By the time a pupil leaves St Helen`s CE Primary school…

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The New Primary National Curriculum St Helen ’s CE Primary School


By the time a pupil leaves St Helen’s CE Primary school… … what type of person would you want her/him to be?

© Curriculum Foundation

Key messages about the primary curriculum 2014

The National Curriculum will: • act as a new benchmark for all schools • be slim, clear and authoritative • set out only the essential knowledge and understanding • have a greater focus on subject content • outline what children should expect to know in core subjects • allow a greater degree of freedom in how knowledge might be acquired and what other teaching should complement the core knowledge • continue to inform the design and content of assessment at the end of Key Stage 2 3

The school curriculum in England Aims

The national curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the

essential knowledge

that they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said; and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

The national curriculum is just one element in the education of every child

. There is time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to range beyond the national curriculum specifications.

The national curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils ’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.

Maintained schools in England are legally required to follow the statutory national curriculum which sets out in programmes of study, on the basis of key stages, subject content for those subjects that should be taught to all pupils. All schools must publish their school curriculum by subject and academic year online.

All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice.

Schools are also free to include other subjects or topics of their choice in planning and designing their own programme of education.

we know that education 7

Compliance or growth?


Key skills:

Working with others Communication Problem solving ICT Application of number Improving own learning and performance

Thinking skills:

Reasoning Enquiry Creative thinking Information processing Evaluation 9

Personal, social and emotional development and its impact on learning •Self awareness •Managing feelings •Motivation •Empathy •Social skills 10

The learning environment and its impact on learning 11

The outstanding curriculum offers… A nourishing and appetising feast that will sustain learners and meet their needs Provides memorable experiences 12

If we want our pupils to engage in learning we must make opportunities for them to: evaluate effects of ideas and actions represent ideas in a variety of ways 13

Fire pupils' imagination through

Using stimulating starting points such as artefacts, problems, stories with human interest, topical events looking for opportunities to encourage pupils to apply their prior learning creatively 14

The richness of the curriculum in schools and, in particular, the achievements in the arts, contribute strongly to the development of pupils ’ imagination and the creative use of media and materials.

The growth of pupils ’ self-confidence, which these achievements inspire help them to tackle more challenging work and develop a more positive attitude towards school.

” :

The Curriculum in Successful Primary Schools,

Ofsted 15

questioning but your description confident takes risks undoubtedly includes thirst for knowledge independent willing to have a go makes a difference gets on well with others persevering generates ideas critical self-editing communicates well self-esteem respectful skilled creative literate flexible shows initiative compassionate shaper acts with integrity loves learning curious ‘can do’ attitude © Curriculum Foundation learns from mistakes thinks for themselves

The outstanding curriculum offers… A nourishing and appetising feast that will sustain learners and meet their needs Provides memorable experiences 18