Transcript abiding

A Question of
“My Father is glorified by this
that you bear much fruit and
become (prove to be) my
disciples.” (John 15:8)
A Question of
John 15:4-5
“Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as
the branch cannot bear fruit by itself
unless it abides in the vine, neither can
you unless you abide in me. I am the
vine, you are the branches . . . apart
from me you can do nothing.”
What led to ABIDE for
Smaller Congregations?
“Joining Jesus in his revolution to transform leaders, communities, and the world.”
By the Numbers
Percent of UM Churches
46 or fewer in Worship
50% = 16,500 churches
47 plus in Worship
50% = 16,500 churches
UMC churches w/t a PF in 2012 = 48.5%
Six Issues Identified
1. Spiritual Life—Low self-esteem, reduced prayer, biblical
illiteracy, apathetic worship, and missing connections to Jesus.
Leadership—Both appointed pastors and laity often feel ill
prepared to lead their churches in this century.
Conflict—Personal preference wars have often eroded a sense
of loving fellowship both for insiders and new attendees.
Mission & Vision—Many struggle to maintain a mission
focus while facing survival challenges.
Context—Older smaller churches often no longer relate well
to the community they reside in.
Structure—Sometimes related to facilities but more often to
control issues, effective decision making, and unity of purpose.
Creating leadership teams in
smaller membership churches
that are:
The ABIDE Model
“Joining Jesus in his revolution to transform leaders, communities, and the world.”
The ABIDE Process
ABIDE begins with an overnight retreat
designed to:
rekindle faith, hope, and love
reveal the John 15 design
begin forming covenant teams
love, learn, and lead together
Notebooks with all materials are provided for
each participant throughout the project.
The Full ABIDE-SLI Project
The ABIDE process continues for another
12-14 months during which
participants learn the value of spiritual
leadership and the specifics of how
they will invest at least 8 hours a
month to:
 practice a way of life
 invest together as a team
 hold themselves
 transform the community.
Builds a team of spiritual leaders (becoming like
Jesus) who are Loving Learning and Leading
together in covenant.
Creates an environment where persons can be
and can make disciples.
Clarifies Values, Mission, and Vision (Focus).
Develops a MAP (Ministry Action Plan)
Who are we?
Where are we?
What is God calling us to?
How are we going to get there?
Commits to bringing transformation to both the
church and community by putting their MAP into
action and continuing to adjust it as needed.
Expands the process by building other similar
teams who MAP and implement ministry.
Ministry Action Planning
Worked Through in Two 6 Month Cycles
• Creating Transformative
• Discovering Internal &
External Profiles
• Discerning our Values,
Mission, & Vision
• Growing Systems, &
Relational Connections
• Implementing &
Sustaining Mission
Ongoing Monthly Activities
Loving God & Neighbor through
Spiritual Formation and worship - the process of being
conformed to the image of Christ, a servant of others
for the sake of God’s mission
Sharing with others their ongoing spiritual journey and
relationship with God
Learning through
Personal and congregational examination
Reading and discussion of recommended materials
Intentional efforts at Ministry Action Planning
Leading by
Participation in developing a leadership team
Participation in building and implementing a
congregational Ministry Action Plan
Living into the L3 DNA
Creating the Environment
LOVE as Spiritual Formation
Growth in my
Growth in my
relationship with
relationship with
the ABIDE team
God in Christ –
and others in a
abiding as his
covenant of
true disciple
worship, trust,
and love
The Learning Process
Reading and Assignments
Books & videos
Data & discussion
Your context
Your values,
mission, and
Your ministries
Leading for Transformation
Leading Strategically
Becoming true
Engaging others
spiritual leaders
to explore the
in your church
very best ways
by helping
to expand the
others learn and
work of the
experience what
Kingdom and
you have.
help transform
the community.
Advancing God’s Mission
Joining the Holy Spirit in
Transforming our Communities
is our ultimate calling and mission.
Becoming Externally Focused
Individually and as Congregations
Exploring Cooperative ministries
Such as how to join with others and address
poverty, new people groups, family issues, etc.
Spiritual Leaders
The key to success is the willingness of
participants to make abiding in Christ and
being fruitful for God’s glory a high priority
for this season of their lives, investing 8
hours a month as a group to
Learn, and
Lead together
for revitalizing the Church
and impacting their world.
Simply Put, They . . .
Create an environment of grace
and truth in which persons can
mature as spiritual leaders.
Compose a covenant of mutual
accountability and live in it for at
least a year.
Journey together committed to
helping the whole congregation
become and make disciples.
What People are
“Joining Jesus in his revolution to transform leaders, communities, and the world.”
Finding us on the Web
The SLI Website
Under the “Resources” TAB you can find
various materials related to ABIDE as well
as an ABIDE Video Introduction.
Also, check out the testimonials under the
“SLI Story” TAB, and explore the entire
site for more information on SLI.
A Video Introduction
What People are Saying
ABIDE is refocusing our hearts and minds on the
purpose of the church and helping us look
once again to the future. Our group is
deepening their life in Christ, and seeking
God's will for themselves and our church. All
of this after only 3 months in the program. I
can hardly wait to see what God will do here
by the time the program ends! Thanks SLI, for
helping us ABIDE in Christ once again.
Rev. Debbie Arvelo,
Alden UMC, Alden, Kansas.
What People are Saying
I will be 53 years old this August and never searched
God’s life book for guidance in the topic of
Church business. But thanks to our Abide
journey, I have learned what truly abiding in
Christ is supposed to be. No, I do not get it all
right now, but I do know where to go for ALL of
life’s questions. Every step we made toward
God, he was there waiting to bless us. The Abide
group has been just the best. Come on in
boys, the waters fine!!!
Jeffrey Hoover, Gamewell UMC Lenoir, NC
What People are Saying
Though entering into the ABIDE Process with some
trepidation, we have found it to be lifechanging for our five-member team. It is
amazing the bond we have establish between
us. We hope that we can spread this love and
enthusiasm with others. We also have great
optimism about the potential impact upon our
small church and community as we head into
the future of this ministry - with God's help.
Dianna Bloom and the ABIDE Team of Big Springs
United Methodist Church, Kansas.
What People are Saying
The Abide process is “real world” Christianity calling
each of us to leave our comfort zones, to get
out of the box and to be and take the church
out in the community. Abide also calls us to
have eyes, ears and hearts alert and
responsive to the glory of God at work all
around us. Jesus said, I am the vine. You are
the branches. Apart from me you can do
nothing. Cling to Jesus. God Bless.
Nancy Tate, member, Providence UMC,
Rutherford, NC
What People are Saying
Abide is what Blue Mound UMC has been
waiting for. We wanted to try some
things and we had started a Bible
Study; but Abide has tied much of it
together and brought our team
together. Now we are going through the
process with excitement as we look to
the future.
Dallas Peterson,
Pastor Blue Mound UMC, Kansas
What People are Saying
ABIDE has had a wonderful impact on my life. It
has brought me closer to Christ and through
Him I have been able to use the knowledge
learned in ABIDE to become a leader in areas
where I never felt God could use me before,
such as leading my church's ABIDE team and
teaching women's groups. Thank you for this
In Christ,
Beth Murphy, Team member
Cedar Grove-Sunshine Charge, NC
What People are Saying
All the concerns in this list were real issues I felt we
needed to address in our congregational
development plan for the Marion District. I felt
(and still feel all the more) that ABIDE is the best
way to address them.
Leader Development, especially empowering new,
young adult leaders;
Training, especially empowering laity;
Recovery of Focus (the mission of the Church); and
Planning and Implementation Skills.
It’s win/win for everyone!
Marion District NC (Phillip Cole, DS)