Transcript File

English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Setting – Chapter One
• Read through chapter one again,
carefully. Note all the words used to
describe the setting, and draw it as
accurately as you can.
• 15 minutes from the start of the lesson
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
‘Of Mice and Men’
Tasks to help you prepare for your
Literature exam
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Chapter 2
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Why 'Of Mice and Men'?
The title of the novel comes from a poem by
the Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759 - 96):
The best laid schemes o' mice and men
Gang aft agley [often go wrong]
And leave us nought but grief and pain
For promised joy!
Question: how many ways does this apply to the novel?
This applies to the novel because…
10 minutes
Objectives: investigating the literary background of the title, applying knowledge of the
text to this specific question, considering the plot
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Chapter 2
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Controversial Opinions
Challenging your opinions and expectations of
the book.
Crooks is the most privileged character in the novel
Carlson is the most honest character, the one we identify with most
Curley’s wife committed suicide
George is an evil man
Steinbeck is a sexist, racist, ageist author
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Sample questions
The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings,
pointing out any similarities and differences between them.
When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind.
Describe what each of these three do after the others leave, and explain what they have in
common that causes them to be left out.
Describe in some detail the farm that George and Lennie dream of owning one day. When
Candy and Crooks join the dream, what part do they foresee themselves playing?
Curley's wife appears three times in the novel. Briefly describe what takes place on each
occasion. On which occasion does she reveal the most about herself, and what is it?
'I like to pet nice things with my fingers, soft things.' Trace in detail the 'sof' things' that
Lennie pets in the novel, showing that the petting grows more serious as the novel goes on.
Describe in some detail the incident where Lennie crushes Curley's hand. What does this
incident reveal about each of these two characters?
While Curley is physically aggressive towards Lennie, his wife is sexually provocative. Show
how these two characters create trouble for Lennie, and combine to cause his death.
Many people in the novel suffer from disappointment. Choose any three of the following
characters and discuss what reasons they have to be disappointed about their life: Crooks Curley - George - Candy
Which character do you feel most sorry for in this story? Explain your choice by referring
closely to the events of the novel.
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Arrange these events in chronological order in which they happen in the book:
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Arrange these events in chronological order in which they happen in the book:
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
“Crooks’ face lighted with
pleasure in his torture.”
Explain the meaning of this quote, and put it in context
(explain where it is in the novel and what is happening)
Explain the significance of it (Why is it important? What does
it show?)
Discuss the specific language choices made by Steinbeck
(pick out the most interesting word/s and explain your
Write your answers to these questions in a PEE paragraph/s,
in full prose, in the style of an exam response
10 minutes
Objectives: practising exam-style responses, analysing language from a key quotation,
forming PEE paragraphs, practising attention to detail, practising timed writing
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Is Curley’s wife innocent or
Plan an essay answering this question.
This could be in the form of a spider-diagram or list.
Then write your introduction…
15 minutes
Objectives: working on essay planning, considering Steinbeck’s portrayal of Curley’s
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
‘Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man,
shapeless of face, with large pale eyes, with
wide sloping shoulders; and he walked
heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a
bear drags its paws’
•Pick out individual words and discuss
•Write about any poetic techniques
•Consider the ‘big picture’ – what does it mean / show
15 minutes
Objectives: working on language analysis, writing in detail
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Choose a sentence from the
first chapter and write about
it in detail
•Pick out individual words and discuss
•Write about any poetic techniques
•Consider the ‘big picture’ – what does it mean / show
15 minutes
Objectives: working on language analysis, writing in detail
Internal Monologues
Write a few sentences in your books that could be
going through George or Lennie’s mind in the
moments below. Use the first person:
• Waiting for George by pool.
• George finds Lennie.
• During George’s recital of the dream
• George finds Lennie at the end.
• During his own recital of their dream.
• When the other men arrive, at the denouement.
10 minutes
Objectives: insight into characters, revision of key events, creative writing practice (Lang
Paper 2 Section B)
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Re-read Chapter Three
In pairs, or individually, find evidence that:
Candy is afraid of the future.
Curley is a coward.
Lennie is afraid of violence.
Lennie is very strong.
Lennie does as George tells him.
Sometimes it is hard for George to control Lennie.
Lennie did not mean any real harm.
10 minutes
Objectives: locating and using key quotes, understanding characters’ motivations
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Pairs activity
Here are some questions being asked to some
key characters. Prepare a written response to
Curley’s wife – Why did you go to see Lennie in the barn
when you knew his strength and what your husband would
Lennie – Why did you kill Curley’s wife?
Candy – How did you feel when you found the body?
10 minutes
Objectives: appreciating the importance of minor characters (Curley’s wife and Candy),
understanding characters’ motivations, developing empathy, practising creative writing
skills (Lang Paper 2 Sec B)
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Individual Activity
How does Steinbeck communicate to the reader
the tension felt by the men as they wait for
Candy's dog to be shot?
Write your answer in the style of an exam
response, in full sentences and in the PEE
10 minutes
Objectives: approaching essay-style questions, considering the author’s language
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
Using the PEE format
The PEE format is a basic way of helping you to write thorough answers.
Thorough answers get you marks. It should be considered a minimum
P – make a point
E – give an example (often a quote)
E – explanation (say more, and comment on
what you have written)
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
This student has answered the following questions with
great points but no examples or explanations. Fail! Help
them out by adding the EE to their PEEs:
‘Soledad’ is Spanish for loneliness. Why do you think
Steinbeck chose this setting?
Steinbeck chose ‘Soledad’ because it reflects the
loneliness of the characters and of the whole country at
the time the novel is set.
For example, the character…
Also, the time in which it was set could be considered
lonely because…
English Lit exam - 45 minutes - Write 1 essay
This PEE section is from an essay about Carlson:
Carlson is a minor but interesting character created by Steinbeck to
make the reader see how an insensitive person would react to the
emotional trauma in the novel.
For example,
He is unusual because of this…
Which is the most important example of foreshadowing (hinting at what
comes later) in the novel?
Candy’s dog is a clear reflection of George and Lennie’s situation, and
also makes George’s mind up about what he does at the end.
For example, Candy says…
This reflects what happens later because…
• Done Crooks’ face activity
• Done Robert Burns activity
• Done chapter 1 posters and analysis
• Shown Salinas and Steinbeck display
• Shown Great depression slide show
• Done innocent or guilty question plan
• Given character profile homework
• Done language focus tasks
• Given Slim essay plan
• Shown Salinas and Steinbeck display
• Done Chapter 1 posters and analysis
• Given character profile homework
• Done innocent or guilty question plan
• Shown Great depression slide show
• Done Crooks’ face activity
• Done language focus tasks
• Given Slim essay plan