Your Guide to an Organized Intern Year

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Transcript Your Guide to an Organized Intern Year

Organization: the key to efficiency

Practical advice for the busy life of an intern Dana Angelini 7/2/12


 Organize yourself at work  Organize yourself at home  Pearls from “mama mollicone”

Being an Efficient Intern

 Can be a frustrating struggle early in year  Takes time to develop your style  Trial and error (and error)  You will get there!

Being an Efficient Intern

 Start your day with the motto:  “I am in control of my day”  Deep breath prior to entering hospital  Let go of issues/struggles of yesterday; learn from your mistakes  Build your knowledge base  Both medical knowledge  Systematic knowledge

Being an Efficient Intern

 Pre-round with insight  Know what you are looking for  Anticipate what your attending will ask  Always know current vitals, peaks, trends  Thorough focused exam is better than sloppy overview  Have


med list • Helpful to have H&P on hand  Be able to get out of there (politely)

Being an Efficient Intern

 Have a packet for each patient  Keep track of all “to-do’s” during rounds 

Write down everything!!

 Pay attention to your co-interns patients  Will help with those pages later in the day!

 Learn from those patients as well!

 Make note of topics you want to read about later  Make sure to “run the list” with your senior soon after rounds

Being an Efficient Intern

 After Rounds    GO GO GO!!!!!

Never forget the COLD Acronym • Consults • • • Orders Labs Discharges Learn to multitask • Put in orders while waiting for someone to call you back

Being an Efficient Intern

 Anticipate and plan for discharges  Gold forms can be time consuming  Touch base with social work/care coordinators early   Social work helps set up SNF Care Coordinators handle home care  Start Gold Forms early

Being an Efficient Intern

 Don’t re-do the same task twice  Call the operator ONCE after rounds and get all the pager numbers you need for your patients  Write down consultant pager numbers or put in HOT tool; use throughout your rotation  Try not to waste time logging in and out of computers all the time

Being an Efficient Intern

 Note Writing  Remember Dr. Augustine’s tips  Can hold you down if you let it!

 Be succinct, pertinent: will save you time and help you see the big picture.  HOT  Complete as you write your note

Organizing Yourself at Home

 Will help ease anxiety and stress over every day matters  10 tips to help organize you life  Tips for intern year and beyond

Tip #1: Write Things Down

 Know the details of your patients  Keep lists!

 Keep notepads around your house • • Keep personal To-Do lists Keep lists of items you need to purchase as you discover you need them.

 Does your phone have an app for that?

Tip #2: If something can be done right away- DO IT  Paying bills  Going through mail  Answering emails  Returning phone calls 


Tip #3: CVS is one stop shopping  Toiletries/personal items  Greeting cards  Pharmacy  Basic food items/snacks/even beer&wine  Pet needs  Etc Etc….

Tip #4: Beating the “9 to 5” dilemma  Have your list available for reference  Maximize your days off  Most banks have Saturday hours  Most businesses have some late hours  Dentist open on Sat?

 Schedule late doc appointment on happy day  Out early? Get one task done before heading home

Tip #5: Know your routine

 Try to put things in the same place every time     Keys Cell phone/ IPAD!!

White coat/pager/ID badge Work shoes  Helps decrease time you spend looking for these items and helps MAXIMIZE sleep in the morning  Make a habit and stick to it

Tip #6: The File Box

     CVS might not have one, but Office Max does Get supplies:  Folders, tabs, sharpies General categories         Bills Residency info Finances/credit cards My health/insurance Loans/taxes Car Warranties Computer  Important documents File as you go: don’t let this build up!

Get a


Tip #7: The Binder

 Do you have a stack of articles you plan on reading?

 Do you have a pile of articles/references from med school you would like to keep?

 Do you have a 3” black binder organized by organ system?

Tip #8: Keep your personal life organized  Know your work schedule before committing  Take opportunities for fun when you can  Know your funds   Balance your check book Don’t be late with payments  Will likely decrease your 9-5 dilemmas  Use a calendar

Tip #9: Have an organized house        Get rid of JUNK!!!

You just moved; good time to reassess your stuff Go through closet for items to toss or donate 1-2x/year If you haven’t used it in a year-TOSS You may be attached to med school notes/binders but… Don’t feel guilty about tossing old gifts you don’t like or use Use boxes, labels, everything should have a “place”  Helps you get things back together when they get out of hand

Tip #10: Keep a Clean House

 Start with making your bed  Daily 5-10 minute cleaning  Quick Clorox wipe downs of surfaces  Every few weeks clean areas that don’t normally get attention  Start high and work your way down

Pearls from Mamma Mollicone

 Being efficient and organized is a residents means of survival  Applying these tips in everyday life will help ease stress  Overall, try to stay on top of your tasks  Remember to take time for yourself