Say no to bullying - The SEAL Community

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Anti-bullying/ Say no to bullying
KS2/3 SEAL Starter Activities
does this
Do you
When is it bullying? A quick quiz
Quiz taken from DfES SEAL Materials © Crown Copyright
• Do you agree with these reasons
why people bully others?
• Can you think of any other
reasons why people sometimes
bully others?
• In pairs or groups, think about
any bullying you have come
across or read about and try to
decide why the person bullied.
• What does this
• Do you agree?
Being ‘different’.
A reason to be bullied?
Who gets bullied?
• In pairs or groups can
you name the
celebrities on the next
• Which ones do you
think would have been
bullied at school? Make
a list and be ready to
say why you made your
Is it OK to be different?
Is this
How easy
is it?
Inspirational video clips: Being different
Duct tape surfing
Nick Vujicic
A celebration of difference!
Own It is a campaign set up by
a student with cerebral palsy
to challenge students,
teachers, parents, neighbors to
‘own’ everything that makes
them weird, different, and
At our school
When we own it, we take
ownership of ourselves and disarm
bullying or disrespectful action of
any kind. And most importantly, we
create an entire school united
around our unique contributions to
the community.
Take the challenge! Celebrate our differences…
• You have five
• Walk around the
classroom asking
one of the
questions of as
many people as
you can
• Share what you
find out with the
• Give yourselves a
cheer for being
different and
The story of Noah
Seventh-grader Noah Brocklebank of
Columbia, Md., was bullied, excluded and
alone. He felt the only solution to his pain was
suicide as his 13th birthday approached.
Noah was the target of relentless bullying and
name-calling at his Howard County middle
school, "Like 'fat,' 'ugly,' 'annoying,' 'loser,'"
The bullies had convinced other students not
to be Noah's friend, and he had sat by himself
during lunch time for months. Soon, their
bullying spread to social media.
Then his classmates refused to play video
games with him on Xbox Live…
"I just felt like everything was worthless," "My
life was terrible. I had no one."
Karen, Noah’s mother, discovered this
photo showing what Noah had been doing
– cutting himself. "I really, truly didnt realize
how lonely he was feeling," Karen said.
Karen set up and an
accompanying Facebook page and opened
a post office box. She asked her friends to
send her son letters of encouragement.
Karen expected to get a few letters and give
them to Noah on his 13th birthday. "But we
got more than a couple,"
The small post office box was overwhelmed
with more than 7,000 letters from nations
across the globe -- including Australia,
Ireland and Japan -- all offering Noah words
of support. The "Letters for Noah"
Facebook page also has gotten more than
13,000 "likes" and 800 messages since it
was created on Jan. 28.
His favorite from the pile is from
his fourth-grade teacher. "He told
me how he went through that
(bullying) and how amazing I
was," It read, "I remember you
fondly - humorous, smart,
creative, fun to be around. … Life
gets real good! But you have to
get past the hard parts to reach
the best parts."
Another letter from California
read, "I remember how it felt to
be bullied and to have a good
friend suddenly avoid me. It does
get better. People grow up. …
Your family loves you and people
that have never met you care,"
What can you
do if you are
What do you think
of the idea of
What other ideas
have you got?
Write them down
in a class or
school book.
Witnessing bullying
• If you saw this
happening around the
school what would you
• What would it depend
Write down your ideas for next time…
Discuss in pairs
why you think
witnesses don’t
What can the
school do to
become a ‘telling
This presentation is one of a series covering all SEAL Themes (primary
and secondary) which are free to members of The SEAL Community (a
not-for profit support network) . If you are not a member already go to and join us from £30 per year to keep the SEAL
flag flying high!