Chapter 2 - Part 3

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Basic Chemistry

Chapter 2 – Part 3

Organic vs. Inorganic Compounds

 Organic Compounds – Carbon-containing compounds.

 Include: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

 All are fairly or very large covalently bonded molecules.

 Inorganic Compounds – Do not contain carbon.

 Tend to be simpler, smaller molecules.

 Include: Water, salts, and many (but not all) acids and bases.

 Exception: Carbon dioxide (contains carbon but is classified as inorganic)


 Most abundant inorganic compound in the body (accounts for 2/3 of body weight).

 There are four properties of water that make water so vital: 1.

High Heat Capacity 2.



Polarity/Solvent Properties Chemical Reactivity Cushioning

High Heat Capacity

 It absorbs and releases large amounts of heat before its temperature changes appreciably.

 Prevents sudden changes in body temperature.

The hydrogen bond is what gives water its heat capacity.

Polarity/Solvent Properties


 Because of its polarity, water is an excellent solvent.

 Molecules cannot react chemically unless they are in solution, so virtually all chemical reactions in the body depend upon water’s solvent properties.  Because nutrients, respiratory gases, and wastes can dissolve in water, water can act as a transport and exchange medium in the body.

Polarity/Solvent Properties (continued)

 Specialized molecules that lubricate the body also use water as their solvent.  Examples:  Mucous that eases feces along the large intestines  Saliva which moistens food and prepares it for digestion  Serous fluids which reduce friction between internal organs  Synovial fluids which “oil” the ends of bones as they move within joint cavities.

Chemical Reactivity

 Water is an important reactant in some types of chemical reactions.  Example: To digest foods, water molecules are added to the bonds of the larger molecules.

 Such reactions are called hydrolysis reactions.  Condensation reactions occur in the synthesis of biological molecules, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and nucleic acids.  These reactions join smaller molecules into larger molecules.


 Water also serves a protective function.

 Examples:  Cerebrospinal fluid forms a cushion around the brain that helps to protect it from physical trauma.

 Amniotic fluid protects a developing fetus in the mother’s womb.


 The salts of many metal compounds are commonly found in the body.

 Most plentiful salts are calcium and phosphorus (found mainly in the teeth and bones).

 When dissolved in body fluids, salts easily separate into their ions  Called dissociation and occurs rather easily by the polar water molecules


 Salts, both in their ionic forms and in combination with other elements, are vital to body functioning.

 Examples:  Sodium and potassium ions are essential for nerve impulse.

 Iron forms part of the hemoglobin molecule that transports oxygen within red blood cells.

Salts and Electrolytes

 Because ions are charged particles, all salts are electrolytes – substances that conduct an electrical current in solution.

 When ionic or electrolyte imbalance is severely disturbed, virtually nothing in the body works.

Acids and Bases

 Like salts, acids and bases are electrolytes.

 They ionize and then dissociate in water and can then conduct an electrical current.

Characteristics of Acids

 Sour taste  Can dissolve many metals or “burn” a hole in your rug.

 Substance that can release hydrogen ions (H + ) in detectable amounts.

 When acids are dissolved in water, they release hydrogen ions and some ions.

 Also defined as a proton donor.

Strong Acids

 Strong Acids – Acids that ionize completely and liberate all of their protons.

 Examples include: Hydrochloric acid produced by stomach cells that aid in digestion.


→ (Hydrochloric Acid)


+ (proton)

+ Cl


Weak Acids

 Weak Acids – Acids that ionize incompletely.

 Examples: Carbonic acid and acetic acid




3 (Carbonic Acid) →


+ (proton)


3 (anion)

+ H



3 (Carbonic Acid)

Characteristics of Bases

 Bitter Taste  Feel Slippery  Proton Acceptors  Releases the hydroxyl ion (OH ) and some cations.


(Sodium Hydroxide) →


+ (cation)

+ OH

(hydroxyl ion)

Strong vs. Weak Bases

 Strong Base – Any base containing OH  NaOH is a strong base because it’s an avid proton (H + ) seeker.

 Weak Base – A base that does not contain OH  Bicarbonate ion (HCO 3 ) is an important base in the blood and is a fairly weak base.

Neutralization Reactions

 When acids and bases are mixed, they react with each other (in an exchange reaction) to form water and a salt.

 Called a Neutralization Reaction.

HCl + NaOH



O + NaCl (acid) (base) (water) (salt)

pH: Acid Base Concentrations

 The relative concentration of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in various body fluids is measured in concentration units called pH units.

 pH scale: 1-14

4 5 6 0 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Litmus paper is used as an indicator

for acids and bases.


turns blue litmus 

to red


turns red litmus 

to blue

If there are more H + than OH-, then the chemical is an acid.

H +




If there are Less H + than OH-, then the chemical is a base.

H +




If there are equal amounts of H

H +

+ and OH-, then the chemical is neutral.






 Living cells are extraordinary sensitive to even slight changes in pH.

 Acid-base balance is carefully regulated by the kidneys, lungs, and a number of chemicals called buffers, which are present in body fluids.

 Weak acids and weak bases are important components of the body’s buffer systems.

Blood pH

 Because blood comes into close contact with nearly every body cell, regulation of blood pH is especially critical.

 Blood pH has a narrow range of 7.35 - 7.45.

 When blood pH changes more than a few tenths of a pH unit from these limits, death is possible.

 Example: When blood pH dips into the acid range, the amount of life-sustaining oxygen that the hemoglobin in blood can carry to body cells begins to decline rapidly to dangerously low levels.