Transcript Pixlr


Free, Browser based Image Editing


     No “e” Free, browser based  Upload image, edit it on-line, download image back to your own computer Photoshop-like interface Click “Open image editor” to get started

Opening images/Cropping Images

 File>New>Browse to image  Opens .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif and .psd files  Crop before you resize  Choose cropping tool  Click-and-drag to define cropped area  Use sizing boxes to fine tune  Click within image to accept the crop  Use History panel (View>History) to start over

Resizing Images

 Image menu>Image Size  Keep “Constrain proportions” checked to preserve width to height ratio  Change one value, other will change proportionally

Image formats

   .jpg, .jpeg

 Good for complex imagery, photos .gif  Good for simpler images, large areas of flat color     256 colors Supports transparency Supports animation NOT a format option for download in Pixlr .png

Great for simpler images, large areas of flat color     Millions of colors Supports transparency Not supported by all browsers (< IE4, NN) Doesn’t support animation

Saving Images

     File>Save Rename (so you don’t overwrite old one) Save to your computer Format (.jpeg, .bmp, .png, .pxd)  No .gif option Quality (.jpeg only)    Lower quality = smaller file size For web, lowest acceptable quality For print, highest quality

Red Eye

 Red eye removal tool in toolbox  Zoom in on eyes  Select tool, click red area


   For artistic effects Use with marquee tool to manipulate a specific area  Shape of selection, feathering options  Invert selection option: Edit>Inverse selection Filter menu  Vignette       Glamour Glow (no fine tuning) Diffuse Gaussian blur Pastels (slow!) Polar Coordinates Kaleidoscope

Marquee/Brightening/Text tools

 Choose marquee tool, set feathering  Select area  Adjustment menu>Brightness and Contrast  Add text with text tool (automatically adds layer)  Provide own line breaks  Move afterward using move tool

Adding/Transforming Layers

 Bring in logo, drag layer onto image  Choose logo layer  Edit>Free Transform  Hold down shit and drag sizing box