but I just love the smell of a cigar.”  Miss Brinklow (35)

Chapter 2

► “If I only had a flash of café cognac, I wouldn’t care if it’s Tibet or Tennessee.”  Bernard (43) ► “I’m going to tackle him right away.”  Mallinson (46) ► “Something had happened to Conway as well.” (47) ► “I don’t know if I could possibly manage it.”  Brinklow (53)

Chapter 3

► “I shall be delighted to act as your guide.”  Chang (57) ► “Is there anything incompatible between monasticism and trigonometry?”  Chang (59) ► “There were people who considered cider was just like champagne.”  Conway (61) ► “In arriving here…we’ve exchanged one form of lunacy for another.”  Conway (65)

Chapter 4

► “So you see…We are less barbarian than you expected…”  Chang (69) ► “A separate culture might flourish here without contamination from the outside world.”  Conway (71) ► “Tell me what you all believe in.”  Miss Brinklow (73) ► “Our prevalent belief is in moderation.”  Chang (74)

Chapter 5

► “Two months it is. And now let’s all shout hooray about it.”  Mallinson (88) ► “You might try to raise some teams. What about ‘Gentlemen vs. Lamas’ ?”  Conway (91) ► “We have a collection of several hundreds…You will not find Shangri-La marked on any.”  Chang (95) ► “Her name is Lo-Tsen. She has not yet attained the full initiation.”  Chang (99)

Chapter 6

► ► ► ► ► “Many religions are moderately true.”  Chang (107) “Nothing of importance, my dear sir, that could not have been foreseen in 1920.”  Chang (110) ‘But the chief factor in the government of Blue Moon…was the inculcation of good manners.

 Chang (113 - 114) “…to govern perfectly, it is necessary to avoid governing too much.”  Chang (115) “…they all wanted something for nothing and hadn’t the brains to get it for themselves.”  Bryant (123)

Chapter 7

► “The high lama…will receive you alone”  Chang (129) ► “…like a great many of our valley herbs it is both unique and precious.”  High Lama (132) ► “…In 1794, Perrault was still living.”  High Lama (139) ► ‘Henschell was exceedingly able and talented...”  High Lama (145)

Chapter 7 Continued

► “Perhaps you are wondering, my dear Conway, what that proviso may be?”  High Lama (147) ► “That you are still alive, Father Perrault.”  Conway (148)

Chapter 8

► “All we have done…is to slacken the tempo of this brief interval that is called life.”  Perrault (153) ► “Laziness in doing stupid things can be a great virtue.”  Perrault (155) ► “We may expect no mercy, but we faintly hope for neglect.”  Perrault (158)

Chapter 9

► “You seem to have gone all to pieces.”  Mallinson ► (161) ► “It can undoubtedly…but only as a fragrance whose melancholy we may enjoy.”  Chang (165) ► “…the English regard slackness as a vice. We, on the other hand, should vastly prefer it to tension.”  Chang (168)

Chapter 10

► “Special circumstances, my dear sir, have sometimes required special consideration.”  Chang (184) ► “I’m afraid he is going to be your problem.”  Perrault (194) ► Those Dark Ages were not really so very dark-they were full of flickering lanterns.”  Perrault (198)

Chapter 11

► “I don’t see how any sane person could be in any doubt about it.”  Mallinson (207) ► “Do you think you could manage that tricky part with a rope if I were with you?”  Conway (216) ► “She gave him a most charming smile, but her eyes were all for the boy.”  Mallinson (219).


► “Oh no, she was most old – most old of anyone I have ever seen.”  The Doctor (231)