Transcript Document

Chapter 1
Getting Started with Adobe
Photoshop CS6
Lesson Objectives
Start Adobe Photoshop CS6
Learn how to open and save an image
Examine the Photoshop window
Close a file and exit Photoshop
Learn design principles and copyright rules
Start Photoshop
• What is Photoshop?
– An image editing program used to create and
modify digital images
• What is a digital image?
– A picture in an electronic form
Start Photoshop
• What can Photoshop be used for?
– Create original artwork
– Manipulate color images
– Retouch photographs
– Repair damaged images
– Create images for Web pages
Start Photoshop
• Use Photoshop in two interfaces:
– Windows and Mac OS
• Differences are slight; for example:
– Use [Ctrl] and [Alt] keys in Windows
– Use [command] and [option] keys in Mac OS
– Interface looks slightly different on each platform
Start Photoshop
• Create original artwork in Photoshop
• Use your own images taken with a digital
• Scanned images or those downloaded from
the Web
– Permission required (in many cases)
Start Photoshop
• Use Photoshop
to open and
create different
kinds of file
Understand Images
• An image is made up of dots called pixels
• In Photoshop, you can add, delete, or modify
individual pixels or groups of pixels
Start Photoshop (Windows)
• Click the Start button on the
• Point to All Programs,
then click Adobe
Photoshop CS6
Start button
Start Photoshop (Mac OS)
• Double-click the hard drive icon, then doubleclick the Adobe Photoshop CS6 folder
• Locate, then double-click
the Adobe Photoshop
CS6 program icon
Creating a New File
Click File on the Menu bar
Click New
Enter a width in the Width text box
Enter a height in the Height text box
Click OK
Learn How to Open and Save an
• Use Save As to save a file under a new name
and preserve the original file
• Open a file in one file format (e.g., .BMP) and
save it in another file format (e.g., .JPG)
Setting Preferences
• Use the Preferences dialog box to customize
how files are opened in Photoshop
• Options include:
– Using Open Recent to locate and open files
recently worked on
– Changing the Image Preview to thumbnails
Using the Adobe Bridge
• Examine files on your computer
• Organizational options include:
– Sort
– Rank
– Flag
Using Adobe Bridge
Rated and
Approved file
Approved file
Using Adobe Mini Bridge
Click to sort
Path bar
Opening a File I
• Use the File menu to open a file:
– Click File on the Menu bar, then click Open
– Click the Look in or From list arrow
– Navigate to the location of the file
– Click the filename, then click Open
Opening a File II
• Use Bridge or Mini Bridge to open a file:
– Launch Bridge or Mini Bridge
– Click the Folders tab (Bridge) or Recent Folders
button (Mini Bridge)
– Navigate to the location of the file
– Double-click the file thumbnail
Adobe Bridge Window
Folders tab
Resizing slider
Adobe Mini Bridge Window
Click to go to
Click to change
what contents
are displayed
Resizing slider
Getting Photos From Your Camera
• Use Adobe Bridge to move photos from your
camera to your computer:
– Click File on the (Bridge) Menu bar, then click Get
Photos from Camera
– Use the Adobe Bridge CS6 Downloader dialog box
to choose a device and storage location
Using the Save As Command
• Use the Save As command to save an existing
file with a new filename:
– Click File on the Menu bar, then click Save As
– Navigate to the location where you want to save
the file
– Type a new filename, then click Save
Changing Document Display
• Each image displays in an individual tabbed
window, by default
• Change to floating windows (temporarily) by
clicking the Window on the Menu bar, point to
Arrange, then click Float All in Windows
• Change the default document display
(permanently) using the Preferences menu
Examining the Photoshop Window
• The Workspace includes the following
Work area
Menu bar
Tools panel
Status bar
Options bar
Menu bar
Tools panel
Status bar
Customizing the Workspace
• Customize the workspace by positioning
elements to suit your working style
• To save a workspace:
– Click the workspace switcher on the Menu bar,
click New Workspace, type a name, then click Save
Using Tools
• Use tools in Photoshop to perform actions
(e.g., zoom, type text, etc.)
• Point to a tool to view a ScreenTip that
provides the name or function of the tool
• Check the options bar to view current settings
for a selected tool
Using Tool Shortcut Keys
• Press and hold [Shift]
• Press the tool’s shortcut key (e.g., T for Type
• Continue to press [Shift] and the shortcut key
to cycle through a tool’s hidden tools
Using Panels
• Use panels to verify settings and modify
• Each panel can contain multiple panels
• Panels can be separated and moved around
the workspace
• Each panel contains an options button and a
Panel Example
Panel options
Click a tab to make
a panel active
Close a File and Exit Photoshop
• Close the file:
– Click File on the Menu bar, click Close, then click
Yes (Win) or Save (Mac)
• Exit Photoshop:
– Click File on the Menu bar, then click Exit (Win)
– Click Photoshop on the Menu bar, then click Quit
Learn about Design Principles and
Copyright Rules
Commonly Used Image-Use Terms